


You are expected to attend class arrive on time. This is a full year course and you are allowed 9 absences. After twelve absences, you will lose credit.


If you arrive for class after the bell you will be marked tardy. If you arrive to class more than five minutes after the bell, you will be marked absent. Three strikes and you are out! After three I will call home. If the tardiness continues, you will receive a detention. If you are still late after that, I will refer you to your principal.

Missed Work

If you miss class you will have to make up that day’s work. All duties will have deadlines that have to be met before the show is broadcast at the end of the week. You will have to make up that day’s work or you can discuss other means to make up work with me before or after class.


Cutting class will result in 10 points off your final grade, a call home, and a date with your principal. You cannot make up cut classes.


If you break it you buy it! Students will be hands on will all types of video equipment and will be responsible for equipment when they are using it. This includes using equipment during class, during school hours, before and after school.


- Media students will be reporting the news for the student body.

- As a member of the production class each student must demonstrate integrity, trustworthiness, responsibility and honesty.

- There will be occasions when they will be interviewing and reporting school news without the direct supervision of Media teacher

- Students must be able to be relied upon to stay on task and be responsible for equipment in their care.

- If student is unable to behave in a manner required for TV Media, they may be reassigned a new elective or subject to classroom work only.

- Parents, there may be times your student will be required to stay for an event to capture it or for interview opportunities. Your child will be responsible for - notifying you ahead of time if this needs to occur to ensure that it is also convenient for you

- Media Evaluations, News Analysis, and Storyboard work will be periodically required by each student to ensure that they are reading current events, to teach them to evaluate media, and give them continual practice on storyboard development, reading, and writing.

- All news broadcasts and or projects will fall under copyright, fair use, and public domain law.