Student Portal

Code of Conduct

Roncalli Central High School is committed to providing a safe, caring and inclusive

learning and working environment by promoting respect, responsible citizenship and

academic excellence. A positive school climate exists when all members of the school

community feel safe, comfortable and accepted.

Roncalli Central High is a school made up of many different people. In order for this

community to live and grow, the members must make an effort to work together in

harmony and mutual respect. All of us bear an important responsibility to be conscious

of the needs of others, and to be thoughtful about how we are contributing to the life of

the community. Roncalli Central High has specific expectations that enhance our school


The Standards of Behaviour outlined apply to all members of the school community,

including students, parents and guardians, school staff, volunteers and visitors when:

● On school property.

● Traveling on a school bus that is under contract to the school and/or school


● Participating in extracurricular activities.

● Participating in off-site school-sponsored activities.

● Engaging in an activity which will have an impact on the school climate.

RCHS - Code of Conduct 2023-2024 (1).pdf