Community Partnerships

John Howard Society: 726-5500 Choices for Youth 24 Hour Line (Shelter/support/safety for youth) 757-3050

Key Assets: 579-1624 Pap Screening or Cervical Screening Initiatives Program 1-866-643-8719

Smokers Help Line: 1-800-363-5864 Kids Help Phone 24 Hour Line: 1-800-668-6868

  Pediatric Telephone Advice Line:  722-1126

Janeway Family Resource Centre:

777-2946 Poison Control 24 Hour Line: 722-1110

       Children's Protection Services 24 Hour Line: 752-4619


Mental Health Crisis Phone Line: Naomi Centre (Shelter/support/safety for young women)
737-4668 or 1-888-737-4668 24 Hour Line: 579-8432

  Sexual Assault Crisis Line 24 Hour Line: 726-1411

Mobile Crisis Response Service:

737-4668 CHANNAL Peer Support Warm Line: 1-855-753-2560


Gambling Helpline: 1-888-899-4357 Mental Health and Addictions System Navigator: 1-877-999-7589


      Child and Youth Advocate: 753-3888     Domestic Violence Help Line: 1-888-709-7090


      Thrive Community Youth Network: 754-0536

  Be Compassionate NL:       AMAL Youth and Family Centre: 552-1174