RWI Phonics Books

A selection of Read Write Inc. phonics books are available online as eBooks through the Oxford Owl website via a class login.

Click 'Log in' on the home page in the 'Oxford Owl for School' section and enter your class login details under the 'student' heading. There you will find a library of RWI books to browse in digital format. You will have been given guidance on which level of book will be best suited to support your child's phonics learning. Any questions on this, do let us know!

The logins for Hedgehogs and Squirrels are below. If you are in another year group, please contact the teacher in charge of the home learning to ask about gaining access to this.

Username: NWPAhedgehogs

Password: hedgehogs

Username: NWPAsquirrels

Password: squirrels

There may be other useful resources for you in the 'Oxford Owl for Home' section. We would always encourage you to make learning as hands on and practical as possible, so do let us know if you have any questions about any resources. If you have an explore and find your child really engages with something we haven't suggested, this is absolutely fine! We won't know everything that is out there and all children are different and will enjoy different things.