Behavior Supports

Use Gentle Guidance Interventions to negate the “impossible choice."

"Rapid Resets"...Simple Strategies to Stay Calm when Stressed

For more information, check out the article in Edutopia

Rapid Reset: Pushing a Wall to Settle the Nervous System

Rapid Reset: Taking a Quick Walk to De-escalate

Rapid Reset: Sipping Water for Self-Care During the Day

Rapid Reset: Using Physical Work to Calm the Brain

An Overview for Parents: When a child with an Individualized Education Program (IEP) has challenging behaviors in school that are not improving, parents may request a re-evaluation to more closely examine the behaviors of concern. As part of that re-evaluation, a district may conduct a Functional Behavioral Assessment (FBA) to identify special education and related services and develop or modify a behavioral intervention plan.

It is often difficult for parents to handle kids’ explosive and angry behavior, but understanding why they’re acting out can help.