2024-2025 Executive Board

Stephanie Mao



Rachel Kim



Lindsey Roloff

Co-Vice President of Events


Alishan Valiani

Co-Vice President of Events


Sam Sharma

Co-Vice President of Membership


Katherine Powell

Co-Vice President of Membership


Noah Balduf

Vice President of Communications


Previous Leadership

Amanda Borwegen, 2023-2024 President

Amanda is a first-generation college graduate. She grew up in Pennsylvania, and graduated from Washington & Jefferson College with a B.A. in Economics and Political Science. In addition to FIRSTGEN, Amanda is on law review and enjoys running, reading, and trying new restaurants. 

Christina Aldime, 2022-2023 President

Christina is a first-generation Haitian American and first-generation college graduate. She grew up in Brooklyn, NY and graduated from New York University. Christina is passionate about empowering first-generation students by spreading key knowledge about the first year of law school and connecting students with support networks that enable them to succeed academically and professionally. She also loves skin care, food festivals, and beach vacations.

Karen Eskander, 2021-2022 President

"Law school is an incredibly daunting environment and being first generation in this environment really pushed me to find my community. Luckily, FIRSTGEN was a huge part of that community. When I had the opportunity to serve as President, I was incredibly grateful and excited. I helped in leading the support system that was there to help guide me through law school, dispel some of the myths and fears surrounding law school, and vent throughout all the difficulties along the way. I’m so grateful for that community and I’m so excited to see the organization grow even more with the next President."

Emily Starbuck, 2020-2021 President

"When I came to law school, I initially felt so out of place. Without any lawyers in my family, everything was like a foreign language to me (sometimes literally!). I joined FIRSTGEN to create a community and support system for first-gen students like me to gather resources, network and even just vent about the weirdness of law school and the legal profession. I am so excited to pass the torch to the next President and see how much further we can fly in the future!"

Kiana Outen, 2019-2020 President

"When I became the president of FIRSTGEN, I was incredibly excited. As a first-generation college graduate, I knew just how important it was to give resources and opportunities to students that they may not have even known they were missing out on. Being able to lead such a new organization was a great opportunity to help shape something that would last long after I left the school. Of course, we didn’t do everything perfectly but that’s all part of the growth process and if anything, is the entire mindset of FIRSTGEN: that you don’t have to know everything to start something. I hope to stay involved with FIRSTGEN even after I graduate and I can’t wait to see how future law students change and develop the organization!"

McKayla Stokes, 2018-2019 President

Nicole Steinberg, 2017-2018 President

Richard Scinteie, 2016-2017 President & Founder