Language Arts

Welcome to Mrs. Orr’s Language Arts Class

What I Expect

Follow the class rules:

  1. Come prepared.
  2. Let others learn.
  3. Try.

Bring a novel to class each day. You may bring one from home, or you may borrow one from my classroom, the school’s media center, or the public library.

My part

  1. Clearly explain assignments.
  2. Give students time in class to do some of the work and ask questions.
  3. Set realistic deadlines for assignments.
  4. Treat students and staff with kindness and respect.
  5. Provide high quality learning materials: books, real life items, special supplies.
  6. Provide interesting learning opportunities. Manage the classroom.
  7. Listen to students/read what they have written.

Your part

  1. Copy assignments in agenda.
  2. Do your own work to the best of your ability.
  3. Complete work on time. After an absence, ask what you missed.
  4. Treat students and staff with kindness and respect.
  5. Take care of what you use. Return items as you finish with them.
  6. Read during reading time; write during writing time; work during work time.
  7. Communicate with the teacher.

To reach Mrs. Orr:


phone: (937) 832-6671

Please see assignments on Google Classroom.