5th Grade Info

WELCOME TO ORCHESTRA! updated 3/12/2024

Orchestra is one of the three music options children have when entering middle school.  Students do NOT need any prior experience to  be successful in orchestra.  We start from the very basics and take off from there! 

Middle school is  a HUGE transition for kids and orchestra is there to give them that sense of family and belonging.  In addition to having fun learning to play a BEAUTIFUL instrument, your students will love making music and sharing new experiences with kids who enjoy the same adventure!  You will be surrounded by quality kids and form long lasting friendships while being part of a program built on excellence. 


Instrument Selection and Fittings  2024

After selecting Orchestra as your choice #1 or #2, you will be contacted by the directors to come to our instrument selection and fitting day

SATURDAY APRIL 6th. ( Be on the lookout for an email from Sara Wharry sometime in the weeks after spring break) You will be able to select an appointment time of about 15 minutes where you can try the different string instruments and get fitted for the correct size.  If you cannot come on April 6th, an alternate date April 8th has some time slots available. If you cannot find a time slot that works for you, please email sara.wharry@nisdtx.org  ASAP to schedule a time. 

click here for Intrument fitting Sign Up Genius: https://www.signupgenius.com/go/70A0F4DADAD2DA1FD0-48498377-adams 

*****If you have missed our instrument fittings, please email Sara Wharry immediately to make arrangements so we can make sure your child is placed in the correct class. sara.wharry@nisdtx.org  (emails will be checked regularly during the summer)

Click the link below to view the handouts passed out at our instrument fittings - included is a list of other supplies and information about how to get an instrument.  

click HERE for instrument fitting handouts 

Rental vs School Owned Instruments.

Most students will rent an instrument and purchase supplies from a local music store.  See the Instruments Tab on the top of our website for more information. Cello/Bass students will keep their rented instrument at home.  The school provides a cello/bass to use at school for an annual $50 usage fee.  That way, you do not need to transport a large cello/bass back and forth from home to school.  Because string instruments come in different sizes, as your child grows they can exchange their rental instrument for a bigger size at no additional cost. 

Supplies all students need to purchase from a local store will be our method book, a tuner, a music stand, cleaning cloth, and a shoulder rest (for violin/viola). 

The school owns a limited number of instruments that can be issued on a financial need basis. 

Some students choose to purchase their own instrument.   It is important that you contact Mrs. Wharry before purchasing anything outright.  We have students purchase instruments online  and 95% of the time these brand new instruments do not function correctly.  For a playable beginner quality instrument outfit, prices start around $250.00  from a reputable company.  

What are the Orchestra Instruments?


Please watch the video below to hear what different instruments are offered - remember they come in all sizes to fit every player!

Recap of Important Dates:

March 20-March 26  Be on the lookout for an email from Adams Orchestra welcoming you to our program and containing information about instrument selections and fittings.

April 6th/8th - Instrument fitting day! Meet with the orchestra director to find YOUR instrument and size!

May 6th  - Bells Music Shop will be at Adams MS from 5pm-7pm to help set up rentals and equipment purchases.  They will deliver all the items to Adams for you before school starts! Easy! This date is optional - you can always set up your rental and equipment online EASILY. www.bellsmusicshop.com

If you did not set up instrument rental reservation on May 6th, do that ASAP. Contact Sara Wharry if you still need to select your instrument and get properly sized. 

Frequently Asked Questions

What if we can't afford an instrument?

Contact us! There are some low-cost options for getting an instrument.  Don't let this keep you from learning an instrument, let us help you!

Will Orchestra get in the way of making good grades?

No. The amount of hard work put in for classes is determined by each child.  We find that orchestra students become good time managers, learn to set reasonable and achievable goals, and create habits of excellence that carry over into other subjects. 

Does a student need to have prior musical experience to be successful in Orchestra?

No! We start from the very basics and teach our students everything they need to know.  

Is it possible to be in Orchestra and Honors/GT classes?  What about also being in sports?

Yes! A majority of our students participate in all of the above!

Do I take my instrument back and forth from home to school everyday?

Violin and viola students take their instruments back and forth.  Cello/Bass students keep their rented instrument at home for practice and are issued a school cello/bass to use while at school. Remember NISD charges $50 fee to use a school cello/bass at school to help cover costs of yearly maintenance.