Grade 1 News & Updates

I am so excited to welcome you back to our amazing school on Wednesday, September 6, 2023 at 9:00am! I can't wait to meet you all as we begin an exciting year of learning and fun together! See you soon!

~ Mr. G

June 19, 2023

Dear Families,


It’s hard to believe that I am sitting at my computer to write our very last update of the 2022-2023 school year! I can’t believe how fast this year has flown by! We have learned lots of new things and had lots of fun along the way. It has truly been my pleasure to work with each one of your incredible children. While I am tremendously sad to see them go, I believe that they are more than ready for Grade Two and their new teacher will be lucky to have each and every one of them! Here are a few final reminders to get our last four days together started:


School Lunch Association – School lunch services have concluded for the year. Children will require a packed snack and lunch each day this week!


Picnic in the Park We are excited to celebrate a successful year in Grade One with a picnic in the park! On Monday, June 19, 2023 (weather permitting), we will be visiting Bowring Park in St. John’s for a day of fun at the park. On this day, we will have the opportunity to participate in some park activities, including: playing some games, playing on the playground, and visiting the duck pond. We will also be eating lunch at the park.


Your child will need a recess snack and lunch packed from home. It would also be a good idea to pack a couple of extra drinks and/or a water bottle. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the changing weather and temperature. Your child should wear a hat and sneakers appropriate for walking and playing safely. Flipflops or sandals should not be worn on this day! Please apply sunscreen and insect repellant at home in the morning and send along the bottle in a sealed baggie inside your child’s backpack so that he/she may reapply throughout the day. Your child may also bring a beach towel or small blanket to sit on during our picnic lunch. 


If the weather is not favourable on this day, our Picnic in the Park will be rescheduled to Tuesday, June 20, or Wednesday, June 21.


Beach Day – In the event that our Picnic in the Park does not go ahead, Monday, June 19, 2023 will Beach Day! Students are encouraged to dress for a day at the beach (shorts, t-shirt, sandals/flip flops, hat, sunglasses, etc.). Students are invited to bring along a beach towel to sit on. We will participate in some math, literacy, and art activities with a beach theme. We will enjoy a cold beach treat!


Ice Cream Day – Our year end celebrations will continue this week with Ice Cream Day on Tuesday, June 20, 2023. Today, our Math, Literacy, and Art learning will focus on the theme of ice cream! We will also enjoy an ice cream sundae treat in the afternoon. There is nothing that families need to prepare at home for this day.


Backpacks – Please ensure your child brings his/her backpack during the final days of school as I will be sending some things home. It is important that parents check the backpack each evening and remove any items that are sent home. Your cooperation in this regard is much appreciated!


Summer Reading and Writing – It is important that you continue to practice essential skills with your child now and throughout the summer. I would encourage you to maintain a nightly reading routine with your child. Continued practice of writing skills as well as Math concept is essential in preserving the gains made in these areas this year. It sets the appropriate tone and foundation for continued success in Grade Two! Setting aside just a few minutes each day throughout the summer will do a world of wonder! Please continue to review your child’s high-frequency words periodically throughout the summer. The public library is an awesome source of reading material over the summer months (and all year)! If your child does not have a library card, I would recommend a visit to pick one up. It is completely free!


Library Books & Baggie Books – Please have a look around your home for any missing library books and/or baggie books. Your anticipated cooperation and attention to this matter is appreciated!


Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 22, 2023. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. We will have a compacted day with a short lunch break. Dismissal will be at 1:00pm. All children will require a packed lunch from home today! Please let me know of any changes to your child’s regular dismissal routine for our final day of Grade One.


School Supply Lists – School supply lists for Grade Two will be available on our school website throughout the summer. Hopefully, this will allow you to take advantage of the Back to School sales over the summer months.


Moving? – If your family will be moving outside of our school zone during the summer, please let us know. This is to ensure your child’s registration at the new school may be in place for September.


Back to School – The first day of school will be Wednesday, September 6, 2023. We look forward to welcoming you all back at this time!


I am looking forward to spending the last four days with your children and sharing in their excitement!


Have a Fantastic Week and an Awesome Summer!!!



~ Mr. G

June 12, 2023

Dear Families,


Wow! The very last full week together in Grade One is upon us! It is hard to believe how fast this year has gone by. I am looking forward to spending this time with the most amazing children as we continue our learning and celebrate an awesome year together! Here are a few notes to get our last several days together started:


Field Trip Permission Slip – If you have not yet returned your child’s field trip permission slip along with the $4 fee, please do so by Monday, June 12, 2023.


Second-Hand Book Sale – Our class will attend the second-hand book sale on Tuesday, June 13, 2023. Books will be sold for 25 cents each with a maximum of 4 books per child. If your child is interested in making a purchase, please send along $1 on Tuesday!


Board Game Day - Children are invited to bring their favorite board game to play with their classmates during the afternoon of Tuesday, June 13, 2023. When choosing your game, please make sure the instructions are easy to follow and there are not a lot of small pieces! No electronics, please!


Watermelon DayWednesday, June 14, 2023 is Watermelon Day! We will focus our learning today on the watermelon theme and enjoy a couple of watermelon treats. There is no preparation required from home, other than ensuring your child is wearing sunscreen in the event the weather permits us to get outside.


Rainbow & Bubble DayThursday, June 15, 2023 is Rainbow & Bubble Day! Students will participate in Math, Literacy, and Art activities with a bubble theme. Parents are asked to please send along a bottle of bubbles for your child to use on this day, as we will have the opportunity to go outside (weather permitting) to blow a few bubbles! We will also talk about diversity and inclusion today.


Picnic in the Park We are excited to celebrate a successful year in Grade One with a picnic in the park! On Friday, June 16, 2023, we will be visiting Bowring Park in St. John’s for a day of fun at the park. On this day, we will have the opportunity to participate in some park activities, including: playing some games, playing on the playground, and visiting the duck pond. We will also be eating lunch at the park.


Your child will need a recess snack and lunch packed from home on this day. It would also be a good idea to pack a couple of extra drinks and/or a water bottle. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the changing weather and temperature. Your child should wear a hat and sneakers appropriate for walking and playing safely. Flipflops or sandals should not be worn on this day! Please apply sunscreen and insect repellant at home in the morning and send along the bottle in a sealed baggie inside your child’s backpack so that he/she may reapply throughout the day. Your child may also bring a beach towel or small blanket to sit on during our picnic lunch. 


If the weather is not favourable on this day, our Picnic in the Park will be rescheduled to Monday, June 19, Tuesday, June 20, or Wednesday, June 21.


Pajama Day & Movie Afternoon – If the weather is unfavourable for our field trip to Bowring Park, we will instead have our PJ and movie day. Children are invited to wear their PJs to school and bring an extra snack and drink to enjoy during the movie. If our field trip to the park does go ahead, PJ Day and Movie Afternoon will be held on Monday, June 19, 2023 instead. 


School Lunch Association – There will be no school lunch service during the last week of school. As a result, all children will require a packed lunch from home on these days. Service by the School Lunch Association will conclude as of Friday, June 16, 2023.


Homework – Our homework and baggie book routine has concluded for the year! Thank you so much for making homework, especially reading, a priority in your home this year. While your child will no longer receive a baggie book, it is essential that you continue to read with and to your child over the summer months. Listening to you read gives your child the opportunity to hear a fluent and expressive reader. The progress that has been made over the course of the year has been truly amazing. I could not be prouder of the wonderful readers your children have become this year! Reading for fun together each day now and during the summer will help maintain the excellent progress that has been made. Additionally, it will help set the tone for another successful year in Grade 2!


Please continue to review your child’s high-frequency words periodically throughout the summer. Continued practice of writing skills as well as math concepts is essential in preserving the gains made in these areas this year.


BEE Folder – Please continue to send your child’s BEE Folder and Baggie to school each day. This will help us continue with our regular daily routines and keep us organized for dismissal. It is important to check your child’s BEE Folder each evening for correspondence from school and please remove any corrected work or activities that may remain at home. Your anticipated cooperation with this is much appreciated!


Library Books & Baggie Books – Please have a look around your home for any missing library books and/or baggie books. A notice of any missing library books signed out to you child will come home this week. Your anticipated cooperation and attention to this matter is appreciated!


Sunscreen – With the late spring/early summer weather upon us, we will be spending more time outside for free play as well as many learning opportunities. Please apply sunscreen at home before coming to school in the morning. You may also wish to send along a bottle of sunscreen for your child to apply in the afternoon.


Water Bottle – Please remember to send a filled water bottle (water only please!) with your child each morning as water fountains remain closed at this time. There is a water filling station in the main foyer where water bottles may be refilled, if necessary. Please remember, water bottles should be spill-proof and not require the top to be removed for drinking.


Change of Clothes – Please ensure your child has a complete change of clothing at school. This can remain in his/her locker for the reminder of the year. By having a change of clothes, we hope to cut down to unnecessary calls home and visits to the school in the event of a spill or getting wet while outside.


Scholastic Orders: Scholastic has reintroduced the “Ship to the Classroom” option. This means that families may place an order for as little as $3 and have it shipped to the classroom without shipping costs. As always, please submit your order online and choose the “Ship to Classroom” option. Don’t forget to enter our classroom code when you visit the Scholastic website at The “Ship to Home” option is still available. Shipping is free on orders over $40. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 22, 2023. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it become available.


School Supply Lists – School supply lists for Grade Two will be posted to our school website during the summer.


Moving? – If your family will be moving outside of our school zone during the summer, please let us know. This is to ensure your child’s registration at the new school may be in place for September.


As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

June 5, 2023

Dear Families,

I trust everyone had a great weekend. Hopefully, you found some time to relax and spend time with your family. It is such an exciting time here at school with so many fun activities planned. I am delighted to be able to spend these next few weeks together as a class. Here are some important notes to keep us organized for this busy, upcoming week:

Sports Day – Our annual sports day will be held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 (alternate weather dates – Wednesday, June 21). An announcement regarding whether or not sports day will go ahead will be made in the morning. Children are encouraged to dress in layers for the changing weather and temperature. Clothing appropriate for outside play is required (i.e., hat, sneakers, etc.). Please refrain from wearing sandals or flip flops. Please apply sunscreen and insect repellent at home. You may wish to send the bottles along with your child in a sealed baggie so that he/she may reapply it throughout the day as needed. Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water and an extra drink!


Pizza Party - Our class was the recipient of a pizza party for the Move-a-Thon. Thanks to your generous support of our school, our class raised the most money at the primary division (K-3)! To celebrate, our class will enjoy a pizza lunch (cheese and pepperoni) on Friday, June 9, 2023 at lunchtime. If your child does not like pizza or prefers to eat a lunch from home/cafeteria order, that is perfectly fine as well!

Home Reading – This will be the final week for our home reading program (i.e., baggie books). While your child will no longer receive a baggie book after this week, it is essential that you continue to read with and to your child over the summer months. The progress that has been made over the course of the year has been truly amazing. I could not be more proud of the wonderful readers your children have become this year! Reading for fun together each day now and during the summer will help maintain the excellent progress that has been made. Additionally, it will help set the tone for another successful year in Grade 2! Reading together at bedtime is a wonderful way to end the day and spend some quality time together.

Please continue to review high-frequency words with your child periodically throughout the summer. Continued practice of writing skills as well as math concepts is essential in preserving the gains made in these areas this year.


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

BEE Folder – Please continue to send your child’s BEE Folder and Baggie to school each day. This will help us continue with our regular daily routines and keep us organized for dismissal. It is important to check your child’s BEE Folder each evening for correspondence from school and please remove any corrected work or activities that may remain at home. Your anticipated cooperation with this is much appreciated!

Second Hand Book Sale – Our Teacher-Librarian, Mrs. Costello, will be holding a second-hand book sale for students on Tuesday, June 13 and Thursday, June 15. If you have any donations of gently used children’s books, please send them along next week.

Field Trip - In celebration of an awesome year together, we have planned a year-end field Trip to Bowring Park on Friday, June 16, 2023 (alternate weather dates will be Monday, June 19, Tuesday, June 20, or Wednesday, June 21). You find a permission slip in your child's BEE Folder on Monday evening. Please return the completed form, along with payment as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting day at the park! 

Library Books & Baggie Books – Please have a look around your home for any missing library books and/or baggie books. A notice of any missing library books signed out to your child will come home this week. Your anticipated cooperation and attention to this matter is appreciated!

Theme Days – Each year we plan some special thematic days for our class for the last week(s) of school prior to summer vacation. A detailed outline of these days as well as the materials (if any) will be sent in a separate email in the coming days. Please read it carefully and post in an accessible place for ease of reference. A June calendar outlining these events has also been sent home. Please note, we have tried to make these days as little extra work for families as possible, as we know it is a busy time for everyone!

Sunscreen – With the late spring/early summer weather upon us, we will be spending more time outside for free play as well as many learning opportunities. Please apply sunscreen at home before coming to school in the morning!

Change of Clothes – Please ensure your child has a complete change of clothing at school. This can remain in his/her locker for the reminder of the year. By having a change of clothes, we hope to reduce unnecessary calls home and visits to the school in the event of a spill or getting wet while outside.

Scholastic Orders: Scholastic has reintroduced the “Ship to the Classroom” option. This means that families may place an order for as little as $3 and have it shipped to the classroom without shipping costs. As always, please submit your order online and choose the “Ship to Classroom” option. Don’t forget to enter our classroom code when you visit the Scholastic website at The “Ship to Home” option is still available. Shipping is free on orders over $40. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 22, 2023. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Dismissal on the last day will be at 1:00pm.

School Supply Lists – School supply lists for Grade Two will be emailed to you and posted to our school website.

Moving? – If your family will be moving outside of our school zone during the summer, please let us know. This is to ensure your child’s registration at the new school may be in place for September.


As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!

Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

May 29, 2023

Dear Families,

It is hard to believe that this week marks the end of May and the beginning of June. Where has the year gone? We really have had a great year together and I am looking forward to spending the last month of school with some of the most amazing children I know! We still have lots of learning to do and many fun, interactive, and exciting activities planned. Here are a few reminders to get our final month of school started!


Professional Development Day – There will be no classes for students on Monday, May 29, 2023 due to a Teachers’ Professional Development session.


Early Dismissal – We will have a one-hour early dismissal for students on Friday, June 2, 2023. The purpose of this early dismissal is to allow teachers the opportunity to participate in the NLESD strategic planning feedback process. Please let me know if your child’s dismissal procedure for this day will differ from normal.

June Calendar – Please find the June calendar in the front pocket of your child’s BEE Folder later this week. The last month of school is always such a busy and exciting one. Please keep your calendar in a safe place for your reference.

Theme Days – During the last two weeks of school, we have some fun and exciting days planned to celebrate this amazing year together! Please see the June calendar and watch for a separate note to be sent home in the coming days outlining all the fun!

Literacy Week – This week is Literacy Week at our school! We have some very exciting activities planned for the week. Please see a separate memo emailed out by Mrs. Ryan last week. We are looking forward to an exciting week of activities!

Hats Off to Literacy & Flashlight Friday – On Friday, June 2, 2023, students are invited to wear a hat, bring a flashlight, and bring a favourite book. Throughout the day, when the signal is heard, we will turn off the classroom lights. Students will D.E.A.R (Drop Everything and Read). Students will remove their hat, turn on their flashlight and read (or we will read a story together). We are looking forward to celebrating “Hats Off to Literacy!”

Literacy Bookmark Contest – Last week, children will be provided with a Bookmark Template. Students are invited to design and decorate their bookmark to reflect the theme of this year’s Literacy Week: “Plant a Seed, Grow a Reader!” Your child’s bookmark must include the theme somewhere in the design. Remember to be creative, be colourful, and have fun! Please return the completed bookmark to your child’s teacher on or before Friday, June 2, 2023. Please include your child’s name, grade, and teacher’s name on the back of your bookmark. One winning design from primary (Kindergarten to Grade 3) and one from elementary (Grade 4 to 6) will be selected. The winning designs will be featured on our school Twitter page and the student will receive a Chapters gift card. Please note, this is an optional activity.

Sports Day – Our annual sports day will be held on Tuesday, June 6, 2023 (alternate weather date – Wednesday, June 21) .An announcement regarding whether or not sports day will go ahead will be made in the morning. Children are encouraged to dress in layers for the changing weather and temperature. Clothing appropriate for outside play is required (i.e., hat, sneakers, etc.). Please refrain from wearing sandals or flip flops. Please apply sunscreen and insect repellent at home. You may wish to send the bottles along with your child in a sealed baggie so that he/she may reapply it throughout the day as needed. Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water and an extra drink!

Second-Hand Book Sale – Our second-hand book sale will take place on June 13-15. If you have any donations of gently used books, please send them along!

Baggie Books & Library Books – Please have a look around your home for any misplaced baggie books or library books and return them to school as soon as possible.

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

BEE Folder & Baggie – It is important that BEE Folders and baggies are returned daily. As this is part of our daily routine, it helps to teach responsibility and independence. Having the necessary materials also allows for a smooth and orderly dismissal, ensuring all memos, baggie books, etc. make it safely home and back to school in the morning. Thank you to all families who ensure your child comes to school each day with his/her BEE Folder and baggie. Please continue to send your child’s BEE Folder daily, even when our homework routine has concluded. 

Checking the BEE Folder – Please continue to check your child’s BEE Folder each evening. It is important that any corrected/returned activities are removed and kept at home. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation!

Scholastic Orders: Scholastic has reintroduced the “Ship to the Classroom” option. This means that families may place an order for as little as $3 and have it shipped to the classroom without shipping costs. As always, please submit your order online and choose the “Ship to Classroom” option. Don’t forget to enter our classroom code when you visit the Scholastic website at The “Ship to Home” option is still available. Shipping is free on orders over $40. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Outside Play - As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air throughout the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground.

Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 22, 2023. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it becomes available.

We are looking forward to the next four weeks of fun and learning! As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.


Have an awesome week!

~ Mr. G

May 22, 2023

Dear Families,


Welcome to our last full week of May! I hope you are enjoying the long weekend with your families! I am looking forward to seeing everyone back safe and sound on Tuesday morning. Here are a few reminders to kick off this shortened week:  


Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 22, 2023.

Professional Development Day – There will be no classes for students on Monday, May 29, 2023 due to a Teachers’ Professional Development session.


Field Trip – We are going on a field trip to the Fluvarium on Thursday, May 25, 2023. Thank you to everyone who has already returned their permission slip and payment. If you have not yet returned the permission slip, please do so on Tuesday. As part of this field trip will take place outside, it is important that students are dressed appropriately for the weather.


Children will require a small snack that can be easily carried in his/her pocket. I will be looking for a couple of parent volunteers to accompany us on this field trip. It is imperative that all students arrive at school on time on Thursday. The bus will be leaving promptly at 9:00am to arrive at the Fluvarium on time. We are looking forward to a wonderful field trip!


Reminder About Dismissal – From time to time, things will come up that require you to arrange for someone different to pick your child up from school. It is imperative that you let me know by email (or calling the school for last minute changes). In these incidents, your child’s safety will always be my number one concern. I am unable to release your child into the care of someone else without prior notification. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation on a go forward basis.


Literacy Week – Our annual Literacy Week is tentatively scheduled for the week of May 29, 2023. Further details will be made available as the date approaches.


Baggies & BEE Folder – Please ensure the BEE Folder is returned daily in the baggie! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard. 


Baggie Books – Please have a look around your home for any misplaced baggie books as we are missing quite a few. These books are an important part of our home reading program. We have a limited supply in the classroom, and when baggie books are not returned on Friday, it makes it very difficult to have the BEE Folders prepared for the following week. I am asking for your diligence and cooperation in ensuring classroom baggie books are returned to school each day in the BEE Folder. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated!


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Reading – Please continue to read with and to your child every night. Listening to you read gives your child the opportunity to hear a fluent and expressive reader. In addition, rereading your child’s baggy book each night is imperative in improving reading fluency and overall comprehension.


Math – We are continuing to work on Addition and Subtraction to 20. This unit builds on the strategies we learned in our previous addition and subtraction unit to 12.  Please continue to practice the strategies we have learned at school. The use of manipulatives (i.e., buttons, coins, dried pasta, Cheerios, etc.) will be beneficial. It may be a good idea to have a collection of materials readily available for practice at home. Many children would benefit from extra practice with subtraction!


Scholastic Orders: Scholastic has reintroduced the “Ship to the Classroom” option. This means that families may place an order for as little as $3 and have it shipped to the classroom without shipping costs. As always, please submit your order online and choose the “Ship to Classroom” option. Don’t forget to enter our classroom code when you visit the Scholastic website at The “Ship to Home” option is still available. Shipping is free on orders over $40. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground!


Sports Day – Our annual Sports Day is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Further details will be provided as the date approaches.


Last Day of School– The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 22, 2023. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it becomes available.


Have a Wonderful Week! 

~ Mr. G

May 15, 2023

Dear Families,


Happy Mother’s Day to all Moms, Grandmas, Aunts, and other special ladies in our lives. I hope you are enjoying your special day – you certainly deserve it. The love and support you show for your children each day is truly amazing and to be celebrated! I hope you have the opportunity to relax today and spend some time with your family doing whatever it is that makes you happy! Here are a few notes to get our shortened week at school started:


Professional Development Days – There will be no classes for students on Monday, May 15, 2023 and Monday, May 29, 2023 due to Teachers’ Professional Development sessions.

Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 22, 2023.

Field Trip – We are going on a field trip to the Fluvarium on Thursday, May 25, 2023. Please complete the consent form and return it, along with payment ($9), at your earliest convenience. If the financial obligation for this field trip is prohibitive to any family, please do let me know.

Children will require a small snack that can be easily carried in his/her pocket. I will be looking for a couple of parent volunteers to accompany us on this field trip. If you are available, please indicate this on the permission slip. If more parents are able to attend than required, I will do a random draw.


Reminder About Dismissal – From time to time, things will come up that require you to arrange for someone different to pick your child up from school. It is imperative that you let me know by email (or calling the school for last minute changes). In these incidents, your child’s safety will always be my number one concern. I am unable to release your child into the care of someone else without prior notification. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation on a go forward basis.

