Summer Work 2019

AP and IB English classes

Summer work for these college-level courses is ENCOURAGED.

Composition and Literature classes

Summer reading for all CompLit classes is EXTRA CREDIT.

This is for Composition and Literature (regular English) classes only. If you are taking an IB or AP English class, you have a different summer reading assignment (see above).

Assignment: Read books of your own choosing.

To receive credit in your English class you must:

  • Secure your parents’/guardians’ approval for each book you decide to read.
  • Document your reading by writing a dialectical journal in which you select at least six quotes and record your thoughts about them; at least two quotes must come from the beginning section of the book, two from the middle, and two from the end.
  • Submit your dialectical journal to the first week of school.

Your teacher will determine the amount of extra credit based on the how much you read, the difficulty of the books you select, and the thoroughness of your quote analysis. You will not receive credit for books that are significantly below your reading level, that you are reading for another class, or that you have read before.

Sample dialectical journal:

A person who doesn’t read is no better off than a person who can’t read. — Mark Twain