Borrowing Materials

The following policies were:

Adopted 10/12/99

Reviewed 10/9/2001

Revised 11/05

Revised 7/10/07

Eligibility for library use:

1. Residents/Non-residents: Any resident of the North Judson-Wayne Township Public Library taxing district, with a current library card and in good standing, has access to materials offered by the library as long as the rules and policies of the library are respected. Persons living in library service districts that have signed reciprocal borrowing agreements, who are in good standing with their home library district, are eligible to hold a non-resident card and may borrow materials offered by the library as long as the rules and policies of the library are respected.

2. PLAC (Public Library Access Card): This is available to persons who wish to use any library not within their taxing district that has not signed a reciprocal borrowing agreement. This card is purchased at the amount set annually by the state. Cards are valid for one year.

3. Unserved Area Borrowers: Persons wishing to use the Library who do not live in a library taxing district must purchase the right to use the library on an annual basis. The cost of these services is determined by looking at the average cost of library services, through taxes, to Wayne Township residents. This amount is determined by the Library Board of Trustees and will be charged to each individual desiring to use the library. Changes in the fee structure will be determined by a vote of the Library Board of Trustees, as are the fees themselves.

4. Transient Residents: Those who do not have a permanent residence in Wayne Township, or in a library service district that has signed reciprocal agreements, but wish to use the Library's facility may make use of most of the Library’s materials and services within the building. A library card will not be granted and library materials may not be taken out of the building.

5. School Cards: A blanket card for each building of the North Judson San Pierre School Corporation will be set up for use by the media specialist to borrow classroom collections. The loan period on the materials will be adjusted to the time needed for class projects. The teacher using the materials is responsible for their return in appropriate condition to the media center for return to us.

6. Identification needed to apply for a Library Card: a valid Indiana driver's license, learner's permit OR state identification card with current address AND one of the following forms of identification, with the same current address, are needed when applying for a North Judson-Wayne Township Public Library card:

a. Checkbook or bank statement with correct pre-printed name and address

b. Current utility bill, showing person's name and address

c. Current rent receipt showing person's name and address

d. Alien identification card and/or immigration papers

7. Children applying for a library card shall be accompanied by a parent or legal guardian, who holds a valid library card. A card will be issued when the child can sign, in print or cursive, both first and last name.

Circulation of Materials:

Patrons are required to bring their library cards with them each time they wish to borrow materials. If they do not have their own card or identification they will not be allowed to borrow library materials.

It is the responsibility of the patron to determine the suitability of the materials for his/her personal use. It is the responsibility of parents to determine the suitability of the materials selected by their children.

Vertical File pamphlets, maps, follow the same policy as that for books. Each item is fined separately.

Separate Loan Policy Statements for several categories of materials have been identified individually. The following pages contain those specific policies. Materials without specific individual policies will follow the book loan policy.

Book Loan Policy

1. Loan Period: Books (hard and soft cover) may be borrowed for a two week period, and be renewed for an additional two week period up to two times or at the discretion of the librarian for a longer period. Books on tape/compact disc may be borrowed for one week only and may be renewed only once or at the discretion of the librarian for a longer period. Materials with reserves may not have these options performed for them.

2. Inter-Library Loan: Title or subject materials not available in the North Judson-Wayne Township Public Library may be requested through Inter-Library Loan (ILL). Non-residents, reciprocal, and PLAC patrons are NOT eligible for this service. Students should use ILL through their school libraries. (PLAC users are asked to use their home library). The loan period on these items will vary dependent upon the amount of time specified by the lending library and will take into account the amount of time needed to return the material to the lending institution.

3. Reference: Most materials marked with "R" (which stands for "Reference") do not circulate.

4. Reserves: Patrons may reserve books and some other materials. Reserves are taken in person or by phone. The patron will be notified by phone when the material becomes available. The material will be held for 5 working days and then returned to circulation if not picked up.

5. Fines: The prompt return of library materials is the borrower's responsibility. The fine for overdue books is 5 cents per book for each day the library is open. As a courtesy, the library will send a postcard to persons with overdue materials. The amount of a fine can not exceed five dollars ($5.00) per overdue item per lending period.

6. Fees: Lost or Damaged items will result in a charge equal to the cost to repair or replace the material plus an additional $5.00 handling/processing fee per item. Repair cost will be assessed and charged as equivalent with the library's cost of the repairs. If a lost book is recovered, all fees paid will be returned except the $5 processing fee.

