Foster/Homeless Youth Support

California State Legislation

AB 801: This bill makes priority registration for foster youth a permanent part of the Ed Code, and grants the same services to homeless youth.

AB 1228:

  1. UC campuses (subject to a resolution by the Regents of the University of California) and CSU campuses, that maintain student housing facilities, must give priority access to housing to current and former homeless and foster youth and to provide housing, if open during academic breaks, at no additional cost.

  2. California Community Colleges (CCC) that maintain student housing facilities are requested to give priority for housing to current and former homeless youth and foster youth and to provide housing, if open during academic breaks, at no additional cost.

  3. In addition, CCC, CSU, and UCs are requested to develop a plan to ensure that current and former homeless youth and foster youth can access housing resources as needed during and between academic terms, at no additional cost.

More information on housing support for homeless and foster youth.

The California Student Aid Commission (CSAC) funds the Cal Grant and Chafee Grant for eligible students.

Foster and Homeless Student Resources

The California Homeless Youth Project is a state-run research and policy initiative that highlights the issues and challenges faced by unaccompanied young people who are homeless or lack stable housing.

This Coalition is made up of a statewide membership of youth, youth advocates and allies, and youth-serving non-profit organizations. The Coalition is governed by a statewide Board of Directors representing youth serving programs, youth, and other individuals interested in improving and empowering the lives of youth.

California Youth Connection was founded by a group of foster youth and supporters to provide a vehicle for California foster youth to learn leadership and advocacy skills and to engage directly with policymakers to improve the foster care system.

Cal Fresh Supplemental Nutrition- Foster youth can be eligible for free food every month. Your college can send a letter verifying your participation in the program, and there are other ways to become eligible as a student.

UC Support

Guardian Scholars is an inclusive program where all former foster youth are invited to participate and enjoy the special privileges offered by the campus to welcome and support former foster youth. The program provides more than scholarship funds — it's designed to help ensure your academic success, to offer support services and experiences that encourage active participation in campus life, and to provide career-development skills for life after graduation. Search for "Guardian Scholars + UC campus name" for more information.

CSU Support

Students who've experienced life in a foster home or group home often need extra support and resources to ensure they succeed in college. Here you'll learn about the many ways your CSU campus can help you thrive from the day you start your academic career until you earn your degree.

Sierra College Support

The Guardian Scholars Program and the NextUp Program provide services to current or former foster youth (FFY) attending Sierra College and other California Community Colleges. Their goal is to equip and empower them to not just do well academically, but also navigate the many life and financial challenges that are barriers to their success.