Private Lessons

Are you a hard worker? Do you like to get extra confirmation that what you are doing is on the right track?  Do you like to push yourself further along?

Private lessons are a great way for students to have extra one-on-one instruction with a specialist on their instrument.  Private teachers are music performers and teachers who have been vetted by NISD.  Private lessons are not really like a tutorial - they are to help a child advance faster than the class and achieve at a higher level. It's similar to signing a child up for batting lessons or strength training for baseball. The cost is $25 per lesson (averages 23 minutes) once a week paid directly to the private teacher (cash, check, some accept mobile payment services).  Some scholarship money is available if there is a financial need.  Lessons typically occur during their orchestra class period once a week; however,  sometimes we have to schedule them before or after school as needed.  Either way, we find a time that works best for everyone. Do not be concerned about missing half of one class a week to be in a lesson - the valuable time with a private teacher is totally worth it!   Students in lessons usually progress above and beyond what we are doing in class and learn at a quicker rate. 

You will have the opportunity to sign up for lessons when the school year begins.  Sometimes kids are so eager to start lessons early over the summer, but we strongly recommend that you wait until school starts.  Questions?  reach out to if you would like to enroll in private lessons.