Module 1: What are Open Educational Resources?

In this section you will be introduced to the conceptual framework and background of Open Educational Resources, and OER as an educational movement. Before starting to find and use OER, it is helpful to have an understanding of exactly what open means in this context and what makes OER open.

Learning Objectives

At the completion of this module, you will understand the background and history of OER, learn to identify an open educational resource, and know how open educational resources are connected to other Open concepts like Open Access and Open Source Software.

Course Learning Objective (CLO)

CLO 1 Understand What OER Are

Module Learning Objectives (MLO)

MLO 1.1 Understand the conceptual framework, background, and OER as an educational movement

MLO 1.2 Situate OER within the history and context of the Open ecosystem and understand how OER relate to other Open movements

MLO 1.3 Understand the 5Rs and the criteria of OER

MLO 1.1 Understand the conceptual framework, background, and OER as an educational movement

MLO 1.1 Understand the conceptual framework, background, and OER as an educational movement

The three resources below provide an introduction to OER from the perspectives of university librarians, faculty and school administrators and finally, students.

What is an OER? (The OER Starter Kit- Iowa State University Libraries)

This is a well-organized overview of OER from Iowa State. Make sure to cover the first two sections entitled Background and “What is an OER.” You will also find a helpful chart on “What is not OER” that will be useful later when considering resource selection.

What is OER? (Barbara Soots, The Council of Chief State School Officers, YouTube)

What is OER? Goes into a bit more depth about the nature of types of learning materials that are considered to be OER, and covers the nature of OER with the five Rs.

Student PIRGs Textbook Affordability Campaign (Student Public Interest Research Groups)

The Student Public Interest Research Groups cover the student perspective on textbook affordability, which is one of their main campaigns. This page provides links to a variety of resources about and statements on students and textbook affordability.

MLO 1.2 Situate OER within the history and context of the Open ecosystem and understand how OER relate to other Open movements

While Open Educational Resources are a distinct part of the larger “open” movement, most aspects of this movement are interrelated. Movements such as open data and open access, as well as open source, have impacts and connections to open education that enrich teaching and learning. You will learn more about the background of these movements and how they are related so that you will be able to make distinctions about content as you work to find the right OER for your courses.

Why Open Education - History and Goals (OTN Certificate in OER)

First module for the Open Textbook Network’s Certificate in OER program, which covers the history specific to OER.

Open Education and Future (David Wiley, TEDxNYED)

David Wiley is one of the founders of the Open Education movement, and currently serves as the Chief Academic Officer for Lumen Learning.

Interconnections of the Open Ecosystem

Slides from a presentation by Karen Cangialosi, Keene State College, on the relationships of all open content.

The following resources explain the differences and connections between the different types of open content.

MLO 1.3 Understand the 5Rs and the criteria of OER

The 5Rs provide the usage framework for OER and alongside licensing, provide a guide for how best to adopt, adapt, and implement these resources in a course.

Defining the "Open" in Open Content and Open Educational Resources - 5Rs (, David Wiley)

Use this resource to review the 5Rs: Revise, Retain, Remix, Reuse, Redistribute and the issues that restrict access.

The 5R’s, CC, and Open Licensing (An Introduction to Open Education MOOC, David Wiley)

A video introduction to the 5Rs and open licensing, a conversation between David Wiley and George Siemens.)


Student Public Interest Research Group. (n.d.). Make textbooks affordable.

UNESCO. (n.d.). What is open access?.

Wiley, D. & Siemens, G. (2017). The 5R's, cc, and open licensing [Video]. YouTube.