Grade 8 HW

1/8/20: Final draft due Friday.

1/6/20: All edits due tomorrow; stanza 1 due tomorrow.

12/11: ROAD MAP due tomorrow. HOMS 1 due Friday.

12/10: Choose your prompt you'll use. We start planning tomorrow.

11/25/19: Banned book letter due TOMORROW. Eclipse narrative was due today, but I was loose about it. I won't be tomorrow.

11/20/19: Book Banning project see below

Graham_Banned Books Project_2019

11/15: Work on poem (linked), it is due TUESDAY

11/12: Turn the tone around WS

10/29: Eclipse assignment #3

10/28: Complete assignment 1 in ECLIPSE VOCABULARY packet.

10/25: Finish a book this weekend

10/24: Vocab packet due TOMORROW

10/22: Finish analysis sheet. We will check in Assignment #3 tomorrow.

10/21: Assignment 3 in vocab packet due tomorrow, pages 7-9. Do you best!

10/15: Assignments 1 and 2 due Wednesday (but really Thursday) and FINAL DRAFT due Thursday.

10/9: THESIS and BODY PARAGRAPHS--done-ish. You will have a lot of time in class tomorrow to work on this!

10/8: Finish brainframe.

10/7: Choose your prompt, write down some ideas.

9/30/19: Complete back of BUTTON BUTTON worksheet I handed out in class. Can be found here.

9/25/19: Assignment 5

9/24/19: Assignment 2 in BUTTON BUTTON packet AND worksheet handed out in class

9/23/19: Finish assignment 1 in BUTTON BUTTON packet

9/19/19: Little Brother TM packet due tomorrow

9/17/19: Rose/Concrete due FRIDAY, Little Brother TM work due FRIDAY (do your best) and FINAL draft of Author Bio due THURSDAY

9/12/19: Finish the story--YOUR version

9/9/19: Poem due Wednesday--memorized, including title!

8/29: Website scavenger hunt

Website scavenger hunt

8/28: Work on poem with your family! And don't forget to get your pink sheet signed!