7. Instructional privileges: Teachers within the North Judson - San Pierre School Corporation may request that titles be placed on Reserve status for a certain time period. This means that those titles will be available for "in library use only" during that period. Classroom collections may be borrowed via the school media center for use in instructional projects. These collections will be the sole responsibility of the teacher (not the individual students).

8. Good Standing: Patrons who are NOT in good standing (those with unpaid fines or fees charged against their card, overdue materials, or those who violate Library Policy) may NOT borrow any materials and may be restricted as to Library usage by the Director.

Periodical Loan Policy

1. Periodicals are loaned for a two (2) week period.

2. The current issue of each title does not loan, but all previous issues may be borrowed.

3. Teachers may request that certain titles be placed on Reserve status for a period of time, which will mean that those titles will be available for in library use only during that time.

4. There is no set limit as to a number of periodicals any one borrower may have, except during times when classroom reports are due or a teacher’s request creates limits so that all students have equal chances for information.

5. The library keeps the current year and 2 (two) year's back issues of periodicals (for most titles). Older issues that are requested will require the library to try the internet or request them through Inter-Library Loan. To get an ILL, the patron must know the exact periodical citation (title and volume number, article title, author and page number). The patron will be responsible for all photocopying fees resulting from an ILL request.

6. Periodicals not returned on the due date will result in a fine of 5 cents per day per periodical.

7. Periodicals lost or severely damaged will result in a charge to replace the item plus a $5.00 handling/processing fee per item.

8. Patrons who are NOT in good standing (those with unpaid fines or fees charged against their card, overdue materials, or those who violate Library Policy) may NOT borrow any materials and may be restricted as to Library usage by the Director.

Video/DVD (Digital Video Disc) Loan Policy


Videos/DVDs may be borrowed by families who

  • live in the Library's taxing districts of North Judson and Wayne Township; OR
  • have children attending school within the North Judson-San Pierre School Corporation; OR
  • are registered for a library card and are patrons in good standing with the library.

Only one adult member per household may sign-up for a video/DVD card, patrons must be 18 years of age or older to borrow videos/DVDs.

The Library retains the right to suspend borrowing privileges if the patron does not conform to the rules, damages materials, or falsifies information. The Library Board will determine the length of suspension after review of the facts.


No fee is charged to use the videos/DVDs but a five dollar ($5.00) deposit will be charged which will be kept until the patron decides they no longer wish to check out videos/DVDs. The deposit will be refunded after any items, which have currently been borrowed by the patron, have been checked to see that they have been rewound and not tampered with or damaged in any way.

THERE WILL BE A CHARGE OF ONE DOLLAR ($1.00) PER VIDEO/DVD FOR EACH DAY THEY ARE OVERDUE. If a video/DVD is overdue for ten (10) days, the patron will be charged the cost of the video/DVD plus processing costs of ten dollars ($10.00) per item.

VIDEOS/DVDs MUST BE RETURNED TO THE FRONT DESK. If any video/DVD is returned down the book drop, a five dollar ($5.00) fine will be applied per item as they could be damaged or destroyed by other materials returned in the book drop.

As of January 20, 1992, there will be a fifty cent ($.50) fine for each video/DVD which is returned in the wrong box.


A maximum of five (5) videos/DVDs may be borrowed at one time. No other videos/DVDs may be checked out until they are all returned. No patron will be allowed to have more than a total of five (5) videos/DVDs out at a time. The video/DVD borrowing card MUST be presented to the librarian every time the patron wishes to check out videos/DVDs.


Videos/DVDs may be reserved in advance in person or by calling the library. Unreserved videos/DVDs are circulated on a first come basis. Videos/DVDs may be kept five (5) days. Exceptions are those checked out which would fall due on a day the library is closed (Sundays and Holidays), they will be due on the next library business day.


Duplication is prohibited as the Library does not hold copyright authorizations on the videos/DVDs.


THE PATRON IS RESPONSIBLE FOR RETURNING THE VIDEO/DVD IN GOOD CONDITION. The costs for damaged videos/DVDs and their containers will be charged to the patron responsible for borrowing the videos/DVDs up to replacement and processing costs. (The patron shall exonerate, indemnify, and save harmless the library from all claims or liabilities to all parties for damages or loss to any person(s) or property in any way arising out of or during the use of said items.)


The Library is not responsible for the unauthorized altering of videos/DVDs. When unauthorized altering is discovered, the video/DVD will be corrected or replaced with the altering party held responsible for the costs.