Literacy Week – Our annual Literacy Week is tentatively scheduled for the week of May 29, 2023. Further details will be made available as the date approaches.

Baggies & BEE Folder – Please ensure the BEE Folder is returned daily in the baggie! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard. 

Baggie Books – Please have a look around your home for any misplaced baggie books as we are missing quite a few. These books are an important part of our home reading program. We have a limited supply in the classroom, and when baggie books are not returned on Friday, it makes it very difficult to have the BEE Folders prepared for the following week. I am asking for your diligence and cooperation in ensuring classroom baggie books are returned to school each day in the BEE Folder. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated!

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Scholastic Orders: Scholastic has reintroduced the “Ship to the Classroom” option. This means that families may place an order for as little as $3 and have it shipped to the classroom without shipping costs. As always, please submit your order online and choose the “Ship to Classroom” option. Don’t forget to enter our classroom code when you visit the Scholastic website at The “Ship to Home” option is still available. Shipping is free on orders over $40. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground!

Sports Day – Our annual Sports Day is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Further details will be provided as the date approaches.

Last Day of School– The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 22, 2023. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it becomes available.

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!

Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

May 8, 2023

Dear Families,


I hope everyone had a great weekend with your families! We are getting ready for another busy week of learning and fun in Grade One! Here are a few notes to get our week started:


School Fundraiser – Prize draws for our Move-a-Thon fundraiser will now take place on Monday.


Field Trip – We are going on a field trip to the Fluvarium on Thursday, May 25, 2023. You will find the permission slip in your child’s BEE Folder on Monday evening. Please complete the consent form and return it, along with payment ($9), at your earliest convenience. If the financial obligation for this field trip is prohibitive to any family, please do let me know.


Children will require a small snack that can be easily carried in his/her pocket. I will be looking for a couple of parent volunteers to accompany us on this field trip. If you are available, please indicate this on the permission slip. If more parents are able to attend than required, I will do a random draw.


Literacy Week – Our annual Literacy Week is tentatively scheduled for the week of May 29, 2023. Further details will be made available as the date approaches.


Baggies & BEE Folder – Please ensure your child’s BEE Folder and baggie are returned daily! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Homework –The importance of nightly reading and writing practice cannot be overstated. The progress the children have made this year is truly amazing and I am so proud of them all. This is due, in no small part, to your commitment and encouragement at home. Your continued cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and of immense benefit to your child. There is a direct correlation between your child’s reading progress and the amount of time he/she is engaged in meaningful literacy activities both at home and school. I am looking forward to even more growth over the coming weeks!


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Scholastic Orders: Scholastic has reintroduced the “Ship to the Classroom” option. This means that families may place an order for as little as $3 and have it shipped to the classroom without shipping costs. As always, please submit your order online and choose the “Ship to Classroom” option. Don’t forget to enter our classroom code when you visit the Scholastic website at The “Ship to Home” option is still available. Shipping is free on orders over $40. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Professional Development Days – There will be no classes for students on Monday, May 15, 2023 or Monday, May 29, 2023 due to Teachers’ Professional Development sessions.


Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 22, 2023.


Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground.


Sports Day – Our annual Sports Day is scheduled for Tuesday, June 6, 2023. Further details will be provided as the date approaches.


Last Day of School – The last day of school for students is Thursday, June 22, 2023. Further details regarding dismissal time will be provided at a later date.


Have a Terrific Week!


~ Mr. G

May 1, 2023

Dear Families,

Welcome to the first week of May! As we enter our final two months of Grade One, we still have lots of learning to do! It is shaping up to be a busy and exciting month and I am delighted that I get to spend it with some of the most amazing and caring children I know! Here are a few notes to get our week started:

May Calendar – Please find a copy of the May calendar in your child’s BEE Folder on Monday afternoon. Please post it in an accessible place for ease of reference.

School Fundraiser – Thank you for your participation and support of this important school fundraiser. Children will participate in the Move-a-Thon activities this week. Prize draws will occur on Friday of this week.

Field Trip – We are going on a field trip to the Fluvarium on Thursday, May 25, 2023. You will find the permission slip in your child’s BEE Folder over the coming days. Please complete the consent form and return it, along with payment ($9), at your earliest convenience. If the financial obligation for this field trip is prohibitive to any family, please do let me know.

Children will require a small snack that can be easily carried in his/her pocket. I will be looking for a couple of parent volunteers to accompany us on this field trip. If you are available, please indicate this on the permission slip. If more parents are able to attend than required, I will do a random draw.

Literacy Week – Our annual Literacy Week is tentatively scheduled for the week of May 29, 2023. Further details will be made available as the date approaches.

Baggies & BEE Folder – Please ensure your child’s BEE Folder and baggie are returned daily! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.

Homework –The importance of nightly reading and writing practice cannot be overstated. The progress the children have made this year is truly amazing and I am so proud of them all. This is due, in no small part, to your commitment and encouragement at home. Your continued cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and of immense benefit to your child. There is a direct correlation between your child’s reading progress and the amount of time he/she is engaged in meaningful literacy activities both at home and school. I am looking forward to even more growth over the coming weeks!

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Scholastic Orders: Scholastic has reintroduced the “Ship to the Classroom” option. This means that families may place an order for as little as $3 and have it shipped to the classroom without shipping costs. As always, please submit your order online and choose the “Ship to Classroom” option. Don’t forget to enter our classroom code when you visit the Scholastic website at The “Ship to Home” option is still available. Shipping is free on orders over $40. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Professional Development Days – There will be no classes for students on Monday, May 15, 2023 or Monday, May 29, 2023 due to Teachers’ Professional Development sessions.

Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 22, 2023.

Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothesin the event of muddy pants on the playground!

Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

April 24, 2023

Dear Families,


It’s an exciting week in Grade One! We have been practicing very hard and we are very much looking forward to presenting our Spring Assembly for you on Thursday morning. We can’t wait to sing and recite our kite poems for you! Here are a few other notes and reminders to get our week started:


Spring Assembly – The Grade One classes will be hosting our annual Spring Assembly on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 10:50am. Parents will be invited to school to view the assembly on that day. Due to the large number of Grade One students, families will be limited to three (3) family members/guests per student. Younger siblings (those who are not school-age) will count as one guest. While no special dress/costume is required, students are invited to dress in spring colours.


Please continue to practice with your child, having him/her speak with a loud, clear voice. We are looking forward to performing for you on Thursday, April 27!


School Fundraiser – Sponsor forms and funds raised for our Move-a-Thon are due back at school on Monday, April 24, 2023. Thank you for your support of this important school fundraiser!


May Calendar – The May calendar will be sent home later in the week. Please post in in an accessible place for ease of reference.


Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am sharp. It is the expectation that children are at school by 8:55am to prepare for the day. Often, Guided Reading groups take place first thing in the morning, so it is important that all students are ready to begin on time. School doors open and supervision begins at 8:40am to welcome children who are dropped off.


Baggies & BEE Folder – Please ensure your child’s BEE Folder and baggie are returned daily! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Homework –The importance of nightly reading and writing practice cannot be overstated. The progress the children have made this year is truly amazing and I am so proud of them all. This is due, in no small part, to your commitment and encouragement at home. Your continued cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and of immense benefit to your child. There is a direct correlation between your child’s reading progress and the amount of time he/she is engaged in meaningful literacy activities both at home and school. I am looking forward to even more growth over the coming weeks!


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Professional Development Days – There will be no classes for students on Monday, May 15, 2023 or Monday, May 29, 2023 due to Teachers’ Professional Development sessions.


Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 22, 2023.


Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Math Update – We will conclude our current unit on Numbers to 100 over the coming week or two, Please continue to work on the following items at home with  your child in order to further develop his/her number sense:

- Saying the number sequence from 0-10

- Saying a number sequences using a variety of starting points (e.g., 37-59)

- Printing the numbers 0-100

- Recognizing the numbers 0-100

- Representing numbers using pictures, base ten blocks, tallies, etc.

- Counting backwards from a variety of starting points

- Counting a collection of objects up to 100

- Counting by twos up to 20

- Counting by fives up to 100

- Counting by tens up to 100

- Grouping a set of objects by twos, fives, and tens and counting the set


We will soon begin our next unit in math on Addition and Subtraction to 20. This unit builds on the strategies we learned in our previous addition and subtraction unit to 12.  Please continue to practice the strategies we have learned at school. The use of manipulatives (i.e., buttons, coins, dried pasta, Cheerios, etc.) will be beneficial. It may be a good idea to have a collection of materials readily available for practice at home.


Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground!


Have a Wonderful Week!


~ Mr. G

April 17, 2023

Dear Families,


Welcome back! I hope everyone had the opportunity for some rest and time with your family over the spring break. As we approach our final two and a half months of Grade One, we still have a lot of learning left to do and I am looking forward to this exciting time with your children. Here are a few notes to get our week started:


Back to School – Classes resume for students tomorrow (Monday, April 17, 2023). It is Day 3 on our schedule and our class has music and gym.


Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am sharp. It is the expectation that children are at school by 8:55am to prepare for the day. Often, Guided Reading groups take place first thing in the morning, so it is important that all students are ready to begin on time. School doors open and supervision begins at 8:40am to welcome children who are dropped off.

Spring Assembly – The Grade One classes will be hosting our annual Spring Assembly on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 10:50am. Parents will be invited to school to view the assembly on that day. Due to the large number of Grade One students, families will be limited to three (3) family members/guests per student. Younger siblings (those who are not school-age) will count as one guest. While no special dress/costume is required, students are invited to dress in spring colours.


Each class will be responsible for some songs and a poem or two. Our class will recite a poem as a class and an additional poem in which students will be paired to recite a part. These parts will need to be memorized. Please work with your child over the coming days to learn his/her part, speaking with a loud, clear voice. We are looking forward to performing for you on Thursday, April 27!

Baggies & BEE Folder – All students will have a new baggie tomorrow. Please ensure the BEE Folder is returned daily in the baggie! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Homework – Our regular homework routine will resume this week, including a new baggie book. With warmer weather and more hours of daylight, hopefully, children will be getting outside to play after school. It is also important that families continue with a nightly homework routine over the coming weeks. The importance of nightly reading and writing practice cannot be overstated. The progress the children have made this year is truly amazing and I am so proud of them all. This is due, in no small part, to your commitment and encouragement at home. Your continued cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and of immense benefit to your child. There is a direct correlation between your child’s reading progress and the amount of time he/she is engaged in meaningful literacy activities both at home and school. I am looking forward to even more growth over the coming weeks!

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Professional Development Day – There will be no classes for students on Monday, May 15, 2023 due to our final Teachers’ Professional Development session. AN additional Professional Development Day has been scheduled by the Department of Education for Monday, May 29, 2023. The purpose of this additional day is for schools to review changes to the Responsive Teaching and Learning Policy, Service Delivery, and Comprehensive Assessment.


Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 22, 2023.

Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Math Update – We will conclude our current unit on Numbers to 100 over the coming week or two, Please continue to work on the following items at home with  your child in order to further develop his/her number sense:

- Saying the number sequence from 0-10

- Saying a number sequences using a variety of starting points (e.g., 37-59)

- Printing the numbers 0-100

- Recognizing the numbers 0-100

- Representing numbers using pictures, base ten blocks, tallies, etc.

- Counting backwards from a variety of starting points

- Counting a collection of objects up to 100

- Counting by twos up to 20

- Counting by fives up to 100

- Counting by tens up to 100

- Grouping a set of objects by twos, fives, and tens and counting the set


We will soon begin our next unit in math on Addition and Subtraction to 20. This unit builds on the strategies we learned in our previous addition and subtraction unit to 12.  Please continue to practice the strategies we have learned at school. The use of manipulatives (i.e., buttons, coins, dried pasta, Cheerios, etc.) will be beneficial. It may be a good idea to have a collection of materials readily available for practice at home.

Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground!


Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

April 3, 2023

Dear Families,


Welcome to our last (short) week of school before Easter vacation. I am looking forward to an exciting week here at school with your children leading up to Easter. Here are a few notes to get our week started:


Spring Assembly – The Grade One classes will be hosting our annual Spring Assembly on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at 10:50am. Parents will be invited to school to view the assembly on that day. Due to the large number of Grade One students, families will be limited to three (3) family members/guests per student. Younger siblings (those who are not school-age) will count as one guest. While no special dress/costume is required, students are invited to dress in spring colours.


 Each class will be responsible for some songs and a poem or two. Our class will recite a poem as a class and an additional poem in which students will be paired to recite a part. These parts will need to be memorized. Please work with your child over the coming days to learn his/her part, speaking with a loud, clear voice. We are looking forward to performing for you on Thursday, April 27!


April Calendar – The April calendar was sent home last Thursday. Please post your calendar in an accessible place for ease of reference (i.e., upcoming events, Physical Education, Music, and Library days, etc.).


Books at Home – There will be no new baggie book sent home this week as it is  short week leading up to Easter vacation. Please have a look around your home for any misplaced baggie books or library books and return them to school this week.


Easter/Spring Vacation – There will be no school for students from Friday, April 7 to Friday, April 14 due to Easter/Spring vacation. Classes will resume on Monday, April 17, 2023.

Handling of Baggie Books – Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that many baggie books are being returned to school damaged (bent, torn, water damage, etc.). Families are asked to please remind their children about appropriate book handling. Please avoid bending the books and eating/drinking around them. As we have a limited supply of these books in the classroom, I am looking for your cooperation in caring for them. Thank you in advance!


Professional Development Day – Our final Professional Development Day will be on Monday, May 15, 2023. There will be no classes for students on this day.


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Math Update – Please continue to work on the following items at home with your child in order to further develop his/her number sense:

- Saying the number sequence from 0-10

- Saying a number sequences using a variety of starting points (e.g., 37-59)

- Printing the numbers 0-100

- Recognizing the numbers 0-100 

- Representing numbers using pictures, base ten blocks, tallies, etc.

- Counting backwards from a variety of starting points

- Counting a collection of objects up to 100

- Counting by twos up to 20

- Counting by fives up to 100

- Counting by tens up to 100

- Grouping a set of objects by twos, fives, and tens and counting the set


Water Bottle – Please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each day. Please ensure the water bottle is spill-proof and does not require the cover to be removed for drinking.


Extra Change of Clothes – If you have not already done so, please ensure your child has an extra change of clothes to keep in his/her locker. Having a change of clothes in the locker will prevent unnecessary calls home in the event of wet/muddy clothes from outside play, spills, etc. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.


Baggies – Several children are still not returning their baggies on a regular basis. Please ensure your child’s baggie is returned daily. When baggies are not returned, baggie books and other materials are often misplaced, found on the floor, etc. It makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal when all materials that need to go home are contained in one area. Children are expected to bring their BEE Folder and baggie into the classroom each morning and place it in the designated area. Please help instill a sense of responsibility and routine by ensuring your child places the necessary materials in his/her backpack each evening. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.


Recording Baggie Books – As a reminder, at the back of your child’s BEE Folder, there is a Reading Log. Please ensure you are recording your child’s baggie book title each week. This is important to help me track the books your child has read and avoid sending home a book that has already been read. Even though your child will be practicing his/her baggie book for the entire week, it is only necessary to record each title once.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker.


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

March 27, 2023

Dear Families,


Welcome to the last week of March! Time is just flying by. Before you know it, Easter/Spring break will be here. We have a busy week coming up and I am so excited to see everyone on Monday morning to get started. Here are a few reminders to get our week started.


Markers – We have a couple of projects coming up that will require markers. If your child has washable markers at home, please send them along sometime this week. There is no need to go out and buy markers if you do not already have some! I have a few here in the classroom that can be shared.


Spring Assembly – The Grade One classes will be hosting our annual Spring Assembly on Thursday, April 27, 2023 at a time to be determined. Parents will be invited to school to view the assembly on that day. Further details regarding the time, appropriate dress, etc. will be communicated with you as the date approaches. Each class will be responsible for some songs and a poem or two. Our class will recite a poem as a class and an additional poem in which students will be paired to recite a part. These parts will need to be memorized. Please work with your child over the coming days to learn his/her part, speaking with a loud, clear voice. We are looking forward to performing for you soon!

Report Card Conferences – Thank you to families who met with me either virtually or by phone to discuss your child’s term 2 report card. Hopefully you have celebrated your child’s success with him/her and took some time to help them set goals for this final term of Grade One! If you have not yet had the opportunity to meet with me to discuss your child’s progress, I would encourage you to do so at your earliest convenience. If you would like to set up an afterschool phone call, please send me an email and we can schedule something this week. If you do not have any concerns at this time, please let me know. Please know that I am here should you have any questions or concerns.


Book Publishing Project – We are continuing to work on our book publishing project this week. If you have not yet had the opportunity to order (optional), you may do so by Tuesday of this week. 

Handling of Baggie Books – Over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed that many baggie books are being returned to school damaged (bent, torn, water damage, etc.). Families are asked to please remind their children about appropriate book handling. Please avoid bending the books and eating/drinking around them. As we have a limited supply of these books in the classroom, I am looking for your cooperation in caring for them. Thank you in advance!

April Calendar – Please keep an eye on your child’s BEE Folder this week for your copy of the April calendar. Post your calendar in an accessible place for ease of reference (i.e., upcoming events, Physical Education, Music, and Library days, etc.).


Autism Awareness DayFriday, March 31, 2023 is Autism Awareness Day at our school. This day aims to help raise autism awareness and understanding. On this day, students are invited show their support by wearing blue.


Easter/Spring Vacation – There will be no school for students from Friday, April 7 to Friday, April 14 due to Easter/Spring vacation. Classes will resume on Monday, April 17, 2023.


Professional Development Day – Our final Professional Development Day will be on Monday, May 15, 2023. There will be no classes for students on this day.


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Water Bottle – Please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each day. Please ensure the water bottle is spill-proof and does not require the cover to be removed for drinking.


Extra Change of Clothes – If you have not already done so, please ensure your child has an extra change of clothes to keep in his/her locker. Having a change of clothes in the locker will prevent unnecessary calls home in the event of wet/muddy clothes from outside play, spills, etc. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.


Baggies – Several children are still not returning their baggies on a regular basis. Please ensure your child’s baggie is returned daily. When baggies are not returned, baggie books and other materials are often misplaced, found on the floor, etc. It makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal when all materials that need to go home are contained in one area. Children are expected to bring their BEE Folder and baggie into the classroom each morning and place it in the designated area. Please help instill a sense of responsibility and routine by ensuring your child places the necessary materials in his/her backpack each evening. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.


Recording Baggie Books – As a reminder, at the back of your child’s BEE Folder, there is a Reading Log. Please ensure you are recording your child’s baggie book title each week. This is important to help me track the books your child has read and avoid sending home a book that has already been read. Even though your child will be practicing his/her baggie book for the entire week, it is only necessary to record each title once.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send mean email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.


Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Have a Wonderful Week!


~ Mr. G

March 13, 2023

Dear Families,


Welcome to the final week of winter! This week we will have an early dismissal on Thursday to accommodate Parent-Teacher conferences. I am looking forward to discussing your child’s term 1 report cards. Here are a few other notes to get our week started:

Book Publishing Project - Our class will be participating in a very exciting and special book publishing project! Please keep youir eye out for an email over the coming days with some important details! 

Online Parent-Teacher Interview Scheduler (OPTIS) – OPTIS has opened for parents to book appointment times. If you have not yet scheduled your interview time, I would encourage you to do so. If you feel that a conference is not necessary at this time, please let me know, keeping in mind that you can reach out at anytime should questions or concerns arise.


Term 2 Report Cards – Report cards will be released at dismissal time on Tuesday, March 14, 2023.

Report Card Conferences – Report card conferences will be scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Thursday, March 16, 2023. Dismissal for students on this day will be 11:45am.


World Down Syndrome Day - On Tuesday, March 21, 2023, our school will be participating in Funky Sock Day (bold print, colourful designs, mismatched, etc.)! This is a symbol of the wonderfully unique gifts that Down Syndrome can bring to an individual, his/her family, school, and community.

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Reading Assessments – Reading assessments are ongoing throughout the year. As a result, your child’s baggie book may change throughout the week to ensure it is a good fit for him/her. As a reminder, please continue to encourage your child to use segmenting and blending strategies to decode unfamiliar words. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. Congratulations!


Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!

Water Bottle – Please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each day. Please ensure the water bottle is spill-proof and does not require the cover to be removed for drinking.

Extra Change of Clothes – If you have not already done so, please ensure your child has an extra change of clothes to keep in his/her locker. Having a change of clothes in the locker will prevent unnecessary calls home in the event of wet/muddy clothes from outside play, spills, etc. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

Baggies – Several children are still not returning their baggies on a regular basis. Please ensure your child’s baggie is returned daily. When baggies are not returned, baggie books and other materials are often misplaced, found on the floor, etc. It makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal when all materials that need to go home are contained in one area. Children are expected to bring their BEE Folder and baggie into the classroom each morning and place it in the designated area. Please help instill a sense of responsibility and routine by ensuring your child places the necessary materials in his/her backpack each evening. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

Recording Baggie Books – As a reminder, at the back of your child’s BEE Folder, there is a Reading Log. Please ensure you are recording your child’s baggie book title each week. This is important to help me track the books your child has read and avoid sending home a book that has already been read. Even though your child will be practicing his/her baggie book for the entire week, it is only necessary to record each title once.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Children should wear snow pants, a warm jacket, hat, mittens, and boots on a daily basis. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker.

Early Closures: In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send mean email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.

Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Have a Wonderful Week!


~ Mr. G

January 30, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to a new week in Grade One! This is a short week for students as there is a Teachers’ Professional Learning Day on Friday. Here are a few notes to get us started:

February Calendar – Please find a copy of the February calendar in your child’s BEE Folder on Monday evening. Please post your calendar in an accessible place as there are many important dates and activities this month. A copy of the calendar will be posted to our website soon.

Headphones/Earbuds – Please check in with your child to ensure he/she has an operable pair of headphones. We use the ipads frequently as part of our Math and Literacy learning.


