AP Language: 2019

To succeed in a college-level English class, it is expected that you are capable of, willing to, and even excited to read many books and a wide variety of other written works. Therefore we encourage you to READ YOUR WAY THROUGH THE SUMMER.

We do not want to discourage you from challenging yourself with a rigorous English class, but the fact is that we read and write a TON in AP Lang. This is simply the nature of the curriculum; we have to get you ready for a college-level exam by mid-May. There’s simply no way around the work...which is why we encourage you to LOVE READING

Don’t feel like you love reading…YET? The summer is the perfect time to explore your options; discover your new favorite thing to read. Spend time sampling as many types of reading that you can get your hands on. Consider the categories below. The more you read, the more you will like it!

  • Periodicals, newspapers, articles, commentary, and essays - Keep up with the world around you. Use an aggregator to direct you to the best content in your areas of interest. (Check out Flipboard, Apple News, or any other app that helps you sort through the world of writing that emerges every day.)
  • Long-form fiction or nonfiction - Novels (literary fiction), books, plays, collections of poetry, collections of essays, history books, science and social science books, etc.
  • Trashy beach reads - Pop fiction, memoirs from athletes or entertainers, etc.
  • Need some recommendations? - Talk to your English teacher (or any English teacher, for that matter).

In the fall, you will be asked to write a letter of introduction to your instructor. As a part of this letter, you will discuss your reading and writing history. We can’t wait to hear about what you read this summer!

Enjoy your summer! We look forward to meeting you in the fall.


Your AP Language & Composition Teachers

“Books are a uniquely portable magic.” ― Stephen King, On Writing: A Memoir of the Craft

“Until I feared I would lose it, I never loved to read. One does not love breathing.” ― Harper Lee, To Kill a Mockingbird