Book Trailers and Reviews


Go to WeVideo and start an account

  1. Use your school Google Account to create an account; Select SCHOOL, Student, K-12
  2. Go to Plans - Select FREE (Try it)
  3. Click the Create New + button
  4. Select a theme for the video if you want the music and font to be set - Click on themes at the top. Every theme has different fonts, transitions, etc. You may change themes later
  5. Click the arrow to Import an image.
  6. Google search the book cover. Double tap/right click Save Image As. Upload the image
  7. Drag image from My media to timeline on bottom.
  8. Click the A to add text. Select a text frame and drag to the timeline. Double click in the timeline to edit what you want to say, font size, font type, etc.
  9. Find photos on Google Images (Try using the SEARCH TOOL, USAGE RIGHTS, LABELED FOR NONCOMMERCIAL REUSE. OR use CREATIVE COMMONS for copyright permissible IMAGES and MUSIC.
  10. Try adding images with from Internet by dragging and dropping, but you may have to SAVE IMAGE AS and then upload
  11. Double click on an image AFTER you add it to the timeline to add captions, or text overlay on the image.
  12. If you DID NOT select a theme - add a soundtrack and use sound from WeVideo or Creative Commons. Do not upload your own music.
  13. To add sound from WeVideo, go to the music note, select a soundtrack and drag to the 3rd line on the timeline. To add sound from Creative Commons Music - download the soundtrack, then upload it in WeVideo My media. Then drag t0 the 3rd line on the timeline.
  14. Preview and edit as needed. Check your requirements.
  15. Click FINISH at the top.
  16. Chose 480p, Title your Video, Click FINISH in lower right corner.
  17. After the video is created, copy the VIDEO LINK and you may want to DOWNLOAD as a backup
  18. Open your email, and submit the URL by following your teacher’s directions.
Checklist of Requirements and Directions


In a document, pre-write your review using this outline:

  • Introduce the book. Include title, author, and genre. (1-2 sentences)
  • Tell about the book (a super brief summary), but do not give the ending away (NO SPOILERS)! (1-2 sentences)
  • Write about your favorite part, or your least favorite part. (1-2 sentences)
  • Give a recommendation of who may enjoy reading this book, or why one should NOT read the book (e.g., If you like..., you will love this book or I recommend this book to anyone who likes...). (1 sentence)
  • KEEP THE RE REVIEW TO 5-7 SENTENCE (175 words or under 1000 characters) or it will get cut off

Book Review Rubric (Points depend on the teacher's requirements)

1) Go to the library Student Resource webpage and open the LIBRARY CATALOG, Click on ARCATA HIGH

2) Login by clicking the upper right hand corner Login button using your school login (usually first initial, last name) and nohum password.

3) Search the catalog for the book you want to review. Click on the title. Click on the REVIEW tab.

4) Add your review. Give a STAR Rating 5 Stars = AWESOME

5) Copy and paste in your written review.

KEEP THE RE REVIEW TO 5-7 SENTENCE (175 words or under 1000 characters) or it will get cut off

Example Book Reviews:


The realistic fiction novel The Fault in our Stars by John Green is about a sixteen year old cancer patient named Hazel Grace. When Hazel meets Augustus Waters at a cancer support group they fall into a loving relationship that is bound to end in heart break because of their illnesses. My favorite part of the novel is when Hazel is in an Anne Frank museum in Amsterdam, and she must push her self to the end of the exhibit without her lungs failing. To those of you who like tragic fiction, I recommend you read this book!


The Fault in Our Stars written by John Green is a realistic fiction. It features a young sixteen year old girl Hazel Grace Lancaster who was diagnosed with thyroid cancer at age 13. She meets Augustus Waters at a support group, where they bond over the same book. Hazel and Augustus become close friends and decide they want to know the ending of there favorite book, but something tragic happens. Read this book to find out what happens. If your a person who likes dramatic books with romance this is a book for you.