6th Grade Social Studies

Review some of these videos curated by PBS Learning Media about world history. You will need to create a free account to access these materials. This is so PBS can remember what work you've already done.

TED Ed lessons have four parts: Watch (video), Think, Dig Deeper, and Discuss.

In ancient Greece, violent internal conflict between border neighbors and war with foreign invaders was a way of life, and Greeks were considered premier warriors. Sparta, specifically, had an army of the most feared warriors in the ancient world. What were they doing to produce such fierce soldiers? Learn about some of the lessons that might have been taught at Spartan school.

This link is from PBS Learning Media. You will need to create a free account to access these resources. Review the five inquiry resources in the gallery on this page. Then, using paper and pencil, reflect on the discussion questions in the attachment further down on the page under the "Support Materials" section. Do some independent research on these questions if you need to!

TED Ed lessons have four parts: Watch (video), Think, Dig Deeper, and Discuss.

The world of modern theater owes its roots to the tragedians of Ancient Greece. As far back as the 5th Century BCE, actors and playwrights were entertaining the masses with intriguing stories. Learn about the ancient theatrical innovations that made the way for Broadway.