Journal Publications
1- Hassanalian, M., Mohammadi, S., Acosta, G., Guido, N. and Bakhtiyarov, S., "Surface temperature effects of solar panels of fixed-wing drones on drag reduction and energy consumption", Meccanica, pp.1-20, 2020.
2- Shahmoradi, J., Talebi, E., Roghanchi, P. and Hassanalian, M., "A Comprehensive Review of Applications of Drone Technology in the Mining Industry", Drones, Vol. 4, No. 3, p.34, 2020.
3- Lane, P., Throneberry, G., Fernandez, I., Hassanalian, M., Vasconcellos, R. and Abdelkefi, A., "Towards Bio-Inspiration, Development, and Manufacturing of a Flapping-Wing Micro Air Vehicle", Drones, Vol. 4, No. 3, p.39, 2020.
4- Mehraban, A.A., Djavareshkian, M.H., Sayegh, Y., Forouzi Feshalami, B., Azargoon, Y., Zaree, A. H., Hassanalian, M., “Effects of smart flap on aerodynamic performance of Sinusoidal leading-edge wings at low Reynolds numbers”, Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, 2020.
5- Mirzaeinia, A., Heppner, F., Hassanalian, M., “Leader and Follower Switching in V-Shaped Canada Goose Flocks for Energy Management Purposes”, Swarm Intelligence, Vol. 14, pp.117-141, 2020.
6- Mohammadi, S., Hassanalian, M., Arionfard, H., Bakhtiyarov, S., “Optimal design of hydrokinetic turbine for low-speed water flow in Golden Gate Strait”, Renewable Energy, Vol. 150, pp. 147-155, 2020.
7- Aboelezz, A., Elqudsi, Y., Hassanalian, M., Desoki, A., “Wind tunnel calibration, corrections and experimental validation for fixed-wing micro air vehicles measurements”, Aviation, Vol. 23, No. 4, pp.104-113, 2020.
8- Aboelezz, A., Hassanalian, M., Desoki, A., Elhadidi, B. and El-Bayoumi, G., “Design, experimental investigation, and nonlinear flight dynamics with atmospheric disturbances of a fixed-wing micro air vehicle”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 97, p.105636.
1- Mirzaeinia, A. and Hassanalian, M., “Minimum-Cost Drone‒Nest Matching through the Kuhn‒Munkres Algorithm in Smart Cities: Energy Management and Efficiency Enhancement”, Aerospace, Vol. 6, No. 11, p.125, 2019.
2-Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., Lee, K. and Mirzaeinia, M., "Energy conservation of V-shaped swarming fixed-wing drones through position reconfiguration" Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 94, p.105398, 2019.
3-Hassanalian, M. and Abdelkefi, A., "Towards Improved Hybrid Actuation Mechanisms for Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles: Analytical and Experimental Investigations", Drones, Vol. 3, No. 3, p.73, 2019.
4- Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., Shekaramiz, M. and Mirzaeinia, M., "Loader and Tester Swarming Drones for Cellular Phone Network Loading and Field Test: Non-stochastic Particle Swarm Optimization", Journal of Autonomous Intelligence, Vol. 2, No. 2, pp.14-24, 2019.
5- Hassanalian, M., Pellerito, V., Sedaghat, A., Sabri, F., Borvayeh, L. and Sadeghi, S., "Aerodynamics loads variations of wings with novel heating of top surface: bioinspiration and experimental study", Experimental Thermal and Fluid Science, Vol. 109, p.109884, 2019.
6- Hassanalian, M., Abdelmoula, H., Mohammadi, S., Bakhtiyarov, S., Goerlich, J. and Javed, U., "Aquatic animal colors and skin temperature: Biology's selection for reducing oceanic dolphin's skin friction drag",Journal of Thermal Biology, Vol. 84, pp. 292-310, 2019.
7- Bakhtiyarov, S. I., Hassanalian, M., "Complex Variable Method to Predict Aerodynamics of Arbitrary Shaped space Debris", i-manager’s Journal on Future Engineering and Technology, Vol. 14, No. 4, pp. 1-4, 2019.
8- Throneberry, G., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., "Insights into Sensitivity of Wing Shape and Kinematic Parameters Relative to Aerodynamic Performance of Flapping Wing Nano Air Vehicles", Drones, Vol. 3, No. 2, p.49, 2019.
9- Ghommem, M., Hassanalian, M., Al-Marzooqi, M., Throneberry, G. and Abdelkefi, A., "Sizing process, aerodynamic analysis, and experimental assessment of a biplane flapping wing nano air vehicle", Proceedings of the Institution of Mechanical Engineers, Part G: Journal of Aerospace Engineering, p.0954410019852570, 2019.
10- Hassanalian, M., Salazar, R. and Abdelkefi, A., "Conceptual design and optimization of a tilt-rotor micro air vehicle", Chinese Journal of Aeronautics, Vol. 32, No. 2, pp.369-381, 2019.
1. Hassanalian, M., Rice, D., Johnstone, S., Abdelkefi, A., “Performance analysis of fixed wing space drones in different solar system bodies”, Acta Astronautica, Vol. 152, pp.27-48 , 2018.
2. Hassanalian, M., Quintana, A., and Abdelkefi, A., “Morphing micro unmanned air vehicle: sizing process and stability”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 78, pp. 130-146, 2018.
3. Hassanalian, M., Rice, D., Abdelkefi, A., “Evolution of space drones for planetary exploration: a review”, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 97, pp. 61-105, 2018.
4. Hassanalian, M., Ben Ayed, S., Ali, M, Houde, P., Hocut, C., Abdelkefi, A., “Insights on the wing colorization of migrating birds on their skin friction drag and the choice of their flight route”, Journal of Thermal Biology, Vol. 72, pp. 81-93, 2018.
5. Hassanalian, M., Throneberry, G., Abdelkefi, A., “Investigation on the planform and kinematic optimization of bio-inspired nano air vehicles for hovering applications”, Meccanica, 2018.
1. Hassanalian, M., Throneberry, G., Ali, M., Ben Ayed, S., Abdelkefi, A., “Role of wing color and seasonal changes in ambient temperature and solar irradiation on predicted flight efficiency of the Albatross”, Journal of Thermal Biology, Vol. 71, pp. 112-122, 2017.
2. Hassanalian, M., Throneberry, G., Abdelkefi, A., “Wing shape and dynamic twist design of bio-inspired nano air vehicles for forward flight purposes”, Aerospace Science and Technology, Vol. 68, pp. 518-529, 2017.
3. Hassanalian, M., and Abdelkefi, A., “Classifications, applications, and design challenges of drones: a review”, Progress in Aerospace Sciences, Vol. 91, pp. 99-131, 2017.
4. Hassanalian, M., Abdelmoula, H., Ben Ayed, S., Abdelkefi, A., “Thermal impact of migrating birds’ wing color on their flight performance: Possibility of new generation of biologically inspired drones”, Journal of Thermal Biology, Vol. 66, pp.27-32, 2017.
5. Hassanalian, M., and Abdelkefi, A., “Methodologies for weight estimation of fixed and flapping wing micro air vehicles”, Meccanica, Vol. 52, No. 9, pp.2047-2068, 2017.
6. Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., Wei, M., Ziaei-Rad, S., “A novel methodology for wing sizing of bio-inspired flapping wing micro air vehicles: theory and prototype”, Acta Mechanica, Vol. 228, No. 3, pp.1097-1113, 2017.
7. Hassanalian, M., and Abdelkefi, A., “Design, manufacturing, and flight testing of a fixed wing micro air vehicle with Zimmerman planform”, Meccanica, Vol. 52, No. 6, pp.1265-1282, 2017.
1. Hassanalian, M., Khaki, H., Khosrawi, M., “A new method for design of fixed wing micro air vehicle”, Proceedings of the institution of mechanical engineers, Part G, Vol. 229, pp. 837-850, 2014.
2. Hassanalian, M., Radmanesh, M., Sedaghat, A., “Increasing flight endurance of MAVs using multiple quantum well solar cells”, International Journal of Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Vol. 15, no. 2, pp.212-217, 2014.
3. Radmanesh, M., Nematollahi, O., Nili Ahmadabadi, M., Hassanalian, M., “A novel strategy for designing and manufacturing a fixed wing MAV for the purpose of increasing maneuverability and stability in longitudinal axis”, Journal of Applied Fluid Mechanics JAFM, Vol. 7, pp. 435-446, 2014.
Conference Publications (based on full paper review)
1- Zagrai, A., Hassanalian, M., “Thermal Effects of Penguins' Colors on Their Swimming Efficiency: Possibility of a New Generation of Biologically Inspired Systems”, 2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Virtual, 24-26 August 2020.
2- Zagrai, A., Hassanalian, M., “Drones as a Driving Force for Smart Towns: Technology and Accessibility”, 2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Virtual, 24-26 August 2020.
3- Lim, S., Rood, C., Hassanalian, M., “Examination of Explosives in Martian Atmospheric Conditions”, 2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Virtual, 24-26 August 2020.
4- Herkenhoff, B., Fisher, J., Dinelli, C., Hassanalian, M., “Energy Harvesting Techniques for Hybrid Amphibious Drones in the Marine Environment”, 2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Virtual, 24-26 August 2020.
5- Dinelli, C., Fisher, J., Herkenhoff, B., Hassanalian, M., “Design and Manufacturing of a Hybrid Detachable Amphibious Drone for Monitoring Marine Environment”, 2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Virtual, 24-26 August 2020.
6- Bawana, N., Rubin, Z., Hassanalian, M., “Adaptive Formation Flight of Fixed-Wing Cooperative Swarming Drones: Analytical Study and Aerodynamic Analysis”, 2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Virtual, 24-26 August 2020.
7- Gammill, M., Hassanalian, M., "Power Analysis of Fixed-Wing UAVs for Titan Exploration in Various Altitudes", 2020 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Virtual, 24-26 August 2020.
8- Throneberry, G., Hassanalian, M., Hocut, C. M., and Abdelkefi, A., "Sizing of nonlinear spring actuation system for hovering nano air vehicles" , 2020 International Design Engineering Technical Conferences & Computers and Information in Engineering Conference (IDETC-CIE), Virtual Conference, 17 – 19 August 2020.
9- Mirzaeinia, A., Mirzaeinia, M., Shekaramiz, M., Hassanalian, M., “Placement of UAV-Mounted Mobile Base Station through User Load-Feature K-means Clustering”, 2020 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual, 15-19 June 2020.
10- Olivas, M., Gammill, M., Hassanalian, M., “Conceptual Design of Fueling Mechanism for an Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Harvesting Liquid-Methane Capability on Titan”, 2020 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual, 15-19 June 2020.
11- Sherman, M., Hassanalian, M., “Dandelion-Inspired Micro-Rovers: Novel Concept of Extraterrestrial Systems for Mars Exploration”, 2020 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual, 15-19 June 2020.
12- Maestas, S., Martinez-Ponce, J., Edwards, N., Hassanalian, M., “Applying Least Square Curve Fitting for Extraction the Birds’ Wing Shapes: Flapping Wing MAVs and Kinematic Optimization”, 2020 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual, 15-19 June 2020.
13- Bradley, S., Hassanalian, M., “Biomimetic and Bioinspired Anti-Predator Drones”, 2020 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual, 15-19 June 2020.
14- Rubin, Z., Bawana, N., Hassanalian, M., “Flight Pattern Formations and Their Effects on Drag: Experimental Study and Flow Visualization”, 2020 AIAA Aviation Forum, Virtual, 15-19 June 2020.
15- Zagrai, A., Ryu, D., Hassanalian, M., Bakhtiyarov, S., Mousavi, A., “Micro Modules for Reshaping Mechanical Engineering Curriculum”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 23-24 April 2020.
16- Bradley, S., Hassanalian, M., “Anti-Predator Mechanisms of Animals and Design of Anti-Predator Drones”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 29 April 2020.
17- Acosta, G., Hassanalian, M., “Fixed-wing drones for Venus exploration: Design and challenges”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 29 April 2020.
18- Bawana, N., Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., “Energy Management of Migratory Birds through Flock Mutation”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 29 April 2020.
19- Shahmoradi, J., Roghanchi, P., Hassanalian, M., “Drones in underground mines: Challenges and applications”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 29 April 2020.
20- Zagrai, A., Hassanalian, M., “Penguin coloration affects skin friction drag”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 29 April 2020.