Professional Development Days – Our three (3) remaining professional development day for the year have been scheduled as follows:


1.  Friday, February 3, 2023

2.  Monday, February 27, 2023

3.  Monday, May 15, 2023

There will be no school for students on these days.

Reading Strategies - Please continue to review reading strategies with your child to help with unfamiliar words encountered in reading. Encourage strategies such as “Stretch It” and “Blend It” to segment and blend unfamiliar words. Children are encouraged to refer to their Reading Strategies Bookmark as they read their baggie book each week.

Math Update – We are continuing to work on our unit on Addition and Subtraction to 12. Please continue to review addition and subtraction strategies at home for sums and differences to 12. Many children will benefit by using hands-on materials readily available around your home (i.e., buttons, coins, Cheerios, dried pasta, Lego bricks, etc.).

Valentine’s Day – We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Children are invited to bring a small, individual snack for the afternoon. Please be mindful of the allergies at our school. As a reminder, we kindly ask that you refrain from sending in treats for the class. While the thought is appreciated, I will be unable to distribute these to the class. Further guidance around the exchange of Valentine’s Day cards will be provided at a later date.

NLTA Janeway Day (tentative) - In support of the Janeway Children’s Hospital, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association (NLTA) will host a fundraiser on Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Children are invited to wear their PJs to school on this day. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Further information on how to donate will be available soon.

100th Day of School – Can you believe we have been in Grade One for almost 100 days? On Wednesday, February 15, 2023 (tentative), we will celebrate the 100th Day of School! We have a day of fun and learning planned that includes math and literacy activities to celebrate our first 100 days of school!


Pink Shirt Day – Students are invited to wear a pink shirt to school on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. This day is designated to highlight the

importance of treating others with kindness and respect.

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader. Please take some time over the holidays to quickly review the words introduced so far.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

BEE Folder & Baggie – Please remember to return your child’s BEE Folder inside the baggie each day. It makes for a much smoother dismissal when all materials are organized together. In addition, bringing the BEE Folder into the classroom independently each morning is a part of our daily routine. Ensuring your child has all necessary materials sets the tone for a positive day and helps instill an important sense of responsibility.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me, however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent/student without your prior written (emailed) consent.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as winter arrives. All children need warm clothing for outside play, including a hat, mittens, warm jacket, snowpants, and boots. Children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!

Early Closures - The time is here for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Have an Awesome Week!



~ Mr. G

January 23, 2023

Dear Families,


Wow! What a stormy weekend! I hope everyone got to enjoy some time together with your family this weekend. Hopefully, you are all cleaned up from the storm and ready to start a brand-new week! Here are a few notes to get us started:


Snowman Project & Presentation – Our snowman projects and presentations have now concluded. Congratulations to all students on a job well done! We enjoyed viewing the many different and creative project ideas. Students did exceptionally well introducing their snowy friend to the class. Thank you to all special adults at home who took the time to help with this important school project relating to the speaking and listening outcomes of our Language Arts curriculum.


School Supplies – We still have a number of children who require extra glue and crayons/colouring leads. Please make sure to check with your child to determine if he/she requires these supplies.


Professional Development Days – Our three (3) remaining professional development day for the year have been scheduled as follows:


1.  Friday, February 3, 2023

2.  Monday, February 27, 2023

3.  Monday, May 15, 2023


There will be no school for students on these days.


Reading Strategies - Please continue to review reading strategies with your child to help with unfamiliar words encountered in reading. Encourage strategies such as “Stretch It” and “Blend It” to segment and blend unfamiliar words. Children are encouraged to refer to their Reading Strategies Bookmark as they read their baggie book each week.


Math Update – We have introduced our new unit on Addition and Subtraction to 12. Please continue to review addition and subtraction strategies at home for sums and differences to 12. Many children will benefit using hands-on materials readily available around your home (i.e., buttons, coins, Cheerios, dried pasta, Lego bricks, etc.).


100th Day of School - We will celebrate the 100th Day of Grade One in February!


Valentine’s Day – We will celebrate Valentine’s Day on the afternoon of Tuesday, February 14, 2023. Children are invited to bring a small, individual, allergen-free snack. As per school protocol, students may not bring treats to share with their classmates. Further details regarding Valentine card exchange will be available in the coming days.


Pink Shirt Day – Students are invited to wear a pink shirt to school on Wednesday, February 22, 2023. This day is designated to highlight the importance of treating others with kindness and respect.


Dressing for Dismissal/Outdoor Play – With winter in full swing, it is important that your child is always prepared for outside play. Please discuss with your child the importance of wearing mittens, hats, boots, snowpants, etc. when going outside in winter. I am finding that several children are requiring reminders each day to remove hats and mittens from their backpacks to put on before going outside. Your assistance in this regard is much appreciated.


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader. Please take some time over the holidays to quickly review the words introduced so far.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.   


BEE Folder & Baggie – Please remember to return your child’s BEE Folder inside the baggie each day. It makes for a much smoother dismissal when all materials are organized together. In addition, bringing the BEE Folder into the classroom independently each morning is a part of our daily routine. Ensuring your child has all necessary materials sets the tone for a positive day and helps instill an important sense of responsibility.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me, however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent/student without your prior written (emailed) consent.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as winter arrives. All children need warm clothing for outside play, including a hat, mittens, warm jacket, snowpants., and boots. Children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Early Closures - The time is here for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Have a Wonderful Week!




~ Mr. G

January 16, 2023

Dear Families,


I hope everyone had a wonderful weekend with your family doing the things you enjoy! The double-digit temperatures on Saturday were certainly a nice mid-winter surprise! I am looking forward to seeing everyone back in school on Monday morning. Here are a few notes to get our week started:


Snowman Project – Snowman projects are due on Monday, January 16, 2023. Our presentations will begin on Monday and continue throughout the week. As a reminder, this project consists of three (3) parts:


1. A snowman your child has made.

2. A written component - This is to be completed on the sheet that was originally sent home with the project.

3. An oral presentation – The prompts/questions will come directly from the written part of the project.


As this project relates directly to the speaking and listening outcomes of our Language Arts curriculum, it is important that children practice at home. We will be looking for a clear voice with appropriate volume and an overall understanding of the questions listed above. We are looking forward to meeting your snowy friends on Monday!


School Supplies – Please check in with your child to see if he/she requires any school supplies to be replenished. Many children may require extra glue, crayons, and/or colouring leads!


Professional Development Days – Our three (3) remaining professional development day for the year have been scheduled as follows:


1.  Friday, February 3, 2023

2.  Monday, February 27, 2023

3.  Monday, May 15, 2023


There will be no school for students on these days.


Dressing for Dismissal/Outdoor Play – With winter in full swing, it is important that you child is always prepared for outside play. Please discuss with your child the importance of wearing mittens, hats, boots, snowpants, etc. when going outside in winter. I am finding that several children are requiring reminders each day to remove hats and mittens from their backpacks to put on before going outside. Your assistance in this regard is much appreciated.

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader. Please take some time over the holidays to quickly review the words introduced so far.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.   

BEE Folder & Baggie – Please remember to return your child’s BEE Folder inside the baggie each day. It makes for a much smoother dismissal when all materials are organized together. In addition, bringing the BEE Folder into the classroom independently each morning is a part of our daily routine. Ensuring your child has all necessary materials sets the tone for a positive day and helps instill an important sense of responsibility.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me, however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent/student without your prior written (emailed) consent.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as winter arrives. All children need warm clothing for outside play, including a hat, mittens, warm jacket, snowpants., and boots. Children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!

Early Closures - The time is here for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


We are looking forward to another great week in Grade One! Please do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns.


Have an Awesome Week!



~ Mr. G

January 9, 2023

Dear Families,


Welcome to another exciting week in Grade One! I am looking forward to seeing everyone back at school tomorrow to continue our learning. Here are a few notes to get us started:


Extra Change of Clothes – It is important that all children have a complete change of clothing to store in his/her locker! If you have not already done so, now is a great time to send in an extra change of clothing (especially socks). This will help us to cut down on unnecessary calls home for dry clothing in the event your child gets wet when playing and learning outside.


Snowman Project – Please continue to continue to help your child work on his/her snowman project this week. Students will use available materials from home to create their own snowman. In addition, there is a small writing component to this project. Students should return their completed snowman and writing to school on or before Monday, January 16, 2023. Throughout the week, students will take turns presenting their snowman to the class by responding to the following questions:


1.   What is your snowman’s name?

2.   What materials did you use to make your snowman?

3.   Why did you choose these materials?

4.   Who helped you make your snowman?

5.   What makes your snowman unique/special?

6.   Is there anything else you would like to tell about your snowman?


As this project relates directly to the speaking and listening outcomes of our Language Arts curriculum, it is important that children practice at home. We will be looking for a clear voice with appropriate volume and an overall understanding of the questions listed above. We are looking forward to meeting your snowy friends soon! Further details regarding this project were sent home on a separate memo last week.


Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am. This means that all students should be in the classroom no later than 8:55am each morning and ready to begin on time. I certainly appreciate that things come up from time to time and late arrivals are unavoidable. When late arrivals become a habit, students are missing out on important literacy and math instruction that begins first thing in the morning. Furthermore, frequent late arrivals are disruptive to other students when instruction has already begun. Please make every effort to arrive on time. In addition, please make sure your child has everything he/she needs for a successful day at school to avoid the disruption caused by drop-offs throughout the day (i.e., coats, water bottles, lunch, sneakers, BEE Folder, etc.). Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.


High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader. Please take some time over the holidays to quickly review the words introduced so far.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


BEE Folder & Baggie – Please remember to return your child’s BEE Folder inside the baggie each day. It makes for a much smoother dismissal when all materials are organized together. In addition, bringing the BEE Folder into the classroom independently each morning is a part of our daily routine. Ensuring your child has all necessary materials sets the tone for a positive day and helps instill an important sense of responsibility.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me, however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent/student without your prior written (emailed) consent.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as winter arrives. All children need warm clothing for outside play, including a hat, mittens, warm jacket, snowpants., and boots. Children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Early Closures - The time is here for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Please do not hesitate to reach out at anytime with any questions or concerns you may have.


Have an Awesome Week!



~ Mr. G

January 2, 2023

Dear Families,

Happy New Year! I trust you had a wonderful and relaxing Christmas break with your families. I am looking forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday as we kick off the new year filled with lots of learning, excitement, and fun! As we prepare for our return to school, here are a few notes to get us started:

Classes Resume – School will resume for students on Tuesday, January 3, 2023. As a reminder, Monday, January 2, 2023 is a holiday and there will be no school.

January Calendar – Your child’s January calendar will be in his/her BEE Folder on Tuesday afternoon. Please keep an eye out for it and post it in an accessible place for your reference.

Snowman Project – Beginning tomorrow, children will complete a small at-home project. Students will use available materials from home to create their own snowman. In addition, there is a small writing component to this project that will also be completed at home. Students should return their completed snowman and writing to school on or before Monday, January 16, 2022. Throughout the week, students will take turns presenting their snowman to the class by responding to the following questions:

1. What is your snowman’s name?

2. What materials did you use to make your snowman?

3. Why did you choose these materials?

4. Who helped you make your snowman?

5. What makes your snowman unique/special?

6. Is there anything else you would like to tell about your snowman?

As this project relates directly to the speaking and listening outcomes of our Language Arts curriculum, it is important that children practice at home. We will be looking for a clear voice with appropriate volume and an overall understanding of the questions listed above. We are looking forward to meeting your snowy friends soon! Further details regarding this project may be found in your child’s BEE Folder on Tuesday. 

Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am. This means that all students should be in the classroom no later than 8:55am each morning and ready to begin on time. I certainly appreciate that things come up from time to time and late arrivals are unavoidable. When late arrivals become a habit, students are missing out on important literacy and math instruction that begins first thing in the morning. Furthermore, frequent late arrivals are disruptive to other students when instruction has already begun. Please make every effort to arrive on time. In addition, please make sure your child has everything he/she needs for a successful day at school to avoid the disruption caused by drop-offs throughout the day (i.e., coats, water bottles, lunch, sneakers, BEE Folder, etc.). Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

Homework Routine – Our regular homework routine will resume this week. A new baggie book will be sent home. Please remember to practice your child’s high-frequency words using the orthographic mapping method introduced this year.

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader. Please take some time over the holidays to quickly review the words introduced so far.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

BEE Folder & Baggie – Your child will receive a new baggie with his/her BEE Folder this week. Please remember to return the BEE Folder inside the baggie each day. It makes for a much smoother dismissal when all materials are organized together. In addition, bringing the BEE Folder into the classroom independently each morning is a part of our daily routine. Ensuring your child has all necessary materials sets the tone for a positive day and helps instil an important sense of responsibility.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me, however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent/student without your prior written (emailed) consent.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as winter arrives. All children need warm clothing for outside play, including a hat, mittens, warm jacket, snowpants., and boots. Children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!

Extra Change of Clothes – It is important that all children have a complete change of clothing to store in his/her locker! If you have not already done so, now is a great time to send in an extra change of clothing (especially socks). This will help us to cut down on unnecessary calls home for dry clothing.

Early Closures - The time is here for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.

I am very much looking forward to the new year of possibilities with your amazing children. As always, please do not hesitate to reach out at anytime with any questions or concerns you may have.

Wishing you and your family a very healthy and happy New Year! 


~ Mr. G

December 19, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to the final three days of Grade One for 2022! I would like to say what an honour and a privilege it is that I get to spend my days with your awesome children. The progress they have made since I first met them in September is truly amazing. This is, in no small part, due to the commitment and support of each and every one of YOU! Thank you for your continued support. I am looking forward to continuing and strengthening our home-school partnership in 2023. In the meantime, it is my sincere wish that you have the happiest of Christmas seasons with your families. Take some time during the Christmas season to relax, rejuvenate and spend some time with the ones you love, doing whatever it is that makes you happy! Here are a few notes to get this shortened week started:


Christmas Hat/Socks Day & Breakfast with Santa – On Monday, December 19, 2022, we will be celebrating Christmas Hat and/or Socks Day. Children are invited to wear a festive hat and/or socks. Children will also enjoy a pancake breakfast with Santa in the cafeteria!


Elf Day & Jingle Hop – On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, we will celebrate Elf Day. Children are invited to wear an elf hat (if they have one!). Our math, literacy, and art activities will center around the elf theme. We will also have our Jingle Hop today. All children are asked to bring 2 bells from home. We will attach the bells to your child’s shoes in the afternoon for our Jingle Hop in the gym!

Dismissal for Christmas Break – Students will be dismissed for Christmas break on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. We will have a Christmas sing along on this day. Students will be dismissed at 1:00pm. If there are any changes to your child’s regular dismissal routine for this day, please let me know via email prior to Wednesday.


Homework – Homework has now concluded and will commence following the Christmas break. While there will be no homework assigned, I would encourage you, as always, to continue to have your child read and write over the holiday break. This is important to maintain and further the progress he/she has made during term one. This time of year lends itself well to authentic writing experiences for you and your child. Having your child help you write shopping lists, Christmas cards, thank you cards, etc. is a wonderful way to practice writing skills such as sounding out.


BEE Folders – BEE Folders will now remain at school until after the Christmas break. Please continue to send along your child’s baggie for the next three days!

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader. Please take some time over the holidays to quickly review the words introduced so far.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Reading & Writing at Home – While there will be no homework assigned, I would encourage you to continue to have your child read and write over the holiday break. This is important to maintain and further the progress he/she has made during term one. This time of year lends itself well to authentic writing experiences for you and your child. Having your child help you write shopping lists, Christmas cards, thank you cards, etc. is a wonderful way to practice writing skills such as sounding out words.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Library - Please ensure library books are returned each day 7. Library days are indicated on your monthly calendar.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me, however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written (emailed) consent.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as winter arrives. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Early Closures - The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Back to School: Classes resume for students on Tuesday, January 3, 2022. It will be day 5 on our schedule, and our class will have music and gym.


January Calendar – The January calendar will be sent home on the first day back from Christmas break.


From my family to yours, have a very Merry Christmas and very best wishes for an amazing 2023! I can’t wait to see you all on January 3! Please stay safe and take care of each other!


Have a Wonderful Week!

~ Mr. G

December 12, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to the final full week of Grade One for 2022! I am sure you all had a busy weekend with Christmas preparations. We have such an exciting week coming up. I can’t wait to get started! Here are a few notes to help get us organized for the week:


Christmas Theme Days: We have several exciting theme days and activities planned in Grade 1 for the last few days leading up to Christmas vacation. These days are included on your December calendar and outlined below.


Grinch DayOn Tuesday, December 13, 2022, students are invited to wear lots of green. We will be reading How the Grinch Stole Christmas and completing some math, literacy, and art activities with a Grinch theme.


Candy Cane Day – On Wednesday, December 14, 2022, we will celebrate all things candy canes! Students are invited to dress in red and white like a candy cane! Our math and literacy activities for the day will have a candy cane theme.


Polar Express & PJ Day – On Thursday, December 15, 2022, children are invited to wear their pajamas to school. We will be watching The Polar Express. I will be providing a small snack for the children to enjoy during the movie.


Gingerbread Day – On Friday, December 16, 2022, we will be reading some gingerbread stories and completing some math and literacy activities. We will also be decorating gingerbread cookies.


Christmas Hat/Socks Day & Breakfast with Santa – On Monday, December 19 2022, we will be celebrating Christmas Hat and/or Socks Day. Children are invited to wear a festive hat and/or socks. Children will also enjoy a pancake breakfast with Santa in the cafeteria!


Elf Day & Jingle Hop – On Tuesday, December 20, 2022, we will celebrate Elf Day. Children are invited to wear an elf hat (if they have one!). Our math, literacy, and art activities will center around the elf theme. We will also have our Jingle Hop today. All children are asked to bring 2 bells from home. We will attach the bells to your child’s shoes in the afternoon for our Jingle Hop in the gym!

Dismissal for Christmas Break – Students will be dismissed for Christmas break on Wednesday, December 21, 2022. We will have a Christmas sing along on this day. Students will be dismissed at 1:00pm. If there are any changes to your child’s regular dismissal routine for this day, please let me know via email prior to Wednesday.


Back to School – Classes will resume for students following the Christmas break on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Homework – Homework has now concluded and will commence following the Christmas break. While there will be no homework assigned, I would encourage you, as always, to continue to have your child read and write over the holiday break. This is important to maintain and further the progress he/she has made during term one. This time of year lends itself well to authentic writing experiences for you and your child. Having your child help you write shopping lists, Christmas cards, thank you cards, etc. is a wonderful way to practice writing skills such as sounding out. While homework is finished, it is important that your child continue to bring his/her baggie and BEE folder to school each day. Please continue to check these on a nightly basis for potentially important correspondence from school.

High-Frequency Words – Please continue to practice your child’s high-frequency words with him/her on a nightly basis. These words will appear frequently in the texts your child will encounter. As such, it is important to recognize these words upon sight. Nightly practice is essential in developing a confident, fluent reader. Please take some time over the holidays to quickly review the words introduced so far.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970


Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly with the arrival of winter very shortly! All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Extra Change of Clothes – All families are encouraged to send in a complete change of clothes to store in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home in the event your child gets wet during outside play!


January Calendar – The January calendar will be sent home on the first day back from Christmas break.


We are looking forward to an exciting week in Grade One!


Have a Wonderful Week!

~ Mr. G

December 5, 2022

Dear Families,


Thank you to all parents who were able to meet with me virtually, by phone, or in-person to discuss your child’s progress during term 1. It was great to have the opportunity to speak with each of you. I am so very proud of each one of the children and the progress he/she has made this term. I am looking forward to continued success in term two. If you were not able to make an appointment last week, I would encourage you to please contact me to schedule a time that is mutually convenient. Here are a few updates to get the first full week of December started:

Homework – This will be our last week sending home a new baggie book prior to the Christmas break. While there will be no homework assigned after this week, I would encourage you, as always, to continue to have your child read and write over the holiday break. This is important to maintain and further the progress he/she has made during term one. This time of year lends itself well to authentic writing experiences for you and your child. Having your child help you write shopping lists, Christmas cards, thank you cards, etc. is a wonderful way to practice writing and phonics skills. When homework is finished, it is important that your child continue to bring his/her baggie and BEE folder to school each day. Please continue to check these on a nightly basis for potentially important correspondence from school.


Christmas Theme Days – In the days leading up to the Christmas holidays, we have planned some exciting theme days. Here is an overview of these days:


·         Tuesday, December 13 – Grinch Day (dress in green)

·         Wednesday, December 14 – Candy Cane Day (dress in red and white)

·         Thursday, December 15 – Polar Express & PJ Day (wear your PJs)

·         Friday, December 16 – Gingerbread Day

·         Monday, December 19 – Christmas Hat/Socks Day & Breakfast with Santa

·         Tuesday, December 20 – Elf Day & Jingle Hop (wear bells on your shoes)

·         Wednesday, December 21 – Christmas Sing-Along & Last Day


High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of a regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Dismissal for Christmas BreakWednesday, December 21, 2022 will be our last day of school prior to Christmas break. Students will be dismissed at 1:00pm!


Back to School – Classes will resume for students following the Christmas break on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970

Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly with the arrival of winter very shortly! All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Extra Change of Clothes – All families are encouraged to send in a complete change of clothes to store in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home in the event your child gets wet during outside play!


I am looking forward to spending the next couple of weeks with your children leading up to Christmas. It is a very exciting time of year with lots of fun, educational activities!


Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

November 28, 2022

Dear Families,


Can you believe December arrives this week! Things are certainly starting to get exciting as we move into the Christmas month. This is a slightly shortened week for students as they will be dismissed at 11:45am on Thursday to accommodate parent-teacher conferences. Here are a few reminders to get our week started:


Term 1 Report Cards - Term 1 report cards will be released at dismissal time on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. This report will detail your child’s progress during the first term of Grade One. Please review it carefully with your child, highlighting and praising his/her progress and successes. Work together to help your child set goals for term 2!


Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences – Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2022. In order to accommodate these conferences, students will be dismissed at 11:45am on this day. I will be offering three options for conferences – telephone, Google Meet, or in-person. OPTIS (Online Parent Teacher Interview Scheduler) is now open for parents to schedule their appointment time. If you are having difficulty scheduling an appointment, please let me know and I will gladly assist you.


Alternate Dates for Parent-Teacher Interviews - In addition to the regularly scheduled conference times on Thursday, December 1, I would like to offer some afternoon appointments for Tuesday, November 29, and Wednesday, November 30 beginning at 3:15pm. If you are available and interested in scheduling your conference on Tuesday or Wednesday, please email me directly indicating your preference of a phone call (please include the best number at which you may be reached), Google Meet, or in-person.


Scholastic Book FairOur annual book fair is taking place next week! Our class will be visiting the book fair on Wednesday, November 30. If you are interested in having your child make a purchase at the book fair, please send along the money on Wednesday morning in an envelope or baggie, clearly labelled "BOOK FAIR" with your child's name.


Please discuss with your child beforehand what they may and may not purchase. As a reminder, there will be posters, pencils, erasers, etc. along with books, so please have a conversation with your child regarding what you would like him/her to purchase. A flyer was sent home last week highlighting some of the choices at the book fair. Please note, some of these items and others may need to be ordered. For your convenience, here is a link to the flyer: BOOK FAIR FLYER.


The book fair will also be open to parents/guardians on conference day (Thursday, December 1, 2022) until 6:00pm.


In addition, our school is hosting a Virtual Fair where students and parents/guardians may browse and shop online. The link to the Virtual Book Fair is VIRTUAL BOOK FAIR.


December Calendar: The December calendar will be sent home this week. A copy will also be posted on my website. As December is such a busy month with many different activities, please keep your calendar in an accessible place for your reference. We will be having some theme days/activities coming up in December.


Dismissal for Christmas BreakWednesday, December 21, 2022 will be our last day of school prior to Christmas break. The time of dismissal will be announced.


Back to School – Classes will resume for students following the Christmas break on Tuesday, January 3, 2023.


High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of a regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Writing - Many children are requiring some extra practice in the area of writing. When writing at home, please work on the following areas with your child:

§ Proper letter formation

§ Finger spaces between each word

§ Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and lowercase letters throughout the other words (For example, I love my dog. not I lovE mY Dog.)

§ Punctuation at the end of a sentence.

§ Children should be sounding/stretching out the words they are printing and representing each sound heard. At this point, it is the expectation that the beginning and final sounds are represented (for example, dg for dog is perfectly acceptable!). Some children will also be representing the medial sounds in the words as well.

I would encourage you to engage your child in meaningful writing experiences at home that aid in developing writing skills. For example, helping you write a shopping list, writing a letter to Santa, writing a sentence or two about something special that happened that day, are all great opportunities to practice. Please praise and encourage your child in all writing attempts to help build his/her confidence. It is truly amazing to watch their growth and development in this and many other areas in the coming weeks and months!


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970  Please note: the November digital flyer has many awesome selections that would make excellent Christmas gifts/stocking stuffers!


Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly with the cooler, autumn weather. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Have a Wonderful Week!


~ Mr. G

November 21, 2022

Dear Families

Welcome to the last full week of November. As we approach December and the Christmas season, it is such an exciting and busy time at school! I am thrilled to be sharing in your child’s excitement! Here are a few items to get the week started:


Teachers’ Professional Development Day – There will be no school for students on Thursday, November 24, 2021 due to a Teachers’ Professional Development session.


Term 1 Report Cards - Term 1 report cards will be released at dismissal time on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. This report will detail your child’s progress during the first term of Grade One. Please review it carefully with your child, highlighting and praising his/her progress and successes. Work together to help your child set goals for term 2!

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences – Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2022. In order to accommodate these conferences, students will be dismissed at 11:45am on this day. We are hoping to offer three options for conferences – telephone, Google Meet, or in-person. We will be using the OPTIS (Online Parent Teacher Interview Scheduler) system to schedule interviews. Please keep an eye out over the coming days for further information on scheduling your conference time.


Alternate Dates for Parent-Teacher Interviews - In addition to the regularly scheduled conference times on Thursday, December 1, I would like to offer some afternoon appointments for Tuesday, November 29, and Wednesday, November 30 beginning at 3:15pm. If you are interested in scheduling your conference on Tuesday or Wednesday, please email me directly indicating your preference of a phone call (please include the best number at which you may be reached), Google Meet, or in-person.

Scholastic Book Fair – Our school’s annual book fair is scheduled to take place during the week of November 28. Further details regarding the book fair will be available soon!

Toys from Home – I would like to remind you about our rule concerning toys and trading cards. In fairness to all, I am asking families to refrain from sending toys (including action figures, Legos, trading cards, stuffed characters, etc.) to school. Often, toys can get lost or damaged resulting in upset. There are also disagreements when there is not enough to share with all friends. It takes a significant amount of class time getting toys put back in lockers when playtime is over. We have lots of toys, blocks, board games, etc. to occupy the children during unstructured times (i.e., recess, lunch play time, etc.). These toys and games promote imaginative and cooperative play and foster skill such as turn-taking, conflict resolution, etc. The exception to this, of course, would be special days such as show and share. This will be communicated to you in advance by your child’s teacher. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

December Calendar: The December calendar will be sent home next week. A copy will also be posted on my website. As December is such a busy month with many different activities, please keep your calendar in an accessible place for your reference. We will be having some theme days/activities coming up in December.

Dismissal for Christmas BreakWednesday, December 21, 2022 will be our last day of school prior to Christmas break. The time of dismissal will be announced.

High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of a regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Handling Baggie Books: Please ensure that baggie books are handled with care. Please refrain from eating or drinking around your baggie book, writing on it, or bending it. Please ensure your book is returned daily, and especially on Fridays when homework/books are changed for the following week. We are still having a significant number of families who are not returning their baggie book. This makes it extremely difficult to prepare BEE Folders for the following week and ensuring all students have the book they need for the week. We have a limited supply of baggie books, so your attention to this matter and anticipated cooperation is very much appreciated!

Writing - Many children are requiring some extra practice in the area of writing. When writing at home, please work on the following areas with your child:

I would encourage you to engage your child in meaningful writing experiences at home that aid in developing writing skills. For example, helping you write a shopping list, writing a letter to Santa, writing a sentence or two about something special that happened that day, are all great opportunities to practice. Please praise and encourage your child in all writing attempts to help build his/her confidence. It is truly amazing to watch their growth and development in this and many other areas in the coming weeks and months!

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970  Please note: the November digital flyer has many awesome selections that would make excellent Christmas gifts/stocking stuffers!

Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly with the cooler, autumn weather. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

November 14, 2022

Dear Families,

Welcome to another week in Grade One! I hope you had a relaxing long weekend with your family. The weeks just keep flying by. Before you know it, Christmas will be upon us! Here are a few notes to get our week off to a wonderful start:

World Diabetes Day – Our school will celebrate World Diabetes Day on Monday, November 14, 2022. In a show of support for those who live with the realities of Diabetes everyday, students are invited to wear blue on Monday.

Teachers’ Professional Development Day – There will be no school for students on Thursday, November 24, 2022 due to a Teachers’ Professional Development session.

Scholastic Book Fair – Our school’s annual book fair is scheduled to take place during the week of November 28. Further details regarding the book fair will be available soon!

Report Cards – Report cards will be released on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. This report will detail your child’s progress during the first term of Grade One. Please review it carefully with your child, highlighting and praising his/her progress and successes. Work together to help your child set goals for term 2!

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences – Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2022. In order to accommodate these conferences, students will be dismissed at 11:45am on this day. We are hoping to offer three options for conferences – telephone, Google Meet, or in-person. We will be using the OPTIS (Online Parent Teacher Interview Scheduler) system to schedule interviews. Please keep an eye out over the coming days for further information on scheduling your conference time.

Dismissal for Christmas BreakWednesday, December 21, 2022 will be our last day of school prior to Christmas break. The time of dismissal will be announced.

Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am. This means that all students should be in the classroom no later than 8:55am each morning and ready to begin on time. I certainly appreciate that things come up from time to time and late arrivals are unavoidable. When late arrivals become a habit, students are missing out on important literacy and math instruction that begins first thing in the morning. Furthermore, frequent late arrivals are disruptive to other students when instruction has already begun. Please make every effort to arrive on time. In addition, please make sure your child has everything he/she needs for a successful day at school to avoid the disruption caused by drop-offs throughout the day (i.e., coats, water bottles, lunch, sneakers, BEE Folder, etc.). Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of a regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Handling Baggie Books: Please ensure that baggie books are handled with care. Please refrain from eating or drinking around your baggie book, writing on it, or bending it. Please ensure your book is returned daily, and especially on Fridays when homework/books are changed for the following week. We are still having a significant number of families who are not returning their baggie book. This makes it extremely difficult to prepare BEE Folders for the following week and ensuring all students have the book they need for the week. We have a limited supply of baggie books, so your attention to this matter and anticipated cooperation is very much appreciated!

Writing - Many children are requiring some extra practice in the area of writing. When writing at home, please work on the following areas with your child:

§  Proper letter formation

§  Finger spaces between each word

§  Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and lowercase letters throughout the other words (For example, I love my dog. not I lovE mY Dog.)

§  Punctuation at the end of a sentence

§  Children should be sounding/stretching out the words they are printing and representing each sound heard. At this point, it is the expectation that the beginning and final sounds are represented (for example, dg for dog is perfectly acceptable!). Some children will also be representing the medial sounds in the words as well.

I would encourage you to engage your child in meaningful writing experiences at home that aid in developing writing skills. For example, helping you write a shopping list, writing a letter to Santa, writing a sentence or two about something special that happened that day, are all great opportunities to practice. Please praise and encourage your child in all writing attempts to help build his/her confidence. It is truly amazing to watch their growth and development in this and many other areas in the coming weeks and months!

Alphabet Skills – Many children are requiring additional practice with alphabet skills including printing the letters (uppercase and lowercase), identifying the letter names, and identifying the sounds associated with each letter. A solid foundation in this area is required for further reading and writing development. Please continue to review these skills as a part of your nightly homework routine.

Baggies: Many of our baggies are missing. As I am sure you can appreciate, when BEE folders are not placed in a baggie at the end of the day, it takes a significant amount of time determining who owns materials (i.e., baggie books, calendars, memos, etc.) that have been dropped on the floor. Ensuring the baggie is returned daily will help to prevent this and makes for a much, much smoother dismissal. If your child’s baggie has been misplaced, please provide him/her with a replacement. I will be replacing all baggies in December.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970  Please note: the November digital flyer has many awesome selections that would make excellent Christmas gifts/stocking stuffers!

Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly with the cooler, autumn weather. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!

It is a very exciting time in Grade One as we approach the Christmas season! Please encourage your child to continue working hard, demonstrating good listening skills, and trying his/her best! I am delighted to share in their excitement and enthusiasm!

Have a Wonderful Week! 

~ Mr. G

November 7, 2022

Dear Families, 


Welcome to another week of Grade One! I will be finishing up some assessments this week in a variety of areas in preparation for report cards. I am very proud of the progress the children have made during the first term of Grade One. That is due in no small part to your commitment to your child’s education. Please accept my sincerest appreciation for that. Here are a few reminders and other important information to get our week started:

Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2022.

Teachers’ Professional Development Day – There will be no school for students on Thursday, November 24, 2022 due to a Teacher Professional Development session.

Report Cards – Report cards will be released on Tuesday, November 29, 2022. This report will detail your child’s progress during the first term of Grade One. Please review it carefully with your child, highlighting and praising his/her progress and successes. Work together to help your child set goals for term 2!

Parent/Guardian-Teacher Conferences – Conferences are scheduled for Thursday, December 1, 2022. In order to accommodate these conferences, students will be dismissed at 11:45am on this day. Information regarding conferencing format (i.e., virtual, telephone, or in-person) as well as how you may schedule a conference time will be forthcoming in the near future.

Scholastic Book Fair – Our school’s annual book fair is scheduled to take place during the week of November 28. Further details regarding the book fair will be available soon!

Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am. This means that all students should be in the classroom no later than 8:55am each morning and ready to begin on time. I certainly appreciate that things come up from time to time and late arrivals are unavoidable. When late arrivals become a habit, students are missing out on important literacy and math instruction that begins first thing in the morning. Furthermore, frequent late arrivals are disruptive to other students when instruction has already begun. Please make every effort to arrive on time. In addition, please make sure your child has everything he/she needs for a successful day at school to avoid the disruption caused by drop-offs throughout the day (i.e., coats, water bottles, lunch, sneakers, BEE Folder, etc.). Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Program – Our breakfast program takes place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Children are invited to join us for a nutritious way to start the day! The breakfast program begins when doors open at 8:40am. It  is important that children arrive on time in order to avail of this service.

Baggie Books – It is very important that baggie books are returned to school each day inside the pocket of your child’s BEE Folder. This is particularly important at the end of the week when baggie books are changed for the following week. We have a limited supply of baggie books, and when they are not returned, it makes it very difficult to provide the appropriate text for each child. Please remember, another child is waiting on your book for the following week. Thank you to all parents for your diligence in ensuring our home reading program runs smoothly by returning your child’s baggie book each day. I appreciate your attention to this matter and your anticipated cooperation.

Alphabet Skills – Many children are requiring additional practice with alphabet skills including printing the letters (uppercase and lowercase), identifying the letter names, and identifying the sounds associated with each letter. A solid foundation in this area is required for further reading and writing development. Please continue to review these skills as a part of your nightly homework routine.

High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of a regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Math Update - We are continuing to work on our math unit on Numbers to 20. The concepts in this unit are very important as they provide the foundation for further math learning. The following are “I Can Statements” beginning in this unit and continuing on to the unit on Numbers to 100. These statements are the expected learning targets for the end of the unit. Nightly practice in these areas is essential.

Writing - Many children are requiring some extra practice in the area of writing. When writing at home, please work on the following areas with your child:

I would encourage you to engage your child in meaningful writing experiences at home that aid in developing writing skills. For example, helping you write a shopping list, writing a letter to Santa, writing a sentence or two about something special that happened that day, are all great opportunities to practice. Please praise and encourage your child in all writing attempts to help build his/her confidence. It is truly amazing to watch their growth and development in this and many other areas in the coming weeks and months!

BEE Folders and Baggies: Please remember to send these to school daily. It makes for a much smoother, efficient, and organized afternoon routine when all materials are together in one place. Many thanks for your cooperation in this regard. Please remember to send your child’s baggie to school each day, even when it is empty!

Finger Tracking - An important part of learning to read is finger tracking. Have your child follow the words with his/her "magic finger." Ensure that your child understands that he/she reads only one word for each word on the page.

Reading Strategies Bookmark - In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book each evening.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970

Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (written note or email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather is here. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!

Laces & Zippers - Please continue to practice tying shoelaces and zipping coat/sweater zippers at home! We are doing a great job with this!

I am really looking forward to the next several weeks with your children. The weeks leading up to Christmas are always so busy and exciting. I am thrilled to be sharing in their energy and excitement!

Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

October 31, 2022

Dear Families, 

Happy Halloween! We are so excited to be celebrating Halloween this week. In addition, we have a short week due to a Teachers’ Professional Development session on Tuesday. Here are a few notes to get our week started in Grade One!

Oral Presentation – Congratulations to all children on doing a fantastic job with these presentations last week. Due to absences, we still have a couple of these outstanding. We are hoping to get them clued up on Monday. Everyone did an awesome job!

Halloween Celebrations: We will be holding our Halloween celebrations on Monday, October 31, 2022. Further details regarding this day will be communicated in a separate email. As per school policy, we will not be accepting treats of any kind for distribution to students. This includes food items, pencils, treat bags, etc. I will be sending home a small treat for your child to enjoy. Your anticipated cooperation and support in this regard is appreciated.

Teachers’ Professional Development Days – There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 and Thursday, November 24, 2022 due to Teacher Professional Development sessions.

Photo Retakes – Photo retakes are scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2022. If your child requires retakes or if your child was absent on photo day, please send me an email to let me know.

November Calendar – Your child’s November calendar will be inside his/her BEE Folder on Monday evening. Please keep your calendar in a safe and accessible place for ease of reference.

Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am. This means that all students should be in the classroom no later than 8:55am each morning and ready to begin on time. I certainly appreciate that things come up from time to time and late arrivals are unavoidable. When late arrivals become a habit, students are missing out on important literacy and math instruction that begins first thing in the morning. Furthermore, frequent late arrivals are disruptive to other students when instruction has already begun. Please make every effort to arrive on time. In addition, please make sure your child has everything he/she needs for a successful day at school to avoid the disruption caused by drop-offs throughout the day (i.e., coats, water bottles, lunch, sneakers, BEE Folder, etc.). Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Program – Our breakfast program has now begun and takes place on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday mornings. Children are invited to join us in the cafeteria on these mornings for a nutritious was to start the day! The breakfast program begins when doors open at 8:40am. It is important that children arrive on time in order to avail of this service.

Baggie Books – It is very important that baggie books are returned to school each day inside the pocket of your child’s BEE Folder. This is particularly important at the end of the week when baggie books are changed for the following week. We have a limited supply of baggie books, and when they are not returned, it makes it very difficult to provide the appropriate text for each child. Please remember, another child is waiting on your book for the following week. Thank you to all parents for your diligence in ensuring our home reading program runs smoothly by returning your child’s baggie book each day. I appreciate your attention to this matter and your anticipated cooperation.

Alphabet Skills – Many children are requiring additional practice with alphabet skills including printing the letters (uppercase and lowercase), identifying the letter names, and identifying the sounds associated with each letter. A solid foundation in this area is required for further reading and writing development. Please continue to review these skills as a part of your nightly homework routine.

High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of a regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.

Math Update - We are continuing to work on our math unit on Numbers to 20. The concepts in this unit are very important as they provide the foundation for further math learning. The following are “I Can Statements” beginning in this unit and continuing on to the unit on Numbers to 100. These statements are the expected learning targets for the end of the unit. Nightly practice in these areas is essential.


§ I can count forward from any given number up to 20.

§ I can count backwards from 20 to 0.

§ I can write any given number up to 20.

§ I can recognize any given number up to 100.

§ I can skip count by 2’s to 20, starting at 0.

§ I can skip count by 5’s 1 to 100, starting at 0.

§ I can skip count forward by 10’s to 100, starting at 0.

§ I can recognize and correct mistakes in number sequences to 20 and explain my thinking.

§ I can recognize and name groups of objects, dots or pictures from 1-10 without counting.

§ I can identify a given arrangement of dots on a ten frame and discuss its relationship to 5 and/or 10.

§ I can answer the question “How many are in a set?” by using the last number counted.

§ I can represent and describe numbers to 20 using numbers, pictures, and words.

§ I can build a set equal to a given set that contains up to 20 elements.

§ I can build a set that has more elements than, fewer elements than, or as many elements as a given set.

§ I can compare two given sets, using one-to-one correspondence, and describe them, using words such as more, fewer or as many.

§ I can solve a given story problem (pictures and words).

§ I can estimate a given quantity by comparing it to a given known quantity.

§ I can select an estimate for a given quantity from at least two possible options, and explain the choice.

§ I can name the number that is one more, two more, one less or two less than a given number, up to 20

§ I can represent a number on a ten frame that is one more, two more, one less or two less than a given number.

Writing - Many children are requiring some extra practice in the area of writing. When writing at home, please work on the following areas with your child:

·   Proper letter formation

·       Finger spaces between each word

·       Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and lowercase letters throughout the other words (For example, I love my dog. not I lovE mY Dog.)

·       Punctuation at the end of a sentence

·   Children should be sounding/stretching out the words they are printing and representing each sound heard. At this point, it is the expectation that the beginning and final sounds are represented (for example, dg for dog is perfectly acceptable!). Some children will also be representing the medial sounds in the words as well.

I would encourage you to engage your child in meaningful writing experiences at home that aid in developing writing skills. For example, helping you write a shopping list, writing a letter to Santa, writing a sentence or two about something special that happened that day, are all great opportunities to practice. Please praise and encourage your child in all writing attempts to help build his/her confidence. It is truly amazing to watch their growth and development in this and many other areas in the coming weeks and months!

Library BooksAs a reminder, library days (day 7) are indicated on your monthly calendar. Please ensure library books are returned on library days to ensure other children have the opportunity to enjoy the books. Please keep library books safe by handling with care and avoiding eating/drinking near your library book.  

Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2022.

BEE Folders and Baggies: Please remember to send these to school daily. It makes for a much smoother, efficient, and organized afternoon routine when all materials are together in one place. Many thanks for your cooperation in this regard. Please remember to send your child’s baggie to school each day, even when it is empty!

Finger Tracking - An important part of learning to read is finger tracking. Have your child follow the words with his/her "magic finger." Ensure that your child understands that he/she reads only one word for each word on the page.

Reading Strategies Bookmark - In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book each evening.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970

Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (written note or email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather is here. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!

Laces & Zippers - Please continue to practice tying shoelaces and zipping coat/sweater zippers at home! We are doing a great job with this!

Thank you for your continued support and cooperation! Please do not hesitate to get in touch should you have any questions or concerns.

Have a Wonderful Week!

~ Mr. Greeley

October 24, 2022

Dear Families,


We have an exciting week coming up in Grade One with our first field trip and lots of Halloween activities! Here are a few notes to get us organized and off to a wonderful start!


Oral Presentation – As a reminder, our oral presentations will begin on Monday, October 24, 2022. The oral presentation is based on the “My Groups” foldable that was completed as homework last week. Please send along your child’s completed project on Monday. Students will choose one of the groups from the foldable to present to the class. Please see the green instructions sheet that accompanied the project for a list of questions your child will be asked about his/her group. Students are invited to bring along a photo and/or a small object to represent the group his/she has selected to present. For example, if your child is presenting his/her family, you may want to send along a family photo. If your child has selected a sports team, you may want to send a team photo and/or a small object that represents the team (i.e., a medal, a baseball glove, a picture of a hockey stick cut from a magazine, a hockey card, etc.). Please note, if you have a digital photo, you can certainly email it and we can display it on the SmartBoard.


