Alumni Network

NITK follows Alumni interaction process as following:

Faculty in-charge for Alumni Relations:

        • Nomination of Faculty in-charge for Alumni Relations, for each Academic program. [eg. One Faculty nomination each for B.Tech.(ECE), M.Tech.(VLSI), M.Tech.(Communications), and PhD. ex: Dr.Nagendra H (AR-B.Tech.(EEE)].
        • Role of Faculty (Alumni Relations - Academic program) [viz. FAR-BTech]:
          1. Maintaining Alumni database of academic program
          2. Promoting participation of Alumni in building department and Institute.
          3. Faculty (Alumni Relations) will be nominated by every HoD, on assuming his / her office and will have tenure as per decision of HoD, who is responsible to form his / her team.
          4. Associating with Dean (Alumni Affairs) in promoting Alumni activities at Institute level.

Alumni Relation Coordinator

        • Nomination of Alumni Relation Coordinators for all academic programs (UG, PG, PhD) in every department at student level, by creating following positions:
          1. Alumni Relation Coordinator (At Final year) [ex: ARC-BTech(EEE)],
          2. Alumni Relation Co-Coordinator (At pre final year) [ARCC].
        • Role of ARC and ARCC:
          1. ARCC will be nominated / elected by pre final year students of respective program. He / she will continue as ARC in final year. During circumstances when such nomination / election is not processed, Faculty (Alumni Relations) will nominate ARC / ARCC to form his / her team.
          2. Building professional network with Alumni to enhance internship, sponsorship and placement in respective academic program.
          3. Associating and supporting Alumni association activities.

NITK (KREC) Alumni Association (Registered)

In order to promote Alumni relationship activities across nation and globe, our Alumni leaders have formed NITKSAA (NITK (KREC) Alumni Association). Every student admitted to specific Academic Program (B.Tech., M.Tech., etc.) will pay Alumni Association Life Membership fee as a part of Institute fee. This Association has various chapters across globe and very vibrant in building network of Alumni. For details please follow the link given below: