
Looking for more reading opportunities? There are many different websites or apps where you can find free or reasonably priced subscriptions to popular, high-quality ebooks. Click the images below to access these resources.

Hoopla gives access to thousands of movies, television shows, music albums, ebooks, audiobooks, and comics, available to download for Android, IOS, (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), and Windows 10 Devices.

Libby is a free app to borrow eBooks & eAudiobooks from your public library. It is available to download for Android, IOS, (iPhone, iPad, iPod Touch), and Windows 10 devices.

  • Must download app- not web based.

Audible provides free audiobooks for kids (elementary, tween, teen) and literacy classics

EBSCOhost is an online resource that New Milford High School has access to. EBSCO ebooks contain popular e-books, audiobooks, and digital magazines. Click the image above and then select "eBook Collection" to search and view the full text of eBooks.

Username: newmilford

Password: Knights-21

NoveList is a database of book recommendations curated by librarians. Yous can search for titles, authors, genres, or peruse recommended reads lists. Clicking on a title will provide a book description, genre, tone, publishing information, and read-alikes. This database is a great way to find your next favorite read.

Username: newmilford

Password: Knights-21

EBSCOhost is an online resource that New Milford High School has access to. This ebook reference collection offers a rich selection of eBook titles.

Username: newmilford

Password: Knights-21

Select from thousands of eBooks, eAudiobooks, & eMagazines to enjoy on your computer or portable device.

  • You must have a library card to borrow ebooks.