Policies and Procedures

Late Policy

ODH Late Policy (Updated Nov 2023).pdf

Assessment Policy

Assessment Policy - 23-24 - O'Donel High School.pdf

Lockdown Secure School and Fire Drill Procedures

O'Donel Lock Down, Secure School & Fire Drill Procedure for Teachers - One Pager.pdf


Student Conduct and Behaviour Policy

Students will: 

Harassment, Bullying, Hazing and Other Violence Issues

Name calling, verbal, electronic or physical harassment, bullying, hazing and all other violent acts are completely prohibited.  Anyone who has knowledge of these acts is asked to immediately speak with a teacher, the guidance counsellor or the administration.  Full investigations and school and legal interventions (as required) will be pursued.  All O’Donel members have the right to a safe and comfortable learning and working environment.

Dress Code

School is a formal learning environment. It is a work setting, not a play setting.  The proper tone and atmosphere of the school are reflected in the way our students and staff are dressed.  Furthermore, we are a senior high school and have representatives from business, post-secondary institutions, and government as frequent visitors to the school.  It is imperative for us to be conscious of projecting a good image to the community and for students to learn how to dress appropriately.  If your attire is not appropriate you will be directed to change your clothing before admittance to class.

Here are some simple guidelines which outline our dress code:

Bus Conduct

All students are reminded of the importance of bus safety.  Students who engage in destruction of bus property, smoking, disruptive behaviour, or in any way endanger the safety of passengers or who are disrespectful of the bus driver, will be denied school bus transportation.

Cafeteria Conduct

Proper conduct is to be observed in the cafeteria.

Vending Machines (available at recess as well)

Due to long delays in reaching class on time and disruptions to classes meeting in the cafeteria, student access to vending machines is not permitted at the change of classes or during class time.  Bathroom permission does not permit use of the vending machines.  Food and drink are never permitted in classrooms without the expressed permission of teachers for special activities.  If there is an extenuating reason why you need to use the vending machines during classes, please obtain a note from your teacher before proceeding.

Card Playing and Gambling Games

Any games being played for the purpose of gambling are not permitted on school property.  No card playing is permitted during class time.

Skateboards/Rollerblades or other wheeled devices

These are not to be used anywhere on school property where there is any potential danger to students, cars and property.  They must always be stored in your locker.

Technology Policy

Electronic Devices and CELL PHONE PROTOCOL

The staff at O’Donel High School acknowledges the importance of technology in the present and future lives of our students and in a number of instances; we believe personal electronic devices can be used well for instructional purposes. In this regard, the purpose of this policy is to reinforce appropriate, responsible use rather than ban electronic devices from our property.  O’Donel supports the initiative of the Eastern School District in encouraging students to use electronic devices for educational purposes but only with the permission of the teacher. However, text messaging, making phone calls, taking photos of students and staff, and music playing are often inappropriate student activities for the learning and working environment. Moreover, these devices must never be used to harass or insult anyone in the O’Donel community.