Meet Ms. Harris


I am so happy you're here! My name is Ms. Harris and I am excited to teach Grade 4 at Bishop Abraham Elementary this year! This is my my first year at Bishop Abraham, my seventh year teaching, and my third year in Grade 4!

Teaching is my passion. I can't wait to work with an amazing group of students and families this year! Our year will be full of learning, exploring and growing. There is so much adventure in store! 

Here are 12 facts about me. I wonder... What might we have in common? What makes us different from each other?

Drinking tea out of cute mugs makes me happy!

During the school year, I think Wendy's is the best place to grab lunch with my teacher friends!

Playing and listening to music makes me feel calm.

Nothing beats summer Ice Cream.

Blue is my favourite colour! I also think legos are super cool.

Sunshine makes me smile!

I enjoy camping, hiking and exploring new places.

Building and crafting are my favourite hobbies.

Adventuring is the best! This summer, I went zip lining for the second time!

I will be a student this year! I am starting my Masters in Literacy Education at MSVU this year.

I love learning and playing new games with my friends.

I love collecting picture books to read with my students. This is one of my absolute favourites!