
The TOV Workshop will be the first meeting post-Deepwater Horizon settlement where laboratory toxicologists, field biologists, wildlife veterinarians, and resource managers/decision makers can openly discuss the oil toxicology research during and after the natural resource damage assessment. The goal is for the group to compare our research/clinical experiences with oil toxicity to find connections that may not have otherwise been obvious without a collective assessment-- all in an effort to improve our ability to understand oil toxicity and to respond to/ assess the impacts of the next oil-related event.

Kathleen Colegrove, CARMMHA/U Illinois

Tracy Collier, CARMMHA/Ocean Associates

Kristina Deak, C-IMAGE/Fish and Wildlife Research Institute

Karen Dean, U Lethbridge

Sylvain Deguise, CARMMHA/U Connecticut

Lisa Dipinto, NOAA ORR

Kees Elferink, U Texas Medical Branch

Andrew Esbaugh, RECOVER/U Texas Austin

Micahel Feldman, GoMRI/Consortium for Ocean Leadership

Joe Griffitt, Gulf Coast Research Laboratory, U Southern Mississippi

Martin Grosell, RECOVER/Rosenstiel School of Marine and Atmospheric Research, U Miami

Ailsa Hall, Sea Mammal Research Unit, U St Andrews

Kendal Harr, URIKA Pathology

John Incardona, NOAA NWFSC

Nancy Kinner, Coastal Response Research Center, U New Hampshire

Richard Kwok, NIH NIEHS

Josh Lipton, Abt Associates

Carys Mitchelmore, U Maryland

Jeff Morris, Abt Associates

Ed Peters, Louisiana State U

Jennifer Rusiecki, Uniformed Services U


Lori Schwacke, CARMMHA/National Marine Mammal Foundation

Cynthia Smith, CARMMHA/National Marine Mammal Foundation

Brian Stacy, NOAA NMFS/U Florida

Ryan Takeshita, CARMMHA/National Marine Mammal Foundation

Evonne Tang, National Academy of Sciences

Dana Wetzel, C-IMAGE/Mote Marine Laboratory

Chuck Wilson, GoMRI

Mike Ziccardi, CARMMHA/U California at Davis