Additional Resources


2nd Floor is a confidential and anonymous helpline for New Jersey's youth and young adults. We are here to help you find solutions to the problems that you face and we are available 24/7 365 days a year.

The Balanced Mind Foundation

This is a resource for families raising children with mood disorders to the answers, support and stability they seek.

Bring Change to Mind

Bring Change to Mind focuses on bringing the stigma surrounding mental illness.

Center for School Mental Health

An outgrowth of University of Maryland School of Medicine. The site is full of resources for educators and students and offers annual conferences with the end-goal of advancing mental health in schools. There are also webinars.

Center for Young Women’s Health and Young Men’s Health

These websites provide a series of guides on emotional health, including a test on anxiety, depression, bullying, and eating disorders. and

Girls Health.Gov

The “Your Feelings” section of this website offers guidance to teenage girls on recognizing a mental health problem, getting help, and talking to parents.

College Students Speak, A Survey Report on Mental Health

Published by NAMI, this is an excellent source of information about college students and accompanying statistics.

College Students Speak - A Survey On Mental Health

Colleges That Change Lives

Think College is a national organization dedicated to developing, expanding, and improving inclusive higher education options for people with intellectual disability.

Depression and Bipolar Support Alliance of New Jersey

DBSA has information about depression and bipolar disease and where to get help, including a 24-hour hotline.

Go Ask Alice!

Geared at young adults, this question and answer website contains a large database of questions about a variety of concerns surrounding emotional health.

Health Talk

This website reflects the lived experience of mental health conditions, including research-based modules with hours of recording and analysis.

The Jed Foundation

Jed is dedicated to suicide prevention among college students.

The K & W Guide to College Programs & Services for Students with Learning Disabilities or ADHD

by Marybeth Kravets and Imy Wax This comprehensive guide makes it easy for students with learning disabilities or ADHD and their families and guidance counselors to tackle the daunting process of finding the school that fits their needs best.

Kelty Mental Health Resource Center

Reference sheets are provided that list top websites, books, videos, toolkits and support for mental health disorders.

Marcia Kramer, MA, Educational Consultant

The goal at Plan the Path is to make the college search and application submission processes as stress-free as possible by providing expert guidance that the student and family can use to make the best decisions possible.

Mindfulness for Teens

This website has resources to help teens use mindfulness to handle stress and includes apps to practice meditation and guided meditation recordings.

Mood 247

A text messaging system that provides an easy way to record how you’re feeling and tracks your daily moods to share with friends, family, or a health professional.

National Alliance of Mental Health (NAMI)

The National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) is the lead federal agency for research on mental disorders. NIMH is one of the 27 Institutes and Centers that make up the National Institutes of Health (NIH), the largest biomedical research agency in the world. NIH is part of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS). NIMH envisions a world in which mental illnesses are prevented and cured. Their mission is to transform the understanding and treatment of mental illnesses through basic and clinical research, paving the way for prevention, recovery, and cure.

National Institute of Mental Health

This website provides easy-to-read guides and brochures to help better understand a variety of mental health disorders.

Reach Out

This website provides information on specific mental health disorders, as well as resources to help teens make safe plans when feeling suicidal, and helpful tips on how to relax.

Strength of Us

An online community designed connected to NAMI to inspire young adults impacted by mental health issues to think positive, stay strong and achieve goals through peer support and resource sharing.

Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration

SAMHSA provides information on mental health services and treatment centers through a service locator.

Teens Health

Providing a safe place for teens who need honest and accurate information, this website provides resources on mental health issues.

Teen Mental Health

A website that explores various mental health issues and normalizes the discussion through videos of teens and young adults talking about their issues.

Think College

This resource provides options for people with intellectual disabilities pursuing higher education.

The Trevor Project

An organization that provides 24-hour suicide prevention hotline for LGBTQ youth.