Paper 1 Section B

Conflict and tension: the inter-war years 1918-39

Retrieval Practice

The Retrieval Checklist Card outlines the content required for each unit along with the text book and revision guide pages you can use to help you to revise.

However just reading through text is not enough (Read+), you must process it in some way. You can do this by using a suggested task from the Revision Task Matrix

Once you are happy with each section you can complete an online Quiz. Each quiz asks a series of content questions you are required to know for the exam.

You can complete the quiz as many times as you like as part of your revision programme.

Revision Videos

Part one: Peacemaking

1) The Armistice

2) Aims of the Peacemakers

3) Wilson's 14 Points

4) Terms of the Versailles Settlement

5) How harsh was the Treaty?

6) Impact of the Treaty on Germany

7) How were Germany's allies treated at the end of the war?

8) Assessing the Treaty of Versailles

Part two: The League of Nations and International Peace

9) League of Nations: Formation

10) Aims of the League

11) League's contribution to world peace 1920s

12) Diplomacy outside of the League

13) The Great Depression and the League of Nations

14) Manchurian Crisis

15) Abyssinian Crisis

16) Why did the League fail?

Part three: The origins and outbreak of the Second World War

17) Hitler's foreign policy aims

18) Disarmament Conference

19) Saar Plebiscite

20) German Rearmament and the Road to War

21) Remilitarisation of the Rhineland 1936

22) Anschluss

23) The Sudeten Crisis

24) Why Appeasement?

25) Nazi-Soviet Pact

26) Invasion of Poland

27) Who was responsible for WW2?

28) Causes of WW2 Source analysis

Exam Skill Videos: Paper 1 Section B

Grab a Grade 5 - how do you know source question.pptx

Q1) Source Analysis (AO3)

Grab a Grade 5 - how useful question.pptx

Q2) How useful (AO3)

Grab a Grade 5 - Narrative Writing question.pptx

Q3) Narrative Writing (AO1&AO2)

Grab a Grade 5 - How far do you agree Question.pptx

Q4) How far do you agree? (AO1&AO2)

NET History Podcasts