North Judson-Wayne Township Public Library

208 Keller - North Judson, Indiana 46366

Phone: 574-896-2841 Fax: 574-896-2892


Library Hours:

Monday- Thursday: 10a.m. to 7p.m.

Friday: 10a.m. to 6p.m.

Saturday: 10a.m. to 3p.m.

Closed: Sunday

To see our Card Catalog click below.

You can renew your library books online if they aren't overdue and/or haven't been renewed before. Click on the photo above, when the website opens click on "My account" in the upper right corner, enter your library card number, your account will open and you can renew the books listed.

Click above to visit a website that will let you know when an author's next book is scheduled to come out, the order in which their books should be read, and any pseudonyms they used to publish other types of books.
Project Gutenberg offers over 53,000 free ebooks: choose among free epub books, free kindle books, download them or read them online.
INSPIRE is Indiana's Virtual Library provided, for free, by the State of Indiana for it's residents.
Recently over 25 new databases were added, including a Level One access for 30 different languages on Rosetta Stone. You will need an account to access Rosetta Stone. Don't have an account? Create one now
(When using INSPIRE be sure to click on the BLUE words beneath the logos.)
Planning on taking the SAT / ACT / CLEP / MCAT / ASVAB / Postal test and want to practice before the big day? Need to brush up your math / English / basic skills? How about the US Citizenship test?
Practice tests for all of these, and many more, are available to residents of Indiana through INSPIRE.