Please remember to submit your attendance form!

Read the red banner above for more important information.

Friday Schedule

  • Math: at least 30 minutes of ALEKS (learn more in the "Math" tab)

  • Language Arts (most teachers): at least 30 minutes of independent reading (learn more in the "Reading" tab)

  • Language Arts (Avallone): at least 30 minutes of work on your digital portfolios

  • 2 hours of your choice of subjects from the menu below

For sample schedules, click here.

Students will spend 3 hours utilizing the following resources to complete a variety of activities in different disciplines each Friday. While we don't expect students to review every content area every Friday, students should make an effort to spend some time over the course of these days continuing the learning process across all subjects. Math and Reading will be more structured with at least 30 minutes of each required every Friday. If you have any questions about accessing or using these resources please email Ms. Greene, Mrs. Heller, or Ms. Penherski.

Required Practice

Spend at least 30 minutes each Friday on Math.

This summer, Ms. Penherski is available to provide ALEKS assistance on Monday mornings from 9-11.

Email her at

Spend at least 30 minutes each Friday on Reading.

Student Choice

Spend as much time as you want here in your remaining two hours of Friday remote learning.

Spend as much time as you want here in your remaining two hours of Friday remote learning.

Spend as much time as you want here in your remaining two hours of Friday remote learning.

Spend as much time as you want here in your remaining two hours of Friday remote learning.

Spend as much time as you want here in your remaining two hours of Friday remote learning.

Spend as much time as you want here in your remaining two hours of Friday remote learning.

Spend as much time as you want here in your remaining two hours of Friday remote learning.