Library Databases

When searching for sources online, the first place you should start is a LIBRARY DATABASE.

  • What is a Library Database?

A database is a collection of information that is organized so that it is easy to find what you need. For example, Netflix is a database of shows and movies collected and organized so you can find things easily.

  • Why should I use a library database?

Because you do not have to verify the information. That means you do not need to check to make sure the information is correct (accurate) and real. That has already been done for you - by librarians and information specialists - before it was added to the database. This makes your job easier!

  • But can't I just Google it? Or what about Wikipedia? Don't they have everything?

So here's the thing. Anyone can add anything to the internet and Wikipedia. There is no Internet Police or Internet Teacher making sure information on the internet is correct. If you just Google something or use Wikipedia, you are going to have to do the work of verifying (checking) the source to make sure it's good information. And that's more work. And you don't want MORE work, do you? Especially if super intelligent librarians and information specialists already did the work for you!! Trust me. Use the databases!

  • Where are the magical databases located?

Here's the best thing! They are on our library's web page!! Got to your Student Start Page and find the SAILS e-catalog icon. It looks like the picture right below this paragraph. As a matter of fact, if you click on that picture right now, it will take you to the library catalog page!

Step #1 - SAILS Library Catalog page

Click on the icon to the left to go to our library catalog. You will also find this icon on your student start page.

Step #2 - The Databases

The best databases to use for your research are circled in red. They are linked here too!!

Kids InfoBits

Britannica Online: Elementary

Britannica Online: Middle School

The other databases listed can also be used, but are written for all researchers - adults and students.