
Northern Cass Event Calendar

NOTE: Individual teams determine their meeting schedules. Please check with your Team Manager for a team-specific calendar. Descriptions of events are shown below the calendar.

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Season Events: What's On the Calendar

We do a lot of things throughout the year. Here is an explanation of some of the activities on the calendar.

Team Meeting

Team meetings are the foundation of what we do. Teams typically meet once a week for two to three hours. They may meet at school or in homes or other off-site locations. Teams are managed by volunteer Team Managers.

Central Challenge Performance

The Central Challenge is the long-term project teams work to solve. Each season, a team will choose ONE of the six competitive challenges. Early learners (2nd grade) prepare solutions to the non-competitive Rising Stars/Early Learning challenge. These solutions are performed for a live audience and team of Challenge Appraisers.

Instant Challenge Workshops

Time for team members to work together to practice solving Instant Challenges: short term task based, performance based, or hybrid challenges.

Solution Saturday

Opportunities for teams to work for longer periods of time at school to tackle bigger projects. Great opportunity for parents to join the Team Manager in teaching skills and supervise activity.

Team Manager Training

Team Managers and other supportive adults learn and practice techniques to taking teams through the Creative Process.

Mid-Year Summit

North Dakota Destination Imagination typically offers a Mid-Year Summit skills training workshop in January. Teams will have a variety of workshops they can attend to learn things that may help them with their solutions.

Affiliate Tournament

The Affiliate Tournament is the culmination of the activity. Teams will perform their Central Challenge before live audiences. Instant Challenges are done confidentially with just a team of Appraisers. For both types of challenges, teams are scored and given feedback on their solutions.

Global Finals

Qualifying teams have the opportunity to advance to Global Finals and compete with teams from around the world. If teams choose to advance, families work together to fund raise for competition and travel expenses

Fund Raising Activities

Our teams do a variety of fund raisers throughout the year. These three are the primary events we offer. If teams are planning to attend Global Finals, they may add more events to the calendar. For these fund raisers, each family's profits go into private accounts for future Globals travel. A portion of all fund raisers goes into our general fund raising account to support organization activities and expenses.

Christmas Wreaths

Each family is asked to sell at least ten wreaths a season. They are fresh and well made. We pre-sell them and typically receive them for delivery the weekend before Thanksgiving.

Desserts to DI For

Desserts to DI For is a dessert buffet event we offer following performances of Missoula Children's Theatre in the spring. Families are asked to provide supplies and work at the event. Typically, Global Finals families work.

Spring Flower Sale

We sell a variety of annuals including geraniums. Families are asked to promote the sale, but actual orders and payment are taken online. Delivery is typically mid-May.