Is there a Science SOL test in 6th grade? No, however the material covered in 6th and 7th is tested in 8th grade.

Are there any field trips in 6th grade? Yes, students go on the MWEE (Meaningful Watershed Educational Experience) field trip which consists of canoeing and water quality testing activity.

Are there projects in Science? Students are required to complete the science fair project which will be on display at display at Dozier Science Expo.

Are students allowed to use smartphones/cellphones in class? On occasions, students are permitted to use them for instructional purposes only.

Is science a year long class? Yes, however it meets every other day (A or B day).

How often do students take tests/exams? Approximately every 3-4 weeks students will take a test. Tests and exams are multiple choice in format and are common assessments. This means they are the same for all 6th graders throughout the district. For test security reasons, we are not able to return tests and exams to students. Arrangements can be made with the instructor to view them after they are given.

How can I best monitor my student's/my progress? ParentVue/StudentVue

Is homework given? Typically no however, it may be necessary for students to complete classwork, review notes, study for a test, complete science fair project, etc outside of school.