School Policies & Resources
Important Memorandum:
Memo to Families and Students: Updated School Policy on Eating in Classrooms
Memo: 2024 Year-End Briefing: Important Cannabis, Tobacco, and Smokeless Free School Update
Policy and Other Information:
Student Portal
Sign-in Form (Student): Students must sign-in at the school's front desk upon entering the building. Students will be marked unexcused without the accompaniment of a parent/guardian or contact to the school. A sign-in time will be noted in the students attendance comment on Powerschool for reference by the teacher and/or parent/guardian.
Parent Portal
Absent Note Form (Parent/Guardian use only): Please complete if student will be absent from school. This does not automatically update attenance in Powerschool. However, it is regularly checked and updated by our secretary. Please complete prior to 2:30pm daily to ensure time for our secretary to update Powerschool so that you do not receive an evening absence unexcused call.
Sign-out Procedure: Parents/Guardians must report to the school's front desk and make the request to sign-out their child(s). The office will then page the student down from their respective class. Parents/Guardians are also permitted to call the school at the time of sign-out. Again, the office will page the student out-of-class once the call or visit occurs. Students are not permitted to leave class while waiting for their ride unless after conferencing with admin staff.
Important Conversations - Support for Students/Families - Intimate Images