This project relates directly to the speaking and listening outcomes of our Language Arts curriculum. It is important that you practice with your child as this project will be used as part of his/her speaking and listening evaluation. We are looking forward to learning about a variety of different groups!


Field Trip – Our Grade One field trip to Lester’s Farm is scheduled for Wednesday, October 26, 2022. Please remember to dress appropriately for the weather and cool autumn temperatures. As this field trip takes place outdoors, a warm coat/sweater and mittens are recommended. Students should also wear boots. Please note, it is important to arrive at school on time as we will need to leave the school promptly at 9:00am.


Field Trip Volunteers – Thank you to all parents who expressed an interest in accompanying us on the field trip. Volunteers who were selected have now been contacted. If you were not selected this time, we look forward to having you join us on future field trips.


Baggie Books – It is very important that baggie books are returned to school each day inside the pocket of your child’s BEE Folder. This is particularly important at the end of the week when baggie books are changed for the following week. We have a limited supply of baggie books, and when they are not returned, it makes it very difficult to provide the appropriate text for each child. Please remember, another child is waiting on your book for the following week. Thank you to all parents for your diligence in ensuring our home reading program runs smoothly by returning your child’s baggie book each day. I appreciate your attention to this matter and your anticipated cooperation.


Halloween Book – We have been hard at work writing and illustrating our very own Halloween book: “Black Bat, Black Bat, What Do You See?”  We are very excited to share the story with you! Please keep an eye on your email this week for a link to read/listen to our book. We are looking forward to sharing it with you soon!


Halloween Celebrations: We will be holding our Halloween celebrations on Monday, October 31, 2022. Further details regarding this day will be communicated in a separate email this week. As per school policy, we will not be accepting treats of any kind for distribution to students. This includes food items, pencils, treat bags, etc. I will be sending home a small treat for your child to enjoy. Your cooperation and support in this regard is appreciated.


Teachers’ Professional Development Days – There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 and Thursday, November 24, 2022 due to Teacher Professional Development sessions.


Photo Retakes – Photo retakes are scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2022. If your child requires retakes or if your child was absent on photo day, please send me an email to let me know.


Alphabet Skills – Many children are requiring additional practice with alphabet skills including printing the letters (uppercase and lowercase), identifying the letter names, and identifying the sounds associated with each letter. A solid foundation in this area is required for further reading and writing development. Please continue to review these skills as a part of your nightly homework routine.


High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of a regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Math Update - We are continuing to work on our math unit on Numbers to 20. The concepts in this unit are very important as they provide the foundation for further math learning. The following are “I Can Statements” beginning in this unit and continuing on to the unit on Numbers to 100. These statements are the expected learning targets for the end of the unit. Nightly practice in these areas is essential.


Library BooksAs a reminder, library days (day 7) are indicated on your monthly calendar. Please ensure library books are returned on library days to ensure other children have the opportunity to enjoy the books. Please keep library books safe by handling with care and avoiding eating/drinking near your library book.


Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2022.


BEE Folders and Baggies: Please remember to send these to school daily. It makes for a much smoother, efficient, and organized afternoon routine when all materials are together in one place. Many thanks for your cooperation in this regard. Please remember to send your child’s baggie to school each day, even when it is empty!


Finger Tracking - An important part of learning to read is finger tracking. Have your child follow the words with his/her "magic finger." Ensure that your child understands that he/she reads only one word for each word on the page.


Reading Strategies Bookmark: In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book each evening.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970


Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (written note or email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather comes quickly upon us. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Laces & Zippers - Please continue to practice tying shoelaces and zipping coat/sweater zippers at home! We are doing a great job with this!


I am looking forward to another exciting week of learning in Grade One! As always, your comments and questions are welcomed!


Have a Fantastic Week!

~ Mr. G

October 17, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to another week in Grade One! It is a very exciting time of year around school as we gear up for Halloween! I am pleased to spend this time with your child and share in his/her excitement. Below, are a few updates and reminders to get our week started.

Homework this Week: Our homework this week will involve completing a very brief project about “Groups.” Students will be presenting their projects orally the following week. This project relates directly to the speaking and listening outcomes of our Language Arts curriculum. It is important that you practice with your child this week as this project will be used as part of his/her speaking and listening evaluation. The due date for this project is Monday, October 24, 2022. Presentations will also commence on this day.


Jamarama Day – Jamarama Day will be held on Friday, October 21, 2022. Children are invited to wear their pajamas to school on this day in support of the brave boys and girls who are staying at the Janeway Hospital. As a school, we will not be accepting donations at this time. We will host another pajama day (Janeway Day in Schools) later in the year when donations will be accepted.


Field Trip - As part of our Science Unit on Daily and Seasonal Changes and to meet additional outcomes in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Health, the Grade One classes will be visiting Lester's Farm on the morning of Wednesday, October 26, 2022 (if the weather is unsuitable, we will reschedule). We will take part in a guided tour including a tractor ride, a walk through the corn maze, a visit to the greenhouses and the petting barn, and learning about the bees. Children will enjoy an ice cream at the end of the visit. A peanut/tree nut/lactose-free treat will be provided to any child with an allergy.


We will leave school promptly at 9:00am to arrive at the farm for a 9:30am start. We will return to school in time for lunch. As this is an outdoor field trip, children are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather and cool autumn temperatures. Please find your child’s permission slip in his/her BEE Folder on Tuesday evening. Please return it, along with payment ($11) at your earliest convenience.

Halloween Celebrations: We will be holding our Halloween celebrations on Monday, October 31, 2022. Further details regarding this day will be communicated in a separate email. As per school policy, we will not be accepting treats of any kind for distribution to students. This includes food items, pencils, treat bags, etc. I will be sending home a small treat for your child to enjoy. Your cooperation and support in this regard is appreciated.


Teachers’ Professional Development Days – There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 and Thursday, November 24, 2022 due to Teacher Professional Development sessions.


Photo Retakes – Photo proofs were sent home on Friday. Retakes are scheduled for Thursday, November 3, 2022. If your child requires retakes or if your child was absent on photo day, please send me an email to let me know.


Alphabet Skills – Many children are requiring additional practice with alphabet skills including printing the letters (uppercase and lowercase), identifying the letter names, and identifying the sounds associated with each letter. A solid foundation in this area is required for further reading and writing development. Please continue to review these skills as a part of your nightly homework routine.


High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


Math Update - We are continuing to work on our math unit on Numbers to 20. The concepts in this unit are very important as they provide the foundation for further math learning. The following are “I Can Statements” beginning in this unit and continuing on to the unit on Numbers to 100. These statements are the expected learning targets for the end of the unit. Nightly practice in these areas is essential.



Library BooksAs a reminder, library days (day 7) are indicated on your monthly calendar. Please ensure library books are returned on library days to ensure other children have the opportunity to enjoy the books. Please keep library books safe by handling with care and avoiding eating/drinking near your library book.


Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2022.


BEE Folders and Baggies: Please remember to send these to school daily. It makes for a much smoother, efficient, and organized afternoon routine when all materials are together in one place. Many thanks for your cooperation in this regard. Please remember to send your child’s baggie to school each day, even when it is empty!


Baggie Books: Over the next little while, I will be completing reading assessments with your child. As a result, your child’s baggie book may be changing. If at this point you feel the baggie book is too easy or too difficult, please let me know. As a reminder, we are not concerned about the “level” that is written on the book. What is most important are the reading behaviours your child exhibits when encountering unfamiliar/difficult words (i.e., is he/she using strategies or does he/she simply pause and wait for you to tell them the word? Is he/she self-monitoring his/her reading, in that he/she recognizes when something does not make sense and attempts to make adjustments?).


Finger Tracking - An important part of learning to read is finger tracking. Have your child follow the words with his/her "magic finger." Ensure that your child understands that he/she reads only one word for each word on the page.


Reading Strategies Bookmark: In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book each evening.


Reading Log - It is only necessary to record your child’s baggy book once, and not each time it is read. This will help me keep track of what books have been read each week. I encourage you to read with your child everyday; however, it is not necessary to record books other than the baggie books in the reading log!


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970


Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (written note or email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather comes quickly upon us. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Inside Shoes – In an effort to keep our learning space clean and sanitary, children are expected to change into their inside shoes before entering the classroom. Shoes should also be changed when transitioning between outside play and indoors. Please ensure your child has indoor footwear that is to be left in his/her locker. These should also be suitable for activity in the gym. Also, it may be a good idea to review with your child which shoes are for indoor wear. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Laces & Zippers - Please continue to practice tying shoelaces and zipping coat/sweater zippers at home! We are doing a great job with this!


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

October 10, 2022

Dear Families,


I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving weekend with your families. I am very thankful that I get to spend my days with some pretty incredible children! I feel so fortunate to get to work with them all each day. We have a short, but busy and exciting week coming up. Here are a few notes to get our week started:


Thanksgiving Day HolidayIn observance of Thanksgiving Day, there will be no school for students on Monday, October 10, 2022.

Jamarama Day – Jamarama Day will be held on Friday, October 21, 2022. Children are invited to wear their pajamas to school on this day in support of the brave boys and girls who are staying at the Janeway Hospital. As a school, we will not be accepting donations at this time. We will host another pajama day (Janeway Day in Schools) later in the year when donations will be accepted.

Field Trip - As part of our Science Unit on Daily and Seasonal Changes and to meet additional outcomes in Language Arts, Social Studies, and Health, the Grade One classes will be visiting Lester's Farm on the morning of Wednesday, October 26, 2022 (if the weather is unsuitable, we will reschedule). We will take part in a guided tour including a tractor ride, a walk through the corn maze, a visit to the greenhouses and the petting barn, and learning about the bees. Children will enjoy an ice cream at the end of the visit. A peanut/tree nut/lactose-free treat will be provided to any child with an allergy.


We will leave school promptly at 9:00am to arrive at the farm for a 9:30am start. We will return to school in time for lunch. As this is an outdoor field trip, children are reminded to dress appropriately for the weather and cool autumn temperatures. Please find your child’s permission slip in his/her BEE Folder on Tuesday evening. Please return it, along with payment ($11) at your earliest convenience.


Teachers’ Professional Development Days – There will be no school for students on Tuesday, November 1, 2022 (tentative) due to Teacher Professional Development sessions.


Alphabet Skills – Many children are requiring additional practice with alphabet skills including printing the letters (uppercase and lowercase), identifying the letter names, and identifying the sounds associated with each letter. A solid foundation in this area is required for further reading and writing development. Please continue to review these skills as a part of your nightly homework routine.

High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


School Supplies – Many children are in need of replacement crayons. Please check with your child to see if his/her crayons need to be replenished.


Math Update - We are continuing to work on our math unit on Numbers to 20. The concepts in this unit are very important as they provide the foundation for further math learning. The following are “I Can Statements” beginning in this unit and continuing on to the unit on Numbers to 100. These statements are the expected learning targets for the end of the unit. Nightly practice in these areas is essential.



Library BooksAs a reminder, library days (day 7) are indicated on your monthly calendar. Please ensure library books are returned on library days to ensure other children have the opportunity to enjoy the books. Please keep library books safe by handling with care and avoiding eating/drinking near your library book.


Student of the Week Poster: We still have a number of these outstanding. If you have not yet had the opportunity to return your child’s poster, please do so on Tuesday. Many thanks to the families who have already returned their poster!


Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2022.


Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Program: Our Breakfast Program will begin soon. An update will be provided when the start-up date is established. We are looking forward to another successful year with our breakfast program.


BEE Folders and Baggies: Please remember to send these to school daily. It makes for a much smoother, efficient, and organized afternoon routine when all materials are together in one place. Many thanks for your cooperation in this regard. Please remember to send your child’s baggie to school each day, even when it is empty!


Baggie Books: Over the next little while, I will be completing reading assessments with your child. As a result, your child’s baggie book may be changing. If at this point you feel the baggie book is too easy or too difficult, please let me know. As a reminder, we are not concerned about the “level” that is written on the book. What is most important are the reading behaviours your child exhibits when encountering unfamiliar/difficult words (i.e., is he/she using strategies or does he/she simply pause and wait for you to tell them the word? Is he/she self-monitoring his/her reading, in that he/she recognizes when something does not make sense and attempts to make adjustments?).


Finger Tracking - An important part of learning to read is finger tracking. Have your child follow the words with his/her "magic finger." Ensure that your child understands that he/she reads only one word for each word on the page.


Reading Strategies Bookmark: In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book each evening.


Reading Log - It is only necessary to record your child’s baggy book once, and not each time it is read. This will help me keep track of what books have been read each week. I encourage you to read with your child everyday; however, it is not necessary to record books other than the baggie books in the reading log!


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970


Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (written note or email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather comes quickly upon us. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Inside Shoes – In an effort to keep our learning space clean and sanitary, children are expected to change into their inside shoes before entering the classroom. Shoes should also be changed when transitioning between outside play and indoors. Please ensure your child has indoor footwear that is to be left in his/her locker. These should also be suitable for activity in the gym. Also, it may be a good idea to review with your child which shoes are for indoor wear. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Laces & Zippers - Please continue to practice tying shoelaces and zipping coat/sweater zippers at home! We are doing a great job with this!


Have a Wonderful Week!


~ Mr. G

October 3, 2022

Dear Families,


I hope everyone had a wonderful long weekend. We are looking forward to another exciting week in Grade One. Here are a few notes and reminders to get our week here at school started:

School Photographs – Photographers from Life Touch will be here on Monday, October 3, 2022 to take school photos. Information regarding ordering photo packages will be available in the coming days. Students are reminded to wear their best smile!


Student of the Week Poster: Student of the Week posters are due for all students on Monday, October 3, 2022. Please check the schedule that was sent home and posted on our classroom website. I am looking forward to celebrating each of your wonderful children throughout the year!


October Calendar – Your October calendar was sent home on Wednesday of last week in the front pocket of your child’s BEE Folder. Please post it in an accessible place for ease of reference. A copy of the calendar is posted to our classroom website for your convenience.

Terry Fox Walk – Our annual Terry Fox walk has been rescheduled for Wednesday, October 5, 2022 (weather permitting). Families are invited to send in a small monetary donation for the Terry Fox Foundation if you are interested. Please send along your donation in a baggie or envelope clearly marked “Terry Fox.” Alternatively, donations may be made online at If you are available to accompany us on the walk, we’d love to have you! Please send me an email if you intend to join us.


World Cerebral Palsy Day – Students are invited to wear something green on Thursday, October 6, 2022 in honour of our friends with Cerebral Palsy.


Thanksgiving Day HolidayIn observance of Thanksgiving Day, there will be no school for students on Monday, October 10, 2022.

Jamarama Day – Jamarama Day will be held on Friday, October 21, 2022. Children are invited to wear their pajamas to school on this day in support of the brave boys and girls who are staying at the Janeway Hospital. As a school, we will not be accepting donations at this time. We will host another pajama day (Janeway Day in Schools) later in the year when donations will be accepted.

Literacy Block: Thank you to all families who have sent in books for your child’s book box. If you have not already done so, please do so at your earliest convenience. Please print your child’s name on each book to ensure their safe return! If this request presents difficulty for any family, please let me know and we will gladly make alternate arrangements.


High-Frequency Words – Nightly review of the high-frequency words as part of regular routine is essential in learning to read. To align with the Science of Reading, high-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. If you have any questions on how orthographic mapping works or how to best support your child in learning high-frequency words, please do not hesitate to contact me.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. This way, students will each be working at their own pace with high-frequency words. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process.


BEE Folders and Baggies: Please remember to send these to school daily. It makes for a much smoother, efficient, and organized afternoon routine when all materials are together in one place. Many thanks for your cooperation in this regard. Please remember to send your child’s baggie to school each day, even when it is empty!


Baggie Books: Over the next little while, I will be completing reading assessments with your child. As a result, your child’s baggie book may be changing. If at this point you feel the baggie book is too easy or too difficult, please let me know. As a reminder, we are not concerned about the “level” that is written on the book. What is most important are the reading behaviours your child exhibits when encountering unfamiliar/difficult words (i.e., is he/she using strategies or does he/she simply pause and wait for you to tell them the word? Is he/she self-monitoring his/her reading, in that he/she recognizes when something does not make sense and attempts to make adjustments?).


Finger Tracking - An important part of learning to read is finger tracking. Have your child follow the words with his/her "magic finger." Ensure that your child understands that he/she reads only one word for each word on the page.


Reading Strategies Bookmark: In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book each evening.


Reading Log - It is only necessary to record your child’s baggy book once, and not each time it is read. This will help me keep track of what books have been read each week. I encourage you to read with your child everyday; however, it is not necessary to record books other than the baggie books in the reading log!


Kids Eat Smart Breakfast Program: Our Breakfast Program will begin soon. An update will be provided when the start-up date is established. We are looking forward to another successful year with our breakfast program.


School Lunch Association – Please remember to take note of the days on which you have ordered!

Google Classroom: We are still waiting on about half the class to join our Google Classroom. If you have not yet joined, please do so at your earliest convenience. To join our Google Classroom, you will need your child’s Gmail credentials that would have been provided to you last year. Please let me know if you need to have your child’s email address resent to you. Alternatively, you may join by entering our classroom code: r5lokf2.


Scholastic Orders: Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970


Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (written note or email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.


Appropriate Dress: When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather comes quickly upon us. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary. Please Note: we will continue to go outside even when it is overcast or a little misty. Please come prepared!


Inside Shoes – In an effort to keep our learning space clean and sanitary, children are expected to change into their inside shoes before entering the classroom. Shoes should also be changed when transitioning between outside play and indoors. Please ensure your child has indoor footwear that is to be left in his/her locker. These should also be suitable for activity in the gym. Also, it may be a good idea to review with your child which shoes are for indoor wear. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2021.


Your support, cooperation, and interest so far are appreciated. It is through a strong partnership between home and school that we can offer the best possible education to your child. Please do not hesitate to contact me at any time with any questions, concerns, or comments you may have.


Have a Wonderful Week!


~ Mr. G

September 26, 2022

Dear Families,

Can you believe that October arrives at the end of this week? Where did September go?!? We are continuing to settle in nicely to the routines and expectations of Grade One. The children are doing a wonderful job in learning the new routines and I am so very proud of them! Below, please find a few notes to get our (short) week started:

School Supplies – It is very important that children are taking responsibility for their own supplies and ensuring they are put away (i.e., in his/her pencil case). Unfortunately, we are finding many crayons, pencils, glue covers, etc. on the floor at the end of the day. As the supply list requested only one pack of crayons, there are several children who are missing quite a few. This will make it difficult to complete certain activities in the classroom. I am reiterating the importance of taking responsibility of our materials and taking care of our supplies daily. Please have a discussion with your child at home to reinforce these important skills. Ask him/her about the supplies in his/her pencil case to see how they are doing. I appreciate your anticipated support in this regard.

Terry Fox Walk – Our annual Terry Fox walk is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28, 2022 (weather permitting). Families are invited to send in a small monetary donation for the Terry Fox Foundation if you are interested. Please send along your donation in a baggie or envelope clearly marked “Terry Fox.” Alternatively, donations may be made online at

I am looking for volunteers to accompany us on our walk on Wednesday. If you are available, please send me an email to let me know. The walk will take place following lunch, at approximately 1:10pm. Adults are asked to please meet us outside the main door at that time.

School Lunch Association – Lunch service by the School Lunch Association will commence on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Please make a note

of the days on which your child has ordered.

Orange Shirt Day - In honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, children are encouraged to wear an orange shirt on Thursday, September 29, 2022 as we remember the tragedy of residential schools across the country. For further information, please visit:

School Holiday – There will be no school on Friday, September 30, 2022. This day has been set aside a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Please take this opportunity to join Canadians across the country as we strive to be better, educate, and do our part in Truth and Reconciliation.


October Calendar – Please watch your child’s BEE Folder later in the week for your October calendar!

School Photographs – Photographers from Life Touch will be here on Monday, October 3, 2022 to take school photos. All students will have their picture taken. An information sheet will be sent home in your child’s BEE Folder on Monday. Students are reminded to wear their best smile!

High-Frequency Words – Our approach to high-frequency words will be slightly different this year to align with the Science of Reading. High-frequency words will be introduced through Orthographic Mapping. Please see a separate email with details on this approach that you may use with your child at home to master these words.


Once you feel your child is comfortable with a set of words, please email me to let me know. I will assess him/her and then provide the next set of words to practice at home. It is my hope that this approach will help foster a strong partnership between home and school in learning to read and better meet the needs of your child in this process. Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to get in touch!

Baggies & BEE Folders: It is very important that children are returning their baggies and BEE Folders to school each day. It makes for a much smoother dismissal when students are able to place any returned work, memos, etc. in their baggie at the end of the day. Your child’s BEE Folder should be in the baggie each day. Please ensure baggies are returned daily, even if they are empty!  Please note – BEE Folders and Baggies will not be sent home during the weekend. I will collect them on Friday to prepare for the following week.

Baggie Books: Over the next little while, I will be completing reading assessments with your child. As a result, your child’s baggie book may be changing. If at this point you feel the baggie book is too easy or too difficult, please do let me know. As a reminder, we are not concerned about the “level” that is written on the book. What is most important are the reading behaviours your child exhibits when encountering unfamiliar/difficult words (i.e., is he/she using strategies or does he/she simply pause and wait for you to tell them the word? Is he/she self-monitoring his/her reading, in that he/she recognizes when something does not make sense and attempts to make adjustments?).

Decodable Texts – Decodable books/texts contain specific letter-sound correspondence that your child has learned during whole and small-group instruction. Decodable texts encourage readers to sound out unfamiliar words using the decoding strategies they have learned rather than guessing from the picture or predicting from other cues. As you child works on a decodable text at school, it will be sent home for further practice and review. These may remain at home.

Strategies Bookmark: In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book or decodable text each evening.

