Team Yellowstone

Welcome to the 2019-2020 school year and Team Yellowstone!

Team Policies & Information:

Classroom Expectations

  • Come prepared to class every day. This time is precious and you need to be here.
    • This includes bringing a 100% charged i-Pad to school!
  • Students should be in their seats when the bell rings, not after the bell rings.
  • If you disrupt class you will be given a warning. If you continue to be disruptive the rest of the day or week you will earn a detention.
  • Worry about yourself. Each student has different strengths and learning styles. This means that others may be doing a different assignment than you.

Missing Assignments

  • If your work is not done when you come to class, you will be given Catch Up Cafe. This means you will take the work to lunch and complete the assignment. If the work is finished and turned it at the end of lunch you will receive 70% of the points.
    • Catch Up Cafe does not apply to students who were absent.
  • If the work is turned in a day late you will receive 50% of the points.
  • Having your assignments in class will help prepare you for the lesson. When you do not have your work you are unable to complete the classwork or participate in class discussions effectively.

Absent Work

  • When you are absent it is your responsibility to see the teacher for what you missed.
  • If your teacher uses Google Classroom be sure to check those sites for your work (Mrs. Hoover and Mrs. Cooper use this).
  • Each teacher may have a different way of getting the work to you, but please make sure to follow their guidelines to ensure that you get the work that you missed.


  • If you are Tardy you will need to sign in.
  • On your 4th Tardy you will receive a lunch detention.
  • If you continue to be Tardy you will receive additional detentions or office referrals.

Hall Passes

  • Students will be given a certain amount of hall passes for the quarter. These are to be used for restroom or locker only.
  • Clinic passes are separate passes.
  • Once you use all of your hall passes or if you lose your Agenda you will be able to leave the classroom, but it will count as a Tardy. (This will be at the teacher’s discretion)
  • You may use your Bolt Bucks to purchase additional hall passes.