Learning Ally - This website gives your student access to thousands of titles of books that will be read aloud to them. They can follow along with the words on the page as they listen. This has been shown to improve their reading ability as well as comprehension and vocabulary. They will be able to read books that are on their interest level, which may be above their current reading level.
Online books are available on Tumblebooks.
Another great place to practice skills is a site called Mr. Anker's Tests.
Talking Book Program - The Talking Book Program (TBP) provides free library services for Texans of any age who are blind or have a visual, physical, or reading disability. Registered TBP patrons may borrow books and magazines in digital audio, Braille, and large print.
Bookshare - Read easily with this free reading app for web browsers, smartphones, tablets, and Alexa-enabled smart speakers.

Contact Information:
Mrs. Pavlakovic Mrs. Angell