Google Classroom: From time to time, optional activities will be posted on our Google Classroom to reinforce the concepts we are learning in class. I would encourage you to post any pictures, writing, news, etc. that you would like to share with the class. To join our Google Classroom, you will need your child’s Gmail credentials that would have been provided to you last year. Please let me know if you need to have your child’s email address resent to you. Alternatively, you may join by entering our classroom code: r5lokf2.

All About Me Poster: An “All About Me” poster was provided on Curriculum Night this week. Each child will have an opportunity to be the Student of the Week. During this time, he/she will have the opportunity to share his/her poster with the class. A yellow memo outlining this project along with a schedule is attached to the poster. For your convenience, I will also post a copy of the schedule to my website. Please have your child complete the poster and send back to school on or before Monday, October 3, 2022. I would suggest completing one section of the poster each evening over the coming days rather than having your child complete it in one sitting. Please include a photograph of your child, if possible!

Literacy Block: A note outlining this initiative can be found in your child’s BEE Folder on Monday. Families are asked to please bring five (5) books from home to keep in their book boxes for independent and partner reading practice. As per the note, these books should be sent in no later than Monday, September 26, 2022. Please print your child’s name on each book to ensure their safe return!

Twitter – Our class will be active on Twitter this year! Please follow us on Twitter @MrGreeleyGrade1. Here you will find updates and photos of the activities and learning happening in our classroom. I am just waiting on everyone’s media consent forms to be returned before we start posting. Be sure to follow us!

Scholastic Orders: Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled digitally. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970

September Review Package: Please continue to review the skills contained in this package. Assessment is ongoing.

Inside Shoes – In an effort to keep our learning space clean and sanitary, children are expected to change into their inside shoes before entering the classroom. Shoes should also be changed when transitioning between outside play and indoors. Please ensure your child has indoor footwear that is to be left in his/her locker. These should also be suitable for activity in the gym. Also, it may be a good idea to review with your child which shoes are for indoor wear. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.

Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (preferably email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.

Appropriate Dress: When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather comes quickly upon us. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary.

Extra Change of Clothes – It may be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes with your child to keep in his/her locker. Please place your child's change of clothes in a Ziploc bag and label it with his/her name.

Water Bottles: Children are permitted to have a water bottle in the classroom with them. I would ask that parents ensure the bottles are spill-proof (i.e., not a bottle that requires the cover to be removed to drink). Please fill your child’s bottle in the morning before coming to school. I also ask that water only be brought to the classroom (with the exception of snack and lunch, of course!) as fruit juices can be messy and sticky if spilled during work time.

Thanksgiving Day Holiday – In observance of Thanksgiving Day, there will be no school for students on Monday, October 10, 2022.

Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2022.

Your continued support and cooperation are much appreciated! Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch.


Have a Fantastic Week!


 ~ Mr. G

September 19, 2022

Dear Families,


We have had an awesome first full week of Grade One! Students are settling into the routines and expectations of a new school year. I am really enjoying getting to know and spend my days with your incredible children. I think we are going to have a great year together! I am looking forward to an exciting year of learning and growth. We have a busy week coming up in Grade One. Here are a few notes to get us organized:


Provincial Holiday – There will be no school on Monday, September 19, 2022. This day is set aside as a day of mourning as we join with fellow Canadians and those around the world as we remember and honour the life of Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II.


Terry Fox Walk – Our annual Terry Fox walk is scheduled for Wednesday, September 28, 2022 (weather permitting). Further details regarding this event will be provided in the coming days.


Orange Shirt Day - In honour of the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation, children are encouraged to wear an orange shirt on Thursday, September 29, 2022 as we remember the tragedy of residential schools across the country.


School Holiday – There will be no school on Friday, September 30, 2022. This day has been set aside a National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Please take this opportunity to join Canadians across the country as we strive to be better, educate, and do our part in Truth and Reconciliation.


Meet the Teacher Open House – We are excited to return to our in-person Meet the Teacher / Open House (Curriculum Night)! I am looking forward to inviting you to our classroom on Wednesday, September 21, 2022 from 6:15-7:00pm. We will meet in the classroom at 6:15pm for approximately 20 minutes. During this time, I will briefly outline our classroom-specific routines and answer any questions you may have. Following this 20-minute session, you are invited to visit some of our other learning spaces including the gymnasium, music room, and library. I am looking forward to meeting with you on Wednesday!


School Photographs – Photographers from Life Touch will be here on Monday, October 3, 2022 to take school photos. All students will have their picture taken. Further details regarding ordering photo packages will be available at a later date. Students are reminded to wear their best smile!


Homework Routine: Our weekly homework routine will begin this week. Homework should not be taking any longer than 10-15 minutes to complete each evening. Homework will be limited to children reviewing their high-frequency words and reading their baggie book (and/or decodable texts) each evening. Occasionally, I may send home an additional math or literacy activity to review a concept we have covered in class. The purpose of these activities is to reinforce the concepts we are learning in class and provide an important link between home and school.


BEE Folder: Starting on Tuesday, students will receive their BEE Folder. The BEE Folder (Bring Everything Everyday) will travel to and from school each day inside your child’s baggie. Information regarding the BEE Folder is contained within the folder itself. The weekly homework (i.e., high-frequency words), reading strategies bookmark, and baggie book/decodable text can be found in the back pocket of the folder. The front pocket is reserved for correspondence between home and school (newsletters, notes to your child’s teacher, etc.). The homework sheet may remain at home for the week; however, the baggie book should be returned in your child’s BEE Folder each day. Should you have any questions regarding the BEE Folder, please do not hesitate to contact me. Please note, BEE Folders will remain in school each Friday evening in preparation for the following week.


Baggies: It is very important that children are returning their baggies to school each day. It makes for a much smoother dismissal when students are able to place any returned work, memos, etc. in their baggie at the end of the day. Your child’s BEE Folder should be in the baggie each day. Please ensure baggies are returned daily, even if they are empty!


The Science of Reading – As teachers, we are continually looking for ways to refine our practice to better meet the needs of all learners. Recently, I have been closely following a body of research referred to as “The Science of Reading.” This approach helps us better understand how the brain works and how children learn to read. In the past, we believed that if a student simply saw a word enough times, he/she would learn it. We taught students sight words (words we wanted them to read automatically, accurately, and effortlessly) through rote memorization. While this approach worked for some, we now know it to be inefficient, causing many students to struggle to recall sight words, even after many exposures.


This year, we will adopt a new, simple, and highly effective way of learning these high-frequency words known as orthographic mapping. Using this approach, students will receive direct instruction on how to connect sounds (phonemes) to specific letters or letter combinations (graphemes). Further details will be provided during our open house on how you can help your child with high-frequency words at home this year.


High-Frequency Words – Starting this week, I will be sending home a set of ten (10) high-frequency words for your child to practice at home. In addition, we will be working on these words in school through orthographic mapping. High-frequency words will be introduced during whole and small-group direct phonics instruction. These words will match the skill (i.e., spelling pattern) on which your child is currently working. As a result, children will work to develop their own high-frequency word vocabularies at their own pace, rather than sending home new words weekly. It is important to remember that children learn at different rates and this will be a process that must not be rushed. If at any time, you feel your child has mastered a sight word list, please let me know!


Baggie Books: Your child will receive a new baggie book each Monday that he/she will read at home each evening. Rereading a familiar book will help to improve reading fluency and develop comprehension skills. As reading assessments occur, your child’s baggie book may change to better meet his/her needs. Please ensure baggie books are returned each day in the BEE folder.


Decodable Texts – Decodable books/texts contain specific letter-sound correspondence that your child has learned during whole and small-group instruction. Decodable texts encourage readers to sound out unfamiliar words using the decoding strategies they have learned rather than guessing from the picture or predicting from other cues. As you child works on a decodable text at school, it will be sent home for further practice and review. These may remain at home.


Strategies Bookmark: In the back pocket of your child’s BEE Folder, you will find a reading strategies bookmark. These strategies are the same as those we will be using in the classroom when encountering an unfamiliar word in reading. I would encourage you to leave the bookmark in your homework space and refer to it when your child encounters an unfamiliar word as he/she reads his/her baggie book or decodable text each evening.


Google Classroom: From time to time, optional activities will be posted on our Google Classroom to reinforce the concepts we are learning in class. I would encourage you to post any pictures, writing, news, etc. that you would like to share with the class. To join our Google Classroom, you will need your child’s Gmail credentials that would have been provided to you last year. Please let me know if you need to have your child’s email address resent to you. Alternatively, you may join by entering our classroom code: r5lokf2.


Envelope of Materials: During our Open House/Curriculum Night (Wednesday), each family will receive an envelope with some important information. Please read through the material and do not hesitate to contact me should you have any questions or concerns. The information contained in the envelope is as follows:

1. Student of the Week Poster – More information below

2.  Student of the Week Schedule

3. Literacy Block Information Letter


All About Me Poster: An “All About Me” poster will be provided on Curriculum Night this week. Each child will have an opportunity to be the Student of the Week. During this time, he/she will have the opportunity to share his/her poster with the class. A memo outlining this project along with a schedule is attached to the poster. For your convenience, I will also post a copy of the schedule to my website. Please have your child complete the poster and send back to school on or before Monday, October 3, 2022. I would suggest completing one section of the poster each evening over the coming days rather than having your child complete it in one sitting. Please include a photograph of your child, if possible!


Literacy Block: A note outlining this initiative can be found in your child’s BEE Folder on Monday. Families are asked to please bring five (5) books from home to keep in their book boxes for independent and partner reading practice. As per the note, these books should be sent in no later than Monday, September 26, 2022. Please print your child’s name on each book to ensure their safe return!


Twitter – Our class will be active on Twitter this year! Please follow on Twitter @MrGreeleyGrade1. Here you will find updates and photos of the activities and learning happening in our classroom. I am just waiting on everyone’s media consent forms to be returned before we start posting. Be sure to follow us!


All About Me Bags – We will continue with the presentation of our All About Me Bags on Monday. If you did not have the opportunity to send these in last week, please do so on Monday!


Scholastic Orders: Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled digitally. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970


School Lunch Association – Registration for the School Lunch Program is now opened. Please remember, you must also complete the online registration at the beginning of each year. Registration and orders may be conveniently placed online. Lunch service by the School Lunch Association will commence on Wednesday, September 28, 2022. Please make a note of the days on which your child has ordered.


September Review Package: Please continue to review the skills contained in this package. Assessment is ongoing.


Inside Shoes – In an effort to keep our learning space clean and sanitary, children are expected to change into their inside shoes before entering the classroom. Shoes should also be changed when transitioning between outside play and indoors. Please ensure your child has indoor footwear that is to be left in his/her locker. These should also be suitable for activity in the gym. Also, it may be a good idea to review with your child which shoes are for indoor wear. Thank you in advance for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Dismissal It is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (preferably email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day.


Appropriate Dress: When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather comes quickly upon us. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary.


Extra Change of Clothes – It may be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes with your child to keep in his/her locker. Please place your child's change of clothes in a Ziploc bag and label it with his/her name.


Water Bottles: Children are permitted to have a water bottle in the classroom with them. I would ask that parents ensure the bottles are spill-proof (i.e., not a bottle that requires the cover to be removed to drink). Please fill your child’s bottle in the morning before coming to school. I also ask that water only be brought to the classroom (with the exception of snack and lunch, of course!) as fruit juices can be messy and sticky if spilled during work time.


Thanksgiving Day Holiday – In observance of Thanksgiving Day, there will be no school for students on Monday, October 10, 2022.


Remembrance Day In observance of Remembrance Day, there will be no classes for students on Friday, November 11, 2022.


Should you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me. I am looking forward to a successful year built upon strong home-school partnerships.


Have an Awesome Week!


 ~ Mr. G

September 12, 2022

Dear Families,

We have successfully completed our first three days of Grade One! Your children have been fantastic and are settling into the routines of Grade One quite nicely. They are a very sweet group and I think we are going to have an awesome year together! Each Sunday, you can expect to receive a weekly update email. The purpose of this email will be to inform/remind you of upcoming events/dates, as well as to keep you connected to the happenings in our classroom. In this regard, if you would like to have an additional email address added to the group (i.e., work, spouse, etc.) please let me know. The updates will also be posted to our classroom website under the “Grade 1 News and Updates” tab ( Following, are a few important notes and reminders to get our very first full week of Grade One started!

Morning ArrivalFamilies are encouraged to use the “Kiss and Ride” lane closest to the sidewalk. Parents are reminded to stay inside their vehicle and a teacher/volunteer will assist your child in exiting your vehicle. Children will enter the school through the main door.

Twitter – Our class will be active on Twitter this year! Please follow o Twitter @MrGreeleyGrade1. Here you will find updates and photos of the activities and learning happening in our classroom. I am just waiting on everyone’s media consent forms to be returned before we start posting. Be sure to follow us!

All About Me Bags - To foster a sense of classroom community and get to know each other a little better, we will complete a small at-home project. On Monday, your child will bring home a plain white paper bag. At home, please help your child place no more than five (5) items in the bag to help his/her classmates learn a little more about him/her. For example, your child may wish to include a blue crayon because his/her favourite colour is blue, a picture of his/her family or a special pet, a Lego block because he/she likes to play with Legos, a picture of pizza from a supermarket flyer, etc. Anything at all that will help us get to know your child a little better. Please remember, the items must fit inside the bag! While the items will be returned, please avoid including anything valuable or breakable in the event that something gets lost or damaged. Your child is encouraged to decorate the bag. Please return completed bags on Friday, September 16, 2022 or before if they are complete! We will then tell each other about the items inside the bags. I am looking forward to getting to know your children a little better.

Monthly Calendar – At the beginning of each month, I will be sending home a monthly calendar that outlines important dates for the month and outlines the days on which we have physical education and music classes. Please keep this calendar in a safe place for your reference. I will also post a copy on our class website. The calendar for September (yellow) has already been sent home.

School Holiday – There will be no school on Friday, September 30, 2022. This day has been set aside as the National Day for Truth and Reconciliation. Please take this opportunity to join Canadians across the country as we strive to be better, educate, and do our part in Truth and Reconciliation. In honour of this important occasion, children are encouraged to wear an orange shirt on Thursday, September 29, 2022 as we remember the tragedy of residential schools across the country.

School Supplies - Many thanks to those of you who have sent these in. We are certainly putting them to good use. If you have yet to send these materials in, please do so at your earliest convenience. If, for any reason, you are unable to secure these supplies, please let me know and I would be happy to make alternate arrangements.

Forms – On the first day of school, some important documents were sent home to be completed. Many thanks to the parents who have already returned the completed forms. If you have not yet returned these forms to school, please do so at your earliest convenience.

Ziploc Baggie – An important part of Grade One is developing a sense of personal independence and responsibility. Beginning on the first day of school, I sent home a Ziploc bag with your child’s name on it. When we begin our nightly homework routine, your child’s BEE Folder will also be contained in the baggie (more information on that will be available soon). Please check this baggie/BEE Folder each evening for important memos or messages from school. Upon arrival at school, it will be your child’s responsibility to bring the baggie into the classroom and place it in the appropriate bin. This will take some practice, but before long, many students will be taking responsibility for this and completing the task independently! Your child’s baggie should be returned daily even if it is empty!

September Review – On Monday, I will be sending home a package of September review. This package may remain at home for practice. Items in the review include, alphabet recognition and recall, number recognition and recall, colour words, etc. Please take the time to review this material with your child and practice as necessary. I will be assessing each child individually on the material over the coming weeks.

School Lunch Association – Registration for the School Lunch Program will open on Monday, September 12, 2022. Please remember, you must complete the online registration at the beginning of each year. Registration and orders may be conveniently placed online. Lunch service by the School Lunch Association will commence on Wednesday, September 28, 2022.

DismissalIt is very important that I have up to date dismissal information for your child. Please remember that any changes to dismissal must be communicated to me in writing (email) in advance. In the event that dismissal procedures change suddenly, it may be necessary to call the office. Please make every effort to have dismissal organized prior to the start of the day. I understand that things may come up requiring a change in dismissal. If I have not responded to your email by 2:30pm, please call the office.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled digitally. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school.  This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970

Homework - Our regular homework routine will commence on Monday, September 19, 2022. Further information regarding homework procedures will be outlined soon.

Thanksgiving Day HolidayIn observance of Thanksgiving Day, there will be no school for students on Monday, October 10, 2022.

Lunch & Recess - It may be a good idea to differentiate for your child what you have packed for snack and lunch. Placing snack items in a small baggie or container inside your child’s lunch bag may help with this. This will avoid eating items that were intended for lunch time during mid-morning snack! Thank you for your cooperation in this regard.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play, particularly as the cooler, autumn weather comes quickly upon us. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker. Children should be changing into these indoor footwear when arriving to school in the morning and when coming in from outside. Please review with your child which shoes are for inside wear. Thank you for helping to keep our learning environment clean and sanitary.

Extra Change of Clothes – I am requesting that all families send in an extra change of clothes with your child to keep in his/her locker. Please place your child's change of clothes in a Ziploc bag and label it with his/her name.

Water Bottles - I would ask that parents ensure the bottles are spill-proof (i.e., not a bottle that requires the cover to be removed to drink). Please fill your child’s bottle in the morning before coming to school. I also ask that water only be brought to the classroom (with the exception of snack and lunch, of course!) as fruit juices can be messy and sticky if spilled during work time.

I am very excited to be your child’s teacher this year! I can’t wait to watch them grow and develop over the year. An essential part in this growth is the partnership between home and school. In that spirit, I welcome your questions, comments and feedback. Please do not hesitate to drop me an email at any time, or call me at the school.


Have a Wonderful Week!

~ Mr. G

June 13, 2022

Dear Families,


Wow! The very last full week together in Grade One is upon us! It is hard to believe how fast this year has gone by. I am looking forward to spending this time with the most amazing children as we continue our learning and celebrate an awesome year together! Here are a few notes to get our last several days together started:


Field Trip Permission Slip – If you have not yet returned your child’s field trip permission slip along with the $2 fee, please do so by Monday, June 13, 2022.


Board Game Day - Children with surnames beginning with the letter A-J are invited to bring their favorite board game to play with their classmates during the afternoon of Monday, June 13, 2022. The remainder of the class will bring their games on a different day (TBD). When choosing your game, please make sure the instructions are easy to follow and there are not a lot of small pieces! No electronics, please!


Butterfly Day OR Pajama Day & Movie Afternoon – We have been excitedly observing the lifecycle of a butterfly in real-time in our classroom. On Tuesday, June 14, 2022, we will release our butterflies into the wild to continue their lifecycle journey. If the weather is unfavourable for this event, we will instead have our PJ and movie day. Children are invited to wear their PJs to school, and bring an extra snack and drink to enjoy during the movie.


Alternate Butterfly Day OR Pajama Day & Movie Afternoon – If our butterfly release does not go ahead on Tuesday, we will try again on Wednesday, June 15, 2022. If our butterfly release does go ahead on Tuesday, Wednesday, June 15, 2022 will be our PJ Day and Movie afternoon!


Watermelon DayThursday, June 16, 2022 is Watermelon Day! We will focus our learning today on the watermelon theme and enjoy a couple of watermelon treats. There is no preparation required from home, other than ensuring your child is wearing sunscreen in the event the weather permits us to get outside.


Picnic in the Park We are excited to celebrate a successful year in Grade One with a picnic in the park! On Friday, June 17, 2022, we will be visiting Bowring Park in St. John’s for a day of fun at the park. On this day, we will have the opportunity to participate in some park activities, including: playing some games, playing on the playground, and visiting the duck pond. We will also be eating lunch at the park.


Your child will need a recess snack and lunch packed from home on this day. It would also be a good idea to pack a couple of extra drinks and/or a water bottle. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for the changing weather and temperature. Your child should wear a hat and sneakers appropriate for walking and playing safely. Flipflops or sandals should not be worn on this day! Please apply sunscreen and insect repellant at home in the morning and send along the bottle in a sealed baggie inside your child’s backpack so that he/she may reapply throughout the day. Your child may also bring a beach towel or small blanket to sit on during our picnic lunch. 


If the weather is not favourable on this day, our Picnic in the Park will be rescheduled to Monday, June 20, Tuesday, June 21, or Wednesday, June 22.


School Lunch Association – There will be no school lunch service during the last week of school. As a result, all children will require a packed lunch from home on these days. Service by the School Lunch Association will conclude as of Friday, June 17, 2022.


Homework – Our homework and baggie book routine has concluded for the year! Thank you so much for making homework, especially reading, a priority in your home this year. While your child will no longer receive a baggie book, it is essential that you continue to read with and to your child over the summer months. Listening to you read gives your child the opportunity to hear a fluent and expressive reader. The progress that has been made over the course of the year has been truly amazing. I could not be more proud of the wonderful readers your children have become this year! Reading for fun together each day now and during the summer will help maintain the excellent progress that has been made. Additionally, it will help set the tone for another successful year in Grade 2!


Please continue to review your child’s sight words periodically throughout the summer. Continued practice of writing skills as well as math concepts is essential in preserving the gains made in these areas this year.


BEE Folder – Please continue to send your child’s BEE Folder and Baggie to school each day. This will help us continue with our regular daily routines and keep us organized for dismissal. It is important to check your child’s BEE Folder each evening for correspondence from school and please remove any corrected work or activities that may remain at home. Your anticipated cooperation with this is much appreciated!


Library Books & Baggie Books – Please have a look around your home for any missing library books and/or baggie books. A notice of any missing library books signed out to you child will come home this week. Your anticipated cooperation and attention to this matter is appreciated!


Sunscreen – With the late spring/early summer weather upon us, we will be spending more time outside for free play as well as many learning opportunities. Please apply sunscreen at home before coming to school in the morning. You may also wish to send along a bottle of sunscreen for your child to apply in the afternoon.


Water Bottle – Please remember to send a filled water bottle (water only please!) with your child each morning as water fountains remain closed at this time. There is a water filling station in the main foyer where water bottles may be refilled, if necessary. Please remember, water bottles should be spill-proof and not require the top to be removed for drinking.


