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North Babylon School District

North Babylon Schools began implementing the RULER Approach Social Emotional Learning curriculum in our district since 2016. We have workshops open to all staff members every year. We have trained all members of our staff including teachers, deans, guidance counselors, paraprofessionals, clerical staff and administrators on the Ruler Approach. Expanding SEL initiatives inside and outside the classroom has been a district goal since the 2016-2017 school year. A focus on SEL  is aligned with our district's Vision and Mission.

District Vision: The purpose of the North Babylon School District is to teach children to learn while building their character, fostering their creativity, and teaching them to be thoughtful and productive citizens of this diverse and democratic nation.

District Mission: The results of the District’s effective performance of its mission will be creative students who possess broad knowledge, well developed skills, analytic minds, strong character, a positive outlook, a love of learning, respect for the democratic principles and institutions, and the ability to work and to get along with others.

The North Babylon School District is looking forward to continuing our work in SEL!

Kate Finnick - District SEL Liaison Introduction.webm

Kate Finnick, N.D., M.S., Certified Meditation Instructor, Certified Reiki Master

Office:  Woods Road Elementary School - Room 14

Office Phone:  631-620-7341

Please feel free to contact me for any assistance!