21- Olivas, M., Hassanalian, M., “Possible Fueling Mechanisms for Titan-Exploration Drone”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 29 April 2020.
22- Olivas, M., Hassanalian, M., “Design a fixed-wing drone for Titan exploration”, 2020 ASEE Gulf-Southwest Annual Conference, Virtual, 29 April 2020.
23- Hassanalian, M., Mirzaeinia, A., Lee, K., “Smart Cities and Organizing the Drones’ Applications in Urban Areas: N.E.ST (Networking, Efficient, Strategies)”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
24- Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., Lee, K., “Drones for Borders Surveillance: Autonomous Battery Maintenance Station and Replacement for Multirotor Drones”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
25- Mirzaeinia, A., Mirzaeinia, M., Shekaramiz, M., Hassanalian, M., “Comparison of Leader and Tail Switching with Full Shuffle in Swarming V-shaped drones: Efficiency and Sensitivity Analysis”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
26- Mirzaeinia, A., Mirzaeinia, M., Shekaramiz, M., Hassanalian, M., “Flocking of V-shaped and Echelon Northern Bald Ibises with Different Wingspans: Repositioning and Energy Saving”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
27- Mirzaeinia, A., Mirzaeinia, M., Shekaramiz, M., Hassanalian, M., “Adaptive Retransmission Time Out in Flying Ad-Hoc Network By LSTM Machine Learning: Round Trip Time Prediction”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
28- Pellerito, V., Olivas, M., Hassanalian, M., “Design a Fixed-Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicle with Dynamic Soaring Capability for Titan Exploration”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
29- Shahmoradi, J., Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., Roghanchi, P., “Monitoring of Inaccessible Areas in GPS-Denied Underground Mines Using a Fully Autonomous Encased Safety Inspection Drone”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
30- Shahmoradi, J., Maxwell, A., Little, S., Bradfield, Q., Bakhtiyarov, S., Roghanchi, P.m Hassanalian, M., “The Effects of Martian and Lunar Dust on Solar Panel Efficiency and a Proposed Solution”, AIAA SciTech 2020, Orlando, FL, 6-10 January 2020.
1- Mirzaeinia, A., Bradfield, Q., Bradley, S., Hassanalian, M., “Energy Saving of Echelon Flocking Northern bald ibises with Variable wingtips spacing: Possibility of New Swarming for Drones”, 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
2- Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., “Energy Conservation of V-Shaped Flocking Canada Geese through Leader and Tail Switching”, 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
3- Mirzaeinia, A., Shahmoradi, J., Roghanchi, P., Hassanalian, M., “Autonomous Routing and Power Management of Drones in GPS-Denied Environments through Dijkstra Algorithm”, 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
4- Mirzaeinia, A., Mirzaeinia, M., Bradfield, Q., Bradley, S., Hassanalian, M., “Particle Swarm Optimization for Wireless Charging of Swarming Drones through Ambient Radio Frequencies”, 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
5- Mirzaeinia, A., Bradley, S., Hassanalian, M., “Drone-Station Matching in Smart Cities through Hungarian Algorithm: Power Minimization and Management”, 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
6- Javed, U., Abdelmoula, H., Hassanalian, M., Mirzaeinia, A., Naghdi, M., Majeed, B., "Harvesting Energy by Base Excitations of Troops’ Backpacks for Charging Drones", 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
7- Pellerito, V., Hassanalian, M., Sedaghat, A., Sabri, F., Borvayeh, L. and Sadeghi, S., "Performance Analysis of a Bioinspired Albatross Airfoil with Heated Top Wing Surface: Experimental Study", 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
8- Sepahi-Younsi, J., Esmaeili, S., Forouzi Feshalami, B., Pellerito, V., Hassanalian, M., "Performance Enhancement of an External Compression Intake by the Boundary Layer Suction", 2019 AIAA Propulsion and Energy Conference, Indianapolis, Indiana, 19-22 August 2019.
9- Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., Lee., K., Mirzaeinia, M., “Performance Enhancement and Load Balancing of Swarming Drones through Position Reconfiguration”, 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
10- Sappington, R., Acosta, G., Hassanalian, M., Lee, K., Morelli, R., “Drone Stations in Airports for Runway and Airplane Inspection Using Image Processing Techniques”, 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
11- Guido, N., Mohammadi, S., Hassanalian, M. and Bakhtiyarov, S., "Surface Temperature Effects of Solar Panels of Fixed Wing Unmanned Aerial Vehicles on Flight Performance", 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
12- Mohammadi, S., Hassanalian, M. and Bakhtiyarov, S., "Feasibility Assesment of Using Hydrokinetic Turbine in Golden Gate Strait", 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
13- Maxwell, A., Acosta, G.A., Ward, M., Hamm, A. and Hassanalian, M., "Cleaning Mechanisms for Solar Panels of Rovers and Other Extraterrestrial Unmanned Vehicles", 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
14- Acosta, G.A., Grow, D. and Hassanalian, M., "Design and Analysis of a High Pressure and High Temperature Fixed Wing Space Drone for Venus Exploration", 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
15- Hassanalian, M., Abdelmoula, H., Mohammadi, S., Bakhtiyarov, S., Goerlich, J. and Javed, U., "Insight into the Thermal Effects of Aquatic Animal Colors on their Skin Friction Drag", 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
16- Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M. and Mirzaeinia, M., "Cellular Phone Loaded Network Field Test Using Swarming Drones: Replacing Drive Test and Particle Swarm Optimization", 2019 AIAA Aviation Forum, Dallas, TX, 17-21 June, 2019.
17- Ghommem, M., Throneberry, G., Hassanalian, M., Al-Marzooqi, M., Al-Zaabi, N., Hozhabr, B. and Abdelkefi, A., "Sizing and aerodynamic analysis of biplane flapping wing nano air vehicle: theory and experiments", In 2019 SciTech, AIAA, San Diego, CA, 6-10 January 2019.
18- Sanchez, G., Escamilla, L., Hassanalian, M., Throneberry, G. and Abdelkefi, A., "Performance analysis and actuation mechanism selection of Albatross-inspired wing shape for tilt-wing drones", In 2019 SciTech, AIAA, San Diego, CA, 6-10 January 2019.
1. Hassanalian, M., Throneberry, G., Ali, M, Ben Ayed, S., Abdelkefi, A., “Wing color and drag reduction of albatross-inspired air vehicles”, 19th AIAA/ISSMO Multidisciplinary Analysis and Optimization Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 25-29 June 2018.
2. Stempeck, A., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi A., “Impacts of airfoil characteristics on the aerodynamic loads for albatross-inspired fixed wing drones”, 36th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 25-29 June 2018.
3. Stempeck, A., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi A., “Aerodynamic performance of albatross-inspired wing shape for marine unmanned air vehicles”, 36th AIAA Applied Aerodynamics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 25-29 June 2018.
4. Hassanalian, M., Rice, D., Johnstone, S., Abdelkefi, A., “Planetary exploration by space drones: design and challenges”, 2018 AIAA Aviation Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 25-29 June 2018.
5. Hassanalian, M., Ben Ayed, S., Ali, M., Houde, P., Hocut, C., Abdelkefi, A., “Impact of albatross’s wing colors on their skin friction drag: thermal analysis and Blasius boundary layer solution”, AIAA Atmospheric Flight Mechanics Conference, Atlanta, Georgia, 25-29 June 2018.
6. Hassanalian, M., Throneberry, G., Abdelkefi, A., “Insects’ wing shape comparison of bio-inspired air vehicles for hovering flight applications”, 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Kissimmee, Florida, 8–12 January 2018.
7. Hassanalian, M., Rice, D., Abdelkefi, A., “Aerodynamic performance analysis of fixed wing space drones in different solar system bodies”, 2018 AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Kissimmee, Florida, 8–12 January 2018.
8. Hassanalian, M., Salazar, R., Abdelkefi, A., “Analysis and optimization of a tilt rotor unmanned air vehicle for long distances delivery and payload transportation”, 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Kissimmee, Florida, 8–12 January 2018.
9. Sanchez, G., Salazar, R., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Sizing and performance analysis of albatross-inspired tilt-wing unmanned air vehicle”, 2018 AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Kissimmee, Florida, 8–12 January 2018.
10. Quintana, A., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Aerodynamic analysis of a morphing drone with spanning and sweeping in transition modes”, 2018 AIAA/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, Kissimmee, Florida, 8–12 January 2018.
1. Hassanalian, M., Throneberry, G., Abdelkefi, A., “Forward flight capabilities and performances of bio-inspired flapping wing nano air vehicles”, In 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
2. Hassanalian, M., Abdelmoula, H., Ben Ayed. S., Abdelkefi, A., “Effects of birds’ wing color on their flight performance for biomimetics purposes”, In 25th AIAA/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
3. Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Conceptual design and analysis of separation flight for an unmanned air vehicle to five micro air vehicles”, In 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
4. Salazar, R., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Defining a conceptual design for a tilt-rotor micro air vehicle for a well-defined mission”, In 55th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
5. Abdelmoula, H., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “User subroutine for fatigue modeling of wing structure of flapping micro air vehicle”, In AIAA Modeling and Simulation Technologies Conference, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
6. Quintana, A., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Novel growing micro unmanned air vehicle: sizing process and spanning actuation”, In 25th AIAA/AHS Adaptive Structures Conference, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
7. Throneberry, G., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Optimal design and performance of insect wing shape for hovering nano air vehicles”, In 58th AIAA/ASCE/AHS/ASC Structures, Structural Dynamics, and Materials Conference, Grapevine, Texas, 9–13 January 2017.
1. Hassanalian, M., and Abdelkefi, A., “Effective design of flapping wing actuation mechanisms: theory and experiments”, In 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, 8-12 January 2016.
2. Hassanalian, M., and Abdelkefi, A., “Design and manufacture of a fixed wing MAV with Zimmerman planform”, In 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, 8-12 January 2016.
3. Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., Wei, M. and Ziaei-Rad, S., “Theoretical analysis and experimental verification for sizing of flapping wing micro air vehicles”, In 54th AIAA Aerospace Sciences Meeting, San Diego, California, 8-12 January 2016.
1- Kaveh, M., Pourmohammad, J., Hassanalian, M., Ahmadabadi, M.N. and Otroshi, M., "Optimized method in sizing of Flapping Wing", IMAV 2015, Aachen, Germany, 15 – 18 September 2015.
1. Radmanesh, M., Samani, I., Hassanalian, M., Nematollahi, O., Sedaghat, A., Niliahmadabadi, M., “IUT MAV2013, Part II: Flight test results”, IMAV 2013 in Toulouse, France, September 2013.
2. Radmanesh, M., Samani, I., Hassanalian, M., Nematollahi, O., Sedaghat, A., Niliahmadabadi, M., “IUT MAV2013, Part I: Aerodynamic design of tailless wing and body configuration”, IMAV 2013 in Toulouse, France, September 2013.
1. Radmanesh, M., Hassanalian, M., Feghhi, S.M., Niliahmadabadi, M., “Numerical investigation of Azarakhsh MAV”, International Micro Air Vehicle 2012 Conference, Braunschweig, Germany, 3-6 July 2012.
2. Hassanalian,M., Ashrafizaadeh, M., Ziaei-Rad, S., Radmanesh, M., “A new method for design of fixed wing micro air vehicle”, International Micro Air Vehicle 2012 Conference, Braunschweig, Germany, 3-6 July 2012.
3. Hassanalian,M., Radmanesh, M., Ziaei-Rad, S., “Sending instructions and receiving the data from MAVs using telecommunication Networks”, International Micro Air Vehicle 2012 Conference, Braunschweig, Germany, 3-6 July 2012.
Conference Publications (based on an abstract)
1- Throneberry, G., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Sizing of inspired insects’ wings for hovering nano air vehicles”, ASME/IDETC 15th International Conference on Multibody Systems, Nonlinear Dynamics, and Control (MSNDC), Anaheim, CA, August 2019.
2- Hassanalian, M., Bakhtiyarov, S. I., " Thermal impacts of body colorization of marine animals on their skin friction drag", SICB 2019 Annual Meeting Abstracts, Tampa, FL, 3-7 January 2019.
1. Hassanalian, M., Ben Ayed, S., Ali, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Uncertainty quantification of skin drag reduction of the albatrosses due to wings and weather characteristics”, International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis (CSNDD'2018), Tangier, Morocco, 25-27June, 2018.
