Towards Integration of Heliophysics Data, Modeling, and Analysis Tools

Heliophysics is in the core of the Geospace science because the solar activity directly determines the conditions of the Earth space environment and atmosphere. For understanding the physical mechanisms of the complex multi-scale processes on the Sun and developing Space Weather forecasting techniques, it is critical to develop a common cyberinfrastructure to collect, access, analyze, share and visualize all forms of data from ground-based and space observatories, as well as from data-driven numerical simulations and modeling, and develop capabilities for their efficient analysis using advanced computer science techniques. The main goal of this project is to create a Research Coordination Network (RCN) that will foster new collaborations between heliophysics and computer scientists, which will result in ideas and concrete plans for developing building blocks supporting the goals of the EarthCube initiative. This RCN actively encourages involvement of a diverse pool of community members and provides an organized virtual structure that promotes a science transforming open source knowledge collaboration. This collaboration aims to enhance the science return from individual research projects run by the RCN participants.

@HDMIEC RCN Steering Committee

Gelu Nita (PI) New Jersey Institute of Technology

Alexander Kosovichev (Co-PI) New Jersey Institute of Technology

Vincent Oria (Co-PI) New Jersey Institute of Technology

Rafal Angryk Georgia State University

Timothy Bastian National Radio Astronomy Observatory

Serena Criscuoli National Solar Observatory

Sangram Ganguly NASA/Ames

Sarah Gibson HAO/NCAR

Neal Hurlburt Lockheed-Martin

Irina Kitiashvili Bay Area Environmental Research Institute

Maria Kuznetsova NASA/GSFC

Petrus Martens Georgia State University