First Generation Law
Students Association


The First Generation Law Students Association (FIRSTGEN) is an intersectional community of students that are the first in their family to attend law school. Many of our members are also first generation high school graduates, college graduates, and Americans. 

Our varied life experiences give us a unique perspective on the law, and contribute much needed thought diversity to the profession. However, law school and the legal profession were not designed with our experience in mind. FIRSTGEN seeks to bridge the gap, supporting first generation law students in succeeding in law school and navigating our future careers. 

What We Do

FIRSTGEN hosts several large signature events every year, including an etiquette dinner, resume workshop, and a practice area discovery night. We also collaborate with other Northwestern Law affinity groups to host networking events with employers. 

A sincere thank you to our 2023-2024 sponsors for investing in the next generation of future lawyers.