
Learning Through Technology

I'm proud to give my students engaging learning opportunities that are purposeful and meaningful. We are teaching kids who often know more than the adult in the room about technology. We need to be sure to be continually learning so we are able to provide our students meaningful experiences with technology that enhance what they are learning!

Google Classroom

Google Classroom has been our virtual classroom throughout our eLearning experience. I am able to assign classwork, organize it into categories, provide feedback quickly and efficiently, and link important resources for both students and parents. I am also able to collaborate with instructional coaches, as well as special education teachers to benefit our students' learning.

Google Classroom has been amazing during in-person learning as well. Students know they can find resources there at any time.


Flipgrid has been a favorite with ALL of my students. Creating meaningful learning opportunities that keep kids engaged is vital for today's learners! I love how Flipgrid gives every learner a voice. Check out the Non-Ficiton Features "Fliphunt to see how my kids completed a NF Feature scavenger hunt. It was a blast!

1 - Monday Readers Workshop Menu Board

Choice Boards

2 - Math Stations - Tuesday

During our Language Arts and Math blocks, students are assigned digital choice boards to complete during our rotations. These digital choice boards allow them time to review and practice skills they have already learned.

Types of Sentences

Pear Deck

Pear Deck has been a game changer for us! Teaching an interactive lesson where students are able to follow along and answer questions in real time allows me to give immediate feedback and celebrate successes right away!

Our team was honored with an Anticipate Awesome Peary Award this year!

Goal Setting

Teaching kids how to set goals, own them, work toward meeting them, and accomplishing them is fundamental to academic achievement. It is so rewarding to see them reach those goals!

Achieving Expectations

My goal is to become more accomplished at establishing systems where students take initiative of their own learning and self-monitor their learning goals.

My students set personal goals as well as academic goals. They lead group discussions during Readers, Writers, and Math Workshop and know that they can question each other. These conversations lead to great learning moments.

Jotting questions and notes as they read has allowed students to take initiative of how deep their discussions go. They are able to guide conversations with their jots which has allowed for more independence.

Our "Currently Reading" wall is a favorite! The kids love to make book recommendations and share their opinions about books their classmates are reading. We also LOVE our Picture Book A Day!

Students have grown so much this year through their book clubs. Their book discussions ALWAYS go further than I could ever plan. Sharing their opinions and ideas has given them the confidence they need to initiate discussions without me.

Students have a menu board that is posted to their Google classroom each day. This shows them what they're expected to complete each day as well as a few choices that will enhance their learning.

Students have really worked hard with their writing partners this year. Writers work together on editing and revising, use their writing rubrics to help guide their writing, and they know how to respond to others' writing by giving valuable feedback.

Using tools like the beaded number line, my students are able to be more independent and think of new ways to solve problems. They've also created problems for their peers to solve, enabling them to explain and justify their thinking, as well as learning through their peers' explanations and justifications.

Students have grown so much during our problem solving block. They have taken turns leading problem solving, no matter what level they perform at, allowing for great learning discussions.

Our Science investigations have led to thorough and deep learning. My scientists question each other and always come back to what goals they are trying to meet.

Content Knowledge and Expertise

Conveying a depth of content knowledge that allows for differentiated explanations and integrating learning objectives with other disciplines and real world experiences allows for more effective and successful learning experiences.

Growing in my content knowledge and expertise allows me to meet the needs of ALL learners no matter where they are in their learning. Modeling allows for kids to see me make mistakes and how to fix them, shows them what they are capable of, and gives them an anchor they can always come back to.

Grand Conversations have become a favorite. After a read aloud, students are able to discuss the story, make connections to the real world, and initiate deep thinking and questioning. Having a Grand Conversation allows for differentiated conversation and explanation.

I'm so proud of have one of NISD's Writers of the Month in my class!

I'm a big fan of using the resources that we are provided with. I'm able to take what I learn and use it in my classroom, or take an idea and create something new from it so it fits my students' needs. We've really worked on jotting our thinking as we read, as well as asking deep questions. The learning that has come from doing these things has been a valuable learning experience for my kids.

Taking our learning outside of the classroom always makes for a memorable learning experience.

I've incorporated STEM activities into my classroom. These activities allow ALL students to be successful and creