Scholarship Information

Rikita Twyne of White Hills Academy was the recipient of the Rob Colbourne Memorial Scholarship ($1000.00). This scholarship is awarded to a local student who displays the qualities that Rob possessed- hard-working, responsible, and a dedicated person who has overcome challenges to better themselves. In the picture, Rob’s family (including his Wife, Daughter, Son in-law, and Grandchildren) is presenting the scholarship to the recipient, Rikita Twyne.

Bailey Reardon of White Hills Academy was the recipient of the Maurice Joseph McDonald Memorial Scholarship ($1000.00). The annual scholarship was started by Maurice’s family in his memory. The scholarship is based on academic achievement and encourages youth to embody the qualities and ideals of perseverance in spite of formidable odds, persistence to getting things done and compassion and caring for the welfare of their community. In the picture, a family member of Maurice McDonald (Evangeline Drudge) is presenting the scholarship to the recipient, Bailey Reardon.