Change of Clothes – Please ensure your child has a complete change of clothing at school. This can remain in his/her locker for the reminder of the year. By having a change of clothes, we hope to cut down to unnecessary calls home and visits to the school in the event of a spill or getting wet while outside.


Scholastic Book Club – Looking to stock up on summer reading materials for your child? There are some wonderful selections available in the digital flyers. If you are interested in placing an order, please visit: Orders are shipped directly to your home and shipping is free on orders of $40 or more. Please remember to enter our class code when ordering! Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 23, 2022. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it become available.


School Supply Lists – School supply lists for Grade Two will be posted to our school website during the summer.


Moving? – If your family will be moving outside of our school zone during the summer, please let us know. This is to ensure your child’s registration at the new school may be in place for September.


Back to School – The first day of school will be Wednesday, September 7, 2022. We look forward to welcoming you all back at this time!


As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

June 6, 2022

Dear Families,

I trust everyone had a great weekend. Hopefully, you found some time to relax and spend time with your family. It is such an exciting time here at school with so many fun activities planned. I am delighted to be able to spend these next few weeks together as a class. Here are some important notes to keep us organized for this busy, upcoming week:

Homework – Last week was the final week for our home reading program (i.e., baggie books). While your child will no longer receive a baggie book, it is essential that you continue to read with and to your child over the summer months. The progress that has been made over the course of the year has been truly amazing. I could not be more proud of the wonderful readers your children have become this year! Reading for fun together each day now and during the summer will help maintain the excellent progress that has been made. Additionally, it will help set the tone for another successful year in Grade 2! Reading together at bedtime is a wonderful way to end the day and spend some quality time together.

Please continue to review your child’s sight words periodically throughout the summer. Continued practice of writing skills as well as math concepts is essential in preserving the gains made in these areas this year.

BEE Folder – Please continue to send your child’s BEE Folder and Baggie to school each day. This will help us continue with our regular daily routines and keep us organized for dismissal. It is important to check your child’s BEE Folder each evening for correspondence from school and please remove any corrected work or activities that may remain at home. Your anticipated cooperation with this is much appreciated!

Move-a-Thon – Please continue to collect sponsors for our school fundraiser. Funds raised will be used to enhance our outdoor learning space! Sponsor sheets are due back to school on Thursday, June 9, 2022 to be eligible for the prize draws!

Sports Day – Our annual sports day will be held on Tuesday, June 7, 2022 (alternate weather dates – Monday, June 13 or Thursday, June 16). An announcement regarding whether or not sports day will go ahead will be made in the morning. Children are encouraged to dress in layers for the changing weather and temperature. Clothing appropriate for outside play is required (i.e., hat, sneakers, etc.). Please refrain from wearing sandals or flip flops. Please apply sunscreen nd insect repellent at home. You may wish to send the bottles along with your child in a sealed baggie so that he/she may reapply it throughout the day as needed. Children are encouraged to bring a bottle of water and an extra drink!

Second Hand Book Sale – Our Teacher-Librarian, Mrs. Costello, will be holding a second-hand book sale for students on Thursday, June 9 and Friday, June 10. If you have any donations of gently used children’s books, please send them along next week. Further information about the sale can be found at the following link:

Field Trip - In celebration of an awesome year together, we have planned a year-end field Trip to Bowring Park on Friday, June 17, 2022 (alternate weather dates will be Monday, June 20, Tuesday, June 21, or Wednesday, June 22). You find a permission slip in your child's BEE Folder on Monday evening. Please return the completed form, along with payment as soon as possible. We are looking forward to a fun and exciting day at the park! 

Library Books & Baggie Books – Please have a look around your home for any missing library books and/or baggie books. A notice of any missing library books signed out to your child will come home this week. Your anticipated cooperation and attention to this matter is appreciated!

Theme Days – Each year we plan some special thematic days for our class for the last week(s) of school prior to summer vacation. A detailed outline of these days as well as the materials (if any) will be sent in a separate email in the coming days. Please read it carefully and post in an accessible place for ease of reference. A June calendar outlining these events has also been sent home. Please note, we have tried to make these days as little extra work for families as possible, as we know it is a busy time for everyone!

Sunscreen – With the late spring/early summer weather upon us, we will be spending more time outside for free play as well as many learning opportunities. Please apply sunscreen at home before coming to school in the morning!

Water Bottle – Please remember to send a filled water bottle (water only please!) with your child each morning. There is a water filling station in the main foyer where water bottles may be refilled, if necessary; however, water fountains remain closed at this time. Please remember, water bottles should be spill-proof and not require the top to be removed for drinking.

Change of Clothes – Please ensure your child has a complete change of clothing at school. This can remain in his/her locker for the reminder of the year. By having a change of clothes, we hope to reduce unnecessary calls home and visits to the school in the event of a spill or getting wet while outside.

Scholastic Book Club – Looking to stock up on summer reading materials for your child? There are some wonderful selections available in the digital flyers. If you are interested in placing an order, please visit: Orders are shipped directly to your home and shipping is free on orders of $40 or more. Please remember to enter our class code when ordering! Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 23, 2022. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it becomes available.

School Supply Lists – School supply lists for Grade Two will be emailed to you and posted to our school website.

Moving? – If your family will be moving outside of our school zone during the summer, please let us know. This is to ensure your child’s registration at the new school may be in place for September.

Back to School – The first day of school will be Wednesday, September 7, 2022. We look forward to welcoming you all back at this time!

As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!

Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

May 30, 2022

Dear Families,


It is hard to believe that this week marks the end of May and the beginning of June. Where has the year gone? We really have had a great year together and I am looking forward to spending the last month of school with some of the most amazing children I know! We still have lots of learning to do and many fun, interactive, and exciting activities planned. Here are a few reminders to get our final month of school started!


June Calendar – Please find the June calendar in the front pocket of your child’s BEE Folder on Monday. The last month of school is always such a busy and exciting one. Please keep your calendar in a safe place for your reference.


Theme Days – During the last two weeks of school, we have some fun and exciting days planned to celebrate this amazing year together! Please see the June calendar and watch for a separate note to be sent home in the coming days outlining all the fun!


Literacy Week – This week is Literacy Week at our school! We have some very exciting activities planned for the week. Please see a separate memo emailed out by Mrs. Ryan last week. We will be holding our virtual Opening Ceremonies on Monday. We are looking forward to an exciting week of activities!


Rock Art – As part of our Literacy Week activities, students will have the opportunity to decorate (markers, paint, etc.) a rock for our Kindness Rock Garden. Children are invited to bring a smooth rock no bigger than the palm of their hand. Please ensure your rock has been cleaned. If you have any coloured “Sharpie” markers at home, please send those along.


Dress as Your Favourite Literary Character Day - Students are invited to come to school on Friday, June 3, 2022 dressed as a favourite character from a book, cartoon, comic, etc. Students will have the opportunity to share a little about their costume and participate in some activities throughout the day. Costumes need not be elaborate or time consuming to prepare. There are many simple ideas available online.


Literacy Bookmark Contest – On Monday, children will be provided with a Bookmark Template. Students are invited to design and decorate their bookmark to reflect the theme of this year’s Literacy Week: “Spring into Literacy!” Your child’s design must include the theme somewhere in the design. Remember to be creative, be colourful, and have fun! Please return the completed bookmark to your child’s teacher on or before Friday, June 3, 2022. Please include your child’s name, grade, and teacher’s name on the back of your bookmark. One winning design from primary (Kindergarten to Grade 3) and one from elementary (Grade 4 to 6) will be selected. The winning designs will be featured on our school Twitter page and the student will receive a Chapters gift card. Please note, this is an optional activity.


Move-a-Thon – Remember to collect sponsors for our 2022 Move-a-Thon fundraising event! Funds raised will go toward enhancement of our outdoor learning space. Please see your child’s BEE Folder on Monday for your sponsor sheet.


Second-Hand Book Sale – Our second-hand book sale will take place on June 9 & 10. If you have any donations of gently used books, please send them along!


Baggie Books & Library Books – Please have a look around your home for any misplaced baggie books or library books and return them to school as soon as possible.


Homework – Our homework routine is winding down. This week marks the end of our home reading program (i.e., baggie books). Please continue to practice the sight word review (term 3). I would encourage you to keep this sight word list and review it with your child from time to time over the summer months.


Thank you for your commitment to homework and making this important home-school connection a priority in your home. It is important that you continue to practice essential skills now and throughout the summer. I would encourage you to maintain a nightly reading routine with your child. Continued practice of writing skills as well as math concepts is essential in preserving the gains made in these areas this year. It sets the appropriate tone and foundation for continued success in Grade Two!


BEE Folder & Baggie – It is important that BEE Folders and baggies are returned daily. As this is part of our daily routine, it helps to teach responsibility and independence. Having the necessary materials also allows for a smooth and orderly dismissal, ensuring all memos, baggie books, etc. make it safely home and back to school in the morning. Thank you to all families who ensure your child comes to school each day with his/her BEE Folder and baggie. Please continue to send your child’s BEE Folder daily, even when our homework routine has concluded.


Checking the BEE Folder – Please continue to check your child’s BEE Folder each evening. It is important that any corrected/returned activities are removed and kept at home. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation!


Scholastic Book Club – Looking to stock up on summer reading materials for your child? There are some wonderful selections available in the digital flyers. If you are interested in placing an order, please visit: Orders are shipped directly to your home and shipping is free on orders of $40 or more. Please remember to enter our class code when ordering! Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Reading Strategies – Please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. Making connections to other books your child has read and to your child’s own personal experiences is another higher-order thinking skill important to reading development. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. In addition, reading to your child at bedtime is a wonderful way for him/her to hear a fluent and expressive reader.


Science Update - This past week, we had 18 baby caterpillars join our class! We worked hard to put them in their new habitat, and we are really looking forward to observing the changes as they go through their life cycle. We are excited to watch them as they turn into beautiful butterflies over the coming weeks. Be sure to ask your child about the changes he/she observes over the coming days. Spring is always such an exciting time!


Outside Play - As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air throughout the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground!

Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 23, 2022. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it becomes available.


We are looking forward to the next four weeks of fun and learning! As always, please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions you may have.


Have an awesome week!


~ Mr. G

May 23, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to our last full week of May! I hope you are enjoying the beautiful weather this long weekend with your families! I am looking forward to seeing everyone back safe and sound on Tuesday morning. Here are a few reminders to kick off this shortened week:  


Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 23, 2022.


Science Update – We are continuing to learn about living things and their life cycles. This past week, we planted some sunflower and scarlet runner bean seeds. We are continuing to observe the life cycle of these plants, and we have already observed some exciting changes with our bean seeds. Be sure to ask your child about the changes he/she observes over the coming days. In addition, we are beginning to observe the life cycle of the butterfly. On Thursday, we had such a fun time transferring our classroom caterpillars to their new habitat. Check out some pictures on our classroom Twitter account. We are looking forward to watching the caterpillars grow and change over the coming days and weeks. Spring is always such an exciting time!


Homework – Our homework routine is winding down. We will continue with a new baggie book for the next couple of weeks. In addition, your child will receive a list of all sight words covered in Grade One (green sheet in the BEE Folder this week). This sheet should remain at home. Please review the words with your child over the coming weeks as I will be assessing them during the first couple of weeks in June.

Thank you for your commitment to homework and making this important home-school connection a priority in your home. It is important that you continue to practice essential skills now and throughout the summer. I would encourage you to maintain a nightly reading routine with your child. Public libraries are an excellent source of reading materials for your child all summer long! If your child does not yet have a library card, I would certainly recommend it! Visiting the library together is an awesome way of promoting literacy skills all year round.


Continued practice of writing skills as well as math concepts is essential in preserving the gains made in these areas this year. It sets the appropriate tone and foundation for continued success in Grade Two!

With warmer weather and more hours of daylight, hopefully children will be getting outside to play after school. It is also important that families continue with a nightly homework routine over the coming weeks. The importance of nightly reading and writing practice cannot be overstated. The progress the children have made this year is truly amazing and I am so proud of them all. This is due, in no small part, to your commitment and encouragement at home. Your continued cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and of immense benefit to your child. There is a direct correlation between your child’s reading progress and the amount of time he/she is engaged in meaningful literacy activities. I am looking forward to even more growth over the coming weeks!


Reading – Please continue to read with and to your child every night. Listening to you read gives your child the opportunity to hear a fluent and expressive reader. In addition, rereading your child’s baggy book each night is imperative in improving reading fluency and overall comprehension.


Reading Strategies – Please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. Making connections to other books your child has read and to your child’s own personal experiences is another higher-order thinking skill important to reading development. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. In addition, reading to your child at bedtime is a wonderful way for him/her to hear a fluent and expressive reader.


Writing - Many children are requiring some extra practice in the area of writing. When writing at home, please work on the following areas with your child:


~ Proper letter formation


~ Finger spaces between each word.


~ Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and lowercase letters throughout the other words (For example, I love my dog. not I lovE mY Dog.)


~ Punctuation at the end of a sentence


~ Children should be sounding/stretching out the words they are printing and representing each sound heard. It is perfectly acceptable if words are not spelled conventionally, as long as the sounds are represented. Please continue to focus on representing the short vowel sounds with accuracy (e.g., a in the words apple and achoo; e in the words elephant and exercise; i in the words igloo and itchy; o in the word octopus; and u in the word umbrella).


I would encourage you to engage your child in meaningful writing experiences at home that aid in developing writing skills. For example, helping you write a shopping list, writing a letter, writing a sentence or two about something special that happened that day, are all great opportunities to practice. Helping him/her to write a sentence or two in an email and sending it to me might be a neat idea! Please praise and encourage your child in all writing attempts to help build his/her confidence. I look forward to many more writing experiences in the coming weeks!


Math – We are continuing to work on Addition and Subtraction to 20. This unit builds on the strategies we learned in our previous addition and subtraction unit to 12.  Please continue to practice the strategies we have learned at school. The use of manipulatives (i.e., buttons, coins, dried pasta, Cheerios, etc.) will be beneficial. It may be a good idea to have a collection of materials readily available for practice at home. Many children would benefit from extra practice with subtraction!



Outside Play - As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of spills or muddy pants on the playground!


Baggie Books & Library Books – Please have a look around your home for any misplaced baggie books or library books and return them to school as soon as possible.


BEE Folder & Baggie – It is important that BEE Folders and baggies are returned daily. As this is part of our daily routine, it helps to teach responsibility and independence. Having the necessary materials also allows for a smooth and orderly dismissal, ensuring all memos, baggie books, etc. make it safely home and back to school in the morning. Thank you to all families who ensure your child comes to school each day with his/her BEE Folder and baggie.

Water Bottles – I am finding that many students are arriving at school without a water bottle. Unfortunately, water fountains within the school remain out of service. We do have a fountain with a bottle refill station. As a result, it is important that children bring a filled water bottle (water only in these please!) from home. Water bottles must have a secure lid that does not need to be removed to drink. Please ensure your child brings his/her water bottle to school each day.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Last Day of School – The last day of school for this year will be Thursday, June 23, 2022. Report cards will not be released prior to this date. Further information regarding dismissal time will be communicated to you as it becomes available.


As always, should you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to contact me!


Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

May 2, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to the first week of May! As we enter our final two months of Grade One, we still have lots of learning to do! It is shaping up to be a busy and exciting month and I am delighted that I get to spend it with some of the most amazing and caring children I know! Here are a few notes to get our week started:


9th Annual S.O.A.R Food Drive – Our school will be accepting donations of non-perishable food items this week in aid of the Conception Bay South/Paradise Food Bank. The fire department will be here on Monday, May 9, 2022 to collect and deliver the food donations. If you would like to make a contribution, you are invited to do so this week. Thank you for your support of this community outreach initiative.


May Calendar – The May calendar was sent home in your child’s BEE Folder last week. Please post your calendar in an accessible place for easy reference. A copy of the calendar has been posted to our class website for your convenience. 


Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am sharp. It is the expectation that children are at school by 8:55am to prepare for the day. Often, Guided Reading groups take place first thing in the morning, so it is important that all students are ready to begin on time. School doors open and supervision begins at 8:40am to welcome children who are dropped off.


Baggies & BEE Folder – Please ensure the BEE Folder is returned daily in the baggie! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.


Homework – With warmer weather and more hours of daylight, hopefully, children will be getting outside to play after school. It is also important that families continue with a nightly homework routine over the coming weeks. The importance of nightly reading and writing practice cannot be overstated. The progress the children have made this year is truly amazing and I am so proud of them all. This is due, in no small part, to your commitment and encouragement at home. Your continued cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and of immense benefit to your child. There is a direct correlation between your child’s reading progress and the amount of time he/she is engaged in meaningful literacy activities both at home and school. I am looking forward to even more growth over the coming weeks!


Field Trip – We are going on a field trip to Manuel’s River on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. You will find the permission slip in your child’s BEE Folder on Monday evening. Please complete the consent form and return it, along with payment ($16), at your earliest convenience. If the financial obligation for this field trip is prohibitive to any family, please do let me know.


This is an all day field trip, so all children will require a snack and lunch packed from home. I will be looking for a couple of parent volunteers to accompany us on this field trip. If you are available, please indicate this on the permission slip. If more parents are able to attend than required, I will do a random draw.


Professional Development Day – There will be no classes for students on Friday, May 20, 2022 due to our final Teachers’ Professional Development session.


Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 23, 2022.

Writing: Many children are requiring some extra practice in the area of writing. When writing at home, please work on the following areas with your child:

~ Proper letter formation

~ Finger spaces between each word.

~ Capital letters at the beginning of a sentence and lowercase letters throughout the other words (For example, I love my dog. not I lovE mY Dog.)

~ Punctuation at the end of a sentence

~ Children should be sounding/stretching out the words they are printing and representing each sound heard. It is perfectly acceptable if words are not spelled conventionally, as long as the sounds are represented. Please continue to focus on representing the short vowel sounds with accuracy (e.g., a in the words apple and achoo; e in the words elephant and exercise; i in the words igloo and itchy; o in the word octopus; and u in the word umbrella).

I would encourage you to engage your child in meaningful writing experiences at home that aid in developing writing skills. For example, helping you write a shopping list, writing a letter, writing a sentence or two about something special that happened that day, are all great opportunities to practice. Helping him/her to write a sentence or two in an email and sending it to me might be a neat idea! Please praise and encourage your child in all writing attempts to help build his/her confidence. I look forward to many more writing experiences in the coming weeks!


Reading Strategies – Please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. Making connections to other books your child has read and to your child’s own personal experiences is another higher-order thinking skill important to reading development. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. In addition, reading to your child at bedtime is a wonderful way for him/her to hear a fluent and expressive reader.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground!

Scholastic Book Club – There are some great spring selections available in the digital flyers. If you are interested in placing an order, please visit: Orders are shipped directly to your home and shipping is free on orders of $40 or more. Please remember to enter our class code when ordering! Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

April 25, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome Back! I trust everyone had a restful Easter break with your families. I am looking forward to welcoming everyone back to school tomorrow. I am excited to hear about everyone’s break and the Easter Bunny’s visit. As we approach our final two months of Grade One, we still have a lot of learning left to do and I am so looking forward to this exciting time with your children. Here are a few notes to get our week started:


Back to School – Classes resume for students tomorrow (Monday, April 25, 2022). It is Day 1 on our schedule and our class has gym.


Masking – Mandatory making will continue in schools and on school busses until at least Friday, May 13, 2022. The children in our class have been exceptional and exemplary when it comes to wearing their masks! I am so proud of them! Please remember to include some additional masks in your child’s backpack in the event that the one he/she is wearing becomes broken or soiled. Thank you for your continued cooperation in keeping us all healthy and safe!


Being on Time – As a reminder, classes begin at 9:00am sharp. It is the expectation that children are at school by 8:55am to prepare for the day. Often, Guided Reading groups take place first thing in the morning, so it is important that all students are ready to begin on time. School doors open and supervision begins at 8:40am to welcome children who are dropped off.

Baggies & BEE Folder – All students will have a new baggie tomorrow. Please ensure the BEE Folder is returned daily in the baggie! It is important that parents check their child’s BEE Folder each evening and remove any returned activities, your child’s library book, etc. When all students are prepared with their BEE Folder and baggie, it makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal routine. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation in this regard.

Homework – Our regular homework routine will resume this week, including new sight words and a new word family. With warmer weather and more hours of daylight, hopefully, children will be getting outside to play after school. It is also important that families continue with a nightly homework routine over the coming weeks. The importance of nightly reading and writing practice cannot be overstated. The progress the children have made this year is truly amazing and I am so proud of them all. This is due, in no small part, to your commitment and encouragement at home. Your continued cooperation in this regard is much appreciated and of immense benefit to your child. There is a direct correlation between your child’s reading progress and the amount of time he/she is engaged in meaningful literacy activities both at home and school. I am looking forward to even more growth over the coming weeks!


May Calendar – Our May calendar will be sent home later this week. Please post it in an accessible place for your reference.


Field Trip – I have scheduled a field trip to Manuel’s River on Tuesday, May 17, 2022. Please keep an eye on your child’s BEE Folder later this week for a permission slip with further information. This is an all day field trip, so all children will require a snack and lunch packed from home. I will be looking for a couple of parent volunteers to accompany us on this field trip. If you are available, please indicate this on the permission slip. If more parents are able to attend than required, I will do a random draw.


Professional Development Day – There will be no classes for students on Friday, May 20, 2022 due to our final Teachers’ Professional Development session.


Victoria Day Holiday – In observance of Victoria Day, there will be no classes for students on Monday, May 23, 2022.


Math Update – We will conclude our current unit on Numbers to 100 over the coming week or two, Please continue to work on the following items at home with  your child in order to further develop his/her number sense:

- Saying the number sequence from 0-10

- Saying a number sequences using a variety of starting points (e.g., 37-59)

- Printing the numbers 0-100

- Recognizing the numbers 0-100

- Representing numbers using pictures, base ten blocks, tallies, etc.

