What is the Monarch Award Program?
The Monarch Program is an annual award given to the author of the book voted most outstanding by students in kindergarten through second grade in participating Illinois schools. It is designed to encourage children to read critically and become familiar with children's books, authors, and illustrators.
The name Monarch was chosen because of its familiarity with K-2 children and to symbolize the growth, change, and freedom that becoming a reader brings.
Who may participate?
Any student in grades kindergarten through second grade may participate by reading a minimum of ten out of the twenty books on the current Monarch List.
Why participate?
This list represents an excellent array of children's book authors and illustrators. Also, students who participate will get the opportunity to join their classmates at our annual voting party.
How do I participate?
Kindergarten and 1st-grade students will complete the program with their classmates during their weekly library time.
The requirements for 2nd-grade students are:
read or listen to a minimum of ten books from the Monarch list
complete and submit a reading packet with a form for each book read
What is the deadline?
The deadline is Friday, January 31, 2025.
Lost your packet?
Click on this link, and print your own.
Just need a list? See below!