2. Hassanalian, M., Stempeck, A., Ali, M., Ben Ayed, S., Abdelkefi, A., “Harvesting energy from environment: dynamic and thermal analyses of albatross motion”,International Conference on Structural Nonlinear Dynamics and Diagnosis (CSNDD'2018), Tangier, Morocco, 25-27 June, 2018.
3. Hassanalian, M., Ben Ayed, S., Ali, M, Houde, P., Hocut, C., Abdelkefi, A., “Countershading as a potential flight-enhancing adaptation in seabirds”, American Ornithological Society (136th Stated Meeting), Tucson, Arizona, 09-14 April 2018.
1. Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “A new configuration of separating drones with swarming capabilities”, The Graduate Research & Arts Symposium, New Mexico, USA, April 7th, 2017.
2. Salazar, R., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Design, aerodynamic analysis, and stability of tilt rotor micro air vehicle, The Graduate Research & Arts Symposium, New Mexico, USA, April 7th, 2017.
1. Hassanalian, M., Salazar, R., Abdelkefi, A., “Conceptual design of a tilt rotor micro air vehicle”, 2016 NMSPE Issues Conference, Albuquerque, New Mexico, USA, November 4, 2016.
Poster Presentations
1- Sherman, M., Hassanalian, M., "Dandelion Inspired Robots for Climate Monitoring and Exploration on Mars", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
2- Shahmoradi, J., Martinez-Ponce, J., Cross, R., Mooty, C.H, Pando, B., Hassanalian, M., Roghanchi, P., "Autonomous Monitoring of Underground Mines", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
3- Moran, M., Hassanalian, M., "Leader Selection Protocol for the Cluster Swarm of Drones in Endangered Environment", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
4- Bawana, N., Hassanalian, M., "Cooperative swarming fixed-wing drones with attachment capabilities: Bioinspiration and mutualism", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
5- Dunning, C., Cervantes, R., Tavare, K., Hassanalian, M., "Bioinspired Spider Rolling Robot for Mars Exploration", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
6- Bawana, N., Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., "Flock Mutation and Energy Management of Migratory Birds", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
7- Gammill, M., Hassanalian, M., "Energy Harvesting Mechanisms for a Titan Drone", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
8- Herkenhoff, B., Fisher, J., Dinelli, C., Hassanalian, M., "Hybrid Amphibious Drones for Aquatic Environments with Energy Harvesting Capabilities", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
9- Shahmoradi, J., Roghanchi, P., Hassanalian, M., "Utilizing Drone Technology to Improve Safety and Productivity in Underground Mining", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
10- Dinelli, C., Herkenhoff, B., Fisher, J., Hassanalian, M., "Hybrid Detachable Amphibious UAV-UUV for Marine Environment Applications", New Mexico Tech Student Research Symposium, Virtual, April 2020.
11- hahmoradi, J., Mirzaeinia, A., Hassanalian, M., Roghanchi, P.,"Application of unmanned aerial vehicles (UAVs) in underground mines", SME2020/SMENET Soc for Mining, Metal & Exploration, Phoenix, AZ, USA, 23-26 February 2020.
1- Shahmoradi, J., Talebi, E., Roghanchi, P., Hassanalian, M., "Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in the Mining Industry", 2019 SME Annual Conference & Expo and CMA 121st National Western Mining Conference, Denver, CO, 24-27 February 2019.
2- Shahmoradi, J., Talebi, E., Roghanchi, P., Hassanalian, M., "Applications of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UASs) in the Underground Mining Industry", SRS2019-16, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, 2019.
3- Templeton, I., Hassanalian, M., Lee, L., "Concept Design of an Automated Drone Battery Replacement Station", INTENSE REU presentation, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, 2 August 2019.
4- Pellerito, V., Hassanalian, M., "Conceptual design of a fixed wing UAV for Titan exploration", NTENSE REU presentation, New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, Socorro, NM, 2 August 2019.
1- Quintana, A., Hassanalian, M., Abdelkefi, A., “Conceptual design and sizing of morphing micro unmanned air vehicles”, In New Mexico AMP Conference, Las Cruces, New Mexico, October14th2017.
1- Hassanalian, M., Salazar, R., Abdelkefi, A., Comprehensive design and optimization of micro air vehicles, 16thAnnual URC Research and Creative Activities Fair, Las Cruces, USA, September 30th 2016.