- Counting backwards from a variety of starting points

- Counting a collection of objects up to 100

- Counting by twos up to 20

- Counting by fives up to 100

- Counting by tens up to 100

- Grouping a set of objects by twos, fives, and tens and counting the set


We will soon begin our next unit in math on Addition and Subtraction to 20. This unit builds on the strategies we learned in our previous addition and subtraction unit to 12.  Please continue to practice the strategies we have learned at school. The use of manipulatives (i.e., buttons, coins, dried pasta, Cheerios, etc.) will be beneficial. It may be a good idea to have a collection of materials readily available for practice at home.


Reading Strategies – Please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. Making connections to other books your child has read and to your child’s own personal experiences is another higher-order thinking skill important to reading development. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. In addition, reading to your child at bedtime is a wonderful way for him/her to hear a fluent and expressive reader.


Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Outside Play: As the temperature warms up and the weather permits, children will have the opportunity to get outside to enjoy some free play and fresh air during the day. To maintain the cleanliness and hygiene of our work and learning environment, it is imperative that children have an extra pair of shoes to change into upon entering our building. I am asking for your cooperation in ensuring outside footwear is not worn inside the classroom. Now might be a good time to ensure the footwear your child has at school still fits! In addition, if you have not already done so, it might be a good idea to send in an extra change of clothes to keep in your child’s locker. This will help prevent unnecessary calls home for clothes in the event of muddy pants on the playground!


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

February 28, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to the final day of February and the first week of March! I wonder if the month will come in like a lion or a lamb on Tuesday? Here are a few notes to get this short week started:


Professional Development Day - There will be no classes for students on Monday, February 28, 2022 due to a teachers’ professional development session.


March Calendar – Our classroom calendar for March was sent home on Thursday of last week in your child’s BEE Folder. Please post your calendar in an accessible place for your reference. For your convenience, a copy of the calendar is also posted to our classroom website.


Term 2 Report Cards – Report cards will be released at dismissal time on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.


Online Parent-Teacher Interview Scheduler (OPTIS) – Further information regarding the scheduling of conferences will be made available over the coming days. Please be sure to schedule a time to discuss your child’s progress in term 2.


Report Card Conferences – Report card conferences will be scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Thursday, March 17, 2022. Early dismissal time for this day will be announced.


World Down Syndrome Day - On Monday, March 21, 2022, our school will be participating in Funky Sock Day (bold print, colourful designs, mismatched, etc.)! This is a symbol of the wonderfully unique gifts that Down Syndrome can bring to an individual, his/her family, school, and community.


Sight Word Review & Reading – Please continue to review sight words and read your child’s baggie book each evening. Rereading the baggie book helps to develop skills in fluency, expression, and comprehension. If at any time you would like an additional baggie book for the week, just let me know!


Reading Assessments – Reading assessments are ongoing throughout the year. As a result, your child’s baggie book may change throughout the week to ensure it is a good fit for him/her. As a reminder, please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. Congratulations!


Writing at Home – When writing at home, just like at school, it is not the expectation that your child is spelling all the words correctly. What is most important at this point is that he/she is s-t-r-e-t-c-h-i-n-g out the words and representing the sound he/she hears. In addition, please remind your child to use uppercase letters at the beginning of a sentence (not in the middle of words), finger spaces between the words, and punctuation at the end of his/her sentences. Children should be completing writing tasks with increasing independence. This means that parents may be there to provide support; however, the writing process should be largely child-led. Should you have any questions or concerns with respect to writing, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Masking – Masking is mandatory in all common areas of the school, including the classroom. Masks must be worn at all times; however, may be removed for eating. When masks are removed to eat, it is important that they are stored hygienically. Please send in a small baggie or a lanyard so masks are not touching the tables, floor, etc. Three-layered masks are recommended. **Face coverings that are worn around the neck and pulled up over the face are NO LONGER PERMITTED.** Please ensure your child’s mask fits appropriately so it completely covers the mouth and nose.


Extra Masks – It is imperative that all students have access to a mask at all times. In addition to the mask your child wears to school, please ensure you have packed some spare masks in a secure location in your child’s backpack in the event it becomes lost, broken, or soiled. Please review the location of the extra masks with your child so as he/she is able to locate them in the event they are required.


Water Bottle – Please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each day. We want to limit the number of visitors to the school, so ensuring your child has his/her water bottle will prevent unnecessary calls home. For your child’s health and safety, please ensure water bottles are cleaned regularly!


Extra Change of Clothes – If you have not already done so, please ensure your child has an extra change of clothes to keep in his/her locker. At this time, we need to limit the number of visitors to our building. Having a change of clothes in the locker will prevent unnecessary calls home in the event of wet/muddy clothes from outside play, spills, etc. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.


Baggies – Several children are still not returning their baggies on a regular basis. Please ensure your child’s baggie is returned daily. When baggies are not returned, baggie books and other materials are often misplaced, found on the floor, etc. It makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal when all materials that need to go home are contained in one area. Children are expected to bring their BEE Folder and baggie into the classroom each morning and place it in the designated area. Please help instill a sense of responsibility and routine by ensuring your child places the necessary materials in his/her backpack each evening. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.


Recording Baggie Books – As a reminder, at the back of your child’s BEE Folder, there is a Reading Log. Please ensure you are recording your child’s baggie book title each week. This is important to help me track the books your child has read and avoid sending home a book that has already been read. Even though your child will be practicing his/her baggie book for the entire week, it is only necessary to record each title once.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Children should wear snow pants, a warm jacket, hat, mittens, and boots on a daily basis. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker.


Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.


Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Have an Awesome Week!

~ Mr. G

February 21, 2022

Dear Families,

We had such a fun time last week celebrating Valentine’s Day and the 100th Day of Grade One! We are looking forward to another great week of learning and fun. Please read through the notes below for some important information and updates.


Sight Word Review & Reading – I cannot stress enough the importance of nightly reading with your child. In order for progress to occur, practice is the key. This includes reviewing sight words on a regular (nightly) basis. Sight word are high-frequency words that often follow phonetic patterns that cannot be easily sounded out. Please continue to review your child’s sight words and read his/her baggie book each evening. Reading aloud to your child each day is also important. It provides them with the opportunity to develop language and listening skills as well as provides a model of a fluent and expressive reader. It is through practice that children develop into confident and fluent readers as they are learning to read and reading to learn.


Vaccination Clinic – For those who have returned their form, the second dose of the Covid-19 vaccine will be administered at school on Monday, February 21, 2022.

Pink Shirt Day – Our annual Pink Shirt Day will be held on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. The purpose of this event is to highlight the importance of treating others with kindness and respect everyday. Children are invited to wear a pink shirt on this day.

Winter Olympics – Our outdoor Winter Olympic activities have been rescheduled for Thursday, February 24, 2022. This event will take place rain or shine. In the event of inclement weather, students will participate in the indoor activities only. Children should come to school dressed appropriately for outdoor play on this day.

Professional Development Day - There will be no classes for students on Monday, February 28, 2022 due to a teachers’ professional development


Reading Assessments – Reading assessments are ongoing throughout the year. As a result, your child’s baggie book may change throughout the week to ensure it is a good fit for him/her. As a reminder, please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. Congratulations!

Masking – Masking is mandatory in all common areas of the school, including the classroom. Masks must be worn at all times; however, may be removed for eating. When masks are removed to eat, it is important that they are stored hygienically. Please send in a small baggie or a lanyard so masks are not touching the tables, floor, etc. Three-layered masks are recommended. **Face coverings that are worn around the neck and pulled up over the face are NO LONGER PERMITTED.** Please ensure your child’s mask fits appropriately so it completely covers the mouth and nose.

Extra Masks – It is imperative that all students have access to a mask at all times. In addition to the mask your child wears to school, please ensure you have packed some spare masks in a secure location in your child’s backpack in the event it becomes lost, broken, or soiled. Please review the location of the extra masks with your child so as he/she is able to locate them in the event they are required.

Water Bottle – Please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each day. We want to limit the number of visitors to the school, so ensuring your child has his/her water bottle will prevent unnecessary calls home. For your child’s health and safety, please ensure water bottles are cleaned regularly!

Extra Change of Clothes – If you have not already done so, please ensure your child has an extra change of clothes to keep in his/her locker. At this time, we need to limit the number of visitors to our building. Having a change of clothes in the locker will prevent unnecessary calls home in the event of wet/muddy clothes from outside play, spills, etc. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

Baggies – Several children are still not returning their baggies on a regular basis. Please ensure your child’s baggie is returned daily. When baggies are not returned, baggie books and other materials are often misplaced, found on the floor, etc. It makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal when all materials that need to go home are contained in one area. Children are expected to bring their BEE Folder and baggie into the classroom each morning and place it in the designated area. Please help instill a sense of responsibility and routine by ensuring your child places the necessary materials in his/her backpack each evening. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

Recording Baggie Books – As a reminder, at the back of your child’s BEE Folder, there is a Reading Log. Please ensure you are recording your child’s baggie book title each week. This is important to help me track the books your child has read and avoid sending home a book that has already been read. Even though your child will be practicing his/her baggie book for the entire week, it is only necessary to record each title once.

Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.

Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Children should wear snow pants, a warm jacket, hat, mittens, and boots on a daily basis. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker.

Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.

Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.

Term 2 Report Cards – Report cards will be released at dismissal time on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.

Report Card Conferences – Report card conferences will be scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Thursday, March 17, 2022. Early dismissal time for this day will be announced.

Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Have a Wonderful Week!


~ Mr. G

February 14, 2022

Dear Families,


Welcome to another week in Grade One! What an exciting week we have coming up with Valentine’s Day, Pyjama Day, Winter Olympic activities, and the 100th Day of Grade One! I am very much looking forward to spending this exciting week together. Here are a few notes and reminders to get us started:


Valentine’s Day – Valentine’s Day celebrations will be held on the afternoon of Monday, February 14, 2022. Children are invited to bring a small, individual snack for the afternoon. Please be mindful of the allergies at our school. As a reminder, we kindly ask that you refrain from sending in treats for the class. While the thought is appreciated, I will be unable to distribute these to the class. Children are permitted to bring paper Valentine’s to exchange with their classmates (no candy, pencils, toys, etc.).


NLTA Janeway Day - In support of the Janeway Children’s Hospital, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association (NLTA) will host a fundraiser on Monday, February 14, 2022. Children are invited to wear their PJs to school on this day. Donations to the Janeway will be gratefully accepted.


Winter Olympics – Our outdoor Winter Olympic activities have been rescheduled for Tuesday, February 15, 2022. Children should come to school dressed appropriately for outdoor play on this day.


100th Day of School – Can you believe we have been in Grade One for almost 100 days? On Thursday, February 17, 2022 (tentative), we will celebrate the 100th Day of School! We have a day of fun and learning planned that includes math and literacy activities to celebrate our first 100 days of school!


Pink Shirt Day – Our annual Pink Shirt Day will be held on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. The purpose of this event is to highlight the importance of treating others with kindness and respect everyday. Children are invited to wear a pink shirt on this day.


Homework this Week - There will be no new sight words this week. A list of all sight words (114) covered up to this point was provided last week for your child’s review. Please continue t review all sight words this week. Children will be assessed on these words over the coming days.


Reading Assessments – Reading assessments are ongoing throughout the year. As a result, your child’s baggie book may change throughout the week to ensure it is a good fit for him/her. As a reminder, please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. Congratulations!


Masking – Masking is mandatory in all common areas of the school, including the classroom. Masks must be worn at all times; however, may be removed for eating. When masks are removed to eat, it is important that they are stored hygienically. Please send in a small baggie or a lanyard so masks are not touching the tables, floor, etc. Three-layered masks are recommended. **Face coverings that are worn around the neck and pulled up over the face are NO LONGER PERMITTED.** Students have done a great job this week with wearing their mask! Please ensure your child’s mask fits appropriately so it completely covers the mouth and nose.


Extra Masks – It is imperative that all students have access to a mask at all times. In addition to the mask your child wears to school, please ensure you have packed some spare masks in a secure location in your child’s backpack in the event it becomes lost, broken, or soiled. Please review the location of the extra masks with your child so as he/she is able to locate them in the event they are required.


Water Bottle – Please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each day. We want to limit the number of visitors to the school, so ensuring your child has his/her water bottle will prevent unnecessary calls home. For your child’s health and safety, please ensure water bottles are cleaned regularly!


Extra Change of Clothes – If you have not already done so, please ensure your child has an extra change of clothes to keep in his/her locker. At his time, we need to limit the number of visitors to our building. Having a change of clothes in the locker will prevent unnecessary calls home in the event of wet/muddy clothes from outside play, spills, etc. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.


Baggies – Several children are still not returning their baggies on a regular basis. Please ensure your child’s baggie is returned daily. When baggies are not returned, baggie books and other materials are often misplaced, found on the floor, etc. It makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal when all materials that need to go home are contained in one area. Children are expected to bring their BEE Folder and baggie into the classroom each morning and place it in the designated area. Please help instill a sense of responsibility and routine by ensuring your child places the necessary materials in his/her backpack each evening. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.


Recording Baggie Books – As a reminder, at the back of your child’s BEE Folder, there is a Reading Log. Please ensure you are recording your child’s baggie book title each week. This is important to help me track the books your child has read and avoid sending home a book that has already been read. Even though your child will be practicing his/her baggie book for the entire week, it is only necessary to record each title once.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Children should wear snow pants, a warm jacket, hat, mittens, and boots on a daily basis. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker.


Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.


Waiting for Your Child at Dismissal Time – While waiting for your child, please help set an example for all our students by maintaining physical distance from other parents who are waiting. Please be mindful of other children/parents. Remember, our children are watching and looking to you for guidance and support. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is very much appreciated


Professional Development Day - There will be no classes for students on Monday, February 28, 2022 due to a teachers’ professional development session.


Term 2 Report Cards – Report cards will be released at dismissal time on Tuesday, March 15, 2022.


Report Card Conferences – Report card conferences will be scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Thursday, March 17, 2022. Early dismissal time for this day will be announced.


Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G

February 7, 2022

Dear Families,


What a wet and rainy weekend! I hope you had the opportunity to relax and spend some time with your family doing whatever makes you happy! We have another busy and exciting week coming up in Grade One! Here are a few notes to get us started:


Winter Olympics – Our physical education teachers have planned some in-school activities for the coming weeks to coincide with the 2022 Winter Olympic Games. Some outdoor activities are planned for Wednesday, February 9, 2022. Children should come to school dressed appropriately for outdoor play on this day.


Country Colours – As we celebrate the winter Olympics, each class will be learning about a different country. Our class country is Poland. Children are invited to wear their country’s colours (red and white) on Friday, February 11, 2022 as we cheer on our country.


Valentine’s Day – Valentine’s Day celebrations will be held on the afternoon of Monday, February 14, 2022. Children are invited to bring a small, individual snack for the afternoon. Please be mindful of the allergies at our school. As a reminder, we kindly ask that you refrain from sending in treats for the class. While the thought is appreciated, I will be unable to distribute these to the class. Children are permitted to bring paper Valentine’s to exchange with their classmates (no candy, pencils, toys, etc.). **PLEASE NOTE** Valentine’s must be brought to school on Friday, February 11, 2022. This will allow the weekend for cards to sit before being distributed on Monday! These are school-wide directive.


NLTA Janeway Day - In support of the Janeway Children’s Hospital, the Newfoundland and Labrador Teachers Association (NLTA) will host a fundraiser on Monday, February 14, 2022. Children are invited to wear their PJs to school on this day. Donations will be gratefully accepted. Further information on how to donate will be available soon.


TD Bank Grade One Book Giveaway - Since 2000, in cooperation with ministries of education, school boards, and library organizations across Canada — the CCBC has given every Grade 1 child a free Canadian children’s book. The book is to be taken home by each child to keep and to read with their parents. This far-reaching annual book giveaway program, which provides over 550,000 books to Grade 1 children across Canada, is fully funded by TD Bank Group. The program is intended to encourage literacy and reading for young children and supports the Canadian Children’s Book Centre’s mandate of bringing great Canadian books to Canadian children and to promote a love of reading and a passion for books. This year’s book is called Malaika’s Costume. Please find your child’s copy in his/her baggy. This book is for your child to keep and may remain at home.

Homework this Week - There will be no new sight words this week or next. A list of all sight words (114) covered up to this point will be provided for your child’s review. Children will be assessed on these words over the coming two weeks. Please keep this sheet at home for review over the next several weeks.

Reading Assessments – Reading assessments are ongoing throughout the year. As a result, your child’s baggie book may change throughout the week to ensure it is a good fit for him/her. As a reminder, please continue to encourage your child to use the strategies he/she has learned when encountering unfamiliar words. For example, sounding out the word, looking at the pictures, and skipping the word are all important strategies that good readers use. Furthermore, multiple readings of a familiar text will aid in improving your child’s overall reading fluency and comprehension. Taking some time after reading to talk about the book with your child and asking some questions about what was read, is a worthwhile exercise to improve reading comprehension and oral language skills. I would encourage you to continue to have your child read his/her baggie book each night to maintain the wonderful progress that has been made to date. Congratulations!


Masking – Masking is mandatory in all common areas of the school, including the classroom. Masks must be worn at all times; however, may be removed for eating. When masks are removed to eat, it is important that they are stored hygienically. Please send in a small baggie or a lanyard so masks are not touching the tables, floor, etc. Three-layered masks are recommended. **Face coverings that are worn around the neck and pulled up over the face are NO LONGER PERMITTED.** Students have done a great job this week with wearing their mask! Please ensure your child’s mask fits appropriately so it completely covers the mouth and nose.


Extra Masks – It is imperative that all students have access to a mask at all times. In addition to the mask your child wears to school, please ensure you have packed some spare masks in a secure location in your child’s backpack in the event it becomes lost, broken, or soiled. Please review the location of the extra masks with your child so as he/she is able to locate them in the event they are required.


Water Bottle – Please be sure to send a filled water bottle with your child each day. We want to limit the number of visitors to the school, so ensuring your child has his/her water bottle will prevent unnecessary calls home. For your child’s health and safety, please ensure water bottles are cleaned regularly!


Extra Change of Clothes – If you have not already done so, please ensure your child has an extra change of clothes to keep in his/her locker. At his time, we need to limit the number of visitors to our building. Having a change of clothes in the locker will prevent unnecessary calls home in the event of wet/muddy clothes from outside play, spills, etc. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is appreciated.

Baggies – Several children are still not returning their baggies on a regular basis. Please ensure your child’s baggie is returned daily. When baggies are not returned, baggie books and other materials are often misplaced, found on the floor, etc. It makes for a much more organized and efficient dismissal when all materials that need to go home are contained in one area. Children are expected to bring their BEE Folder and baggie into the classroom each morning and place it in the designated area. Please help instill a sense of responsibility and routine by ensuring your child places the necessary materials in his/her backpack each evening. Your anticipated cooperation in this matter is appreciated.

Recording Baggie Books – As a reminder, at the back of your child’s BEE Folder, there is a Reading Log. Please ensure you are recording your child’s baggie book title each week. This is important to help me track the books your child has read and avoid sending home a book that has already been read. Even though your child will be practicing his/her baggie book for the entire week, it is only necessary to record each title once.


100th Day of School – Can you believe we have been in Grade One for almost 100 days? On Thursday, February 17, 2022 (tentative), we will celebrate the 100th Day of School! We have a day of fun and learning planned that includes math and literacy activities to celebrate our first 100 days of school!


Pink Shirt Day – Our annual Pink Shirt Day will be held on Wednesday, February 23, 2022. The purpose of this event is to highlight the importance of treating others with kindness and respect everyday. Children are invited to wear a pink shirt on this day.


Scholastic Orders - Scholastic Reading Club will now be handled online. Parents can order through the Scholastic website at by entering our class code. Shipping is free on orders over $40 and orders will be shipped directly to your home rather than the school. This is a great opportunity to expand your child’s home library with reading materials that are age and developmentally appropriate. Any and all orders from Scholastic Reading Clubs also help get us resources, materials, and books for our classroom. Mr. Greeley’s Scholastic Classroom Code: RC163970.


Appropriate Dress - When the weather permits, we will be going outside daily. Please ensure your child is dressed appropriately for outdoor play. Children should wear snow pants, a warm jacket, hat, mittens, and boots on a daily basis. All children should have an additional pair of footwear that will remain in his/her locker.


Early Closures: The time is approaching for potential early school closures due to weather and/or road conditions. In the event of an early closure, please ensure that I have the most up-to-date contact information for you. When a closure is announced, I will first send out a class email requesting confirmation of how your child will be getting home. Please respond to that email as quickly as possible. I will then begin making contact with you via phone for those who have not responded to the email. Before your child is permitted to leave the building, I must make contact with you either through email or via telephone. Thank you in advance for keeping your child’s safety first and foremost in these situations.


Dismissal Reminder - For your child’s safety, please attempt to have changes to his/her dismissal routine finalized the night before. That way, you can send me an email the day before. Sending me an email during the day with changes to dismissal will not work as I often do not get an opportunity to check my email during the school day. Having your child inform me of these changes is not sufficient. For his/her safety, I will require an email. I understand that sometimes things come up during the day that require these last-minute changes. In these instances, you can try emailing me; however, if I have not responded by 2:00pm at the latest, please call the school office. If you have arranged for someone different to pick up your child, it is important to let me know. For your child’s safety, I am unable to release him/her to another parent without your written consent.


Waiting for Your Child at Dismissal Time – While waiting for your child, please help set an example for all our students by maintaining physical distance from other parents who are waiting. Please be mindful of other children/parents. Remember, our children are watching and looking to you for guidance and support. Your anticipated cooperation in this regard is very much appreciated

Professional Development Day - There will be no classes for students on Monday, February 28, 2022 due to a teachers’ professional development session.

Term 2 Report Cards – Report cards will be released at dismissal time on Tuesday, March15, 2022.

Report Card Conferences – Report card conferences will be scheduled for the afternoon and evening of Thursday, March 17, 2022. Early dismissal time for this day will be announced.


Should you have any questions or concerns at any time, please do not hesitate to contact me!


Have an Awesome Week!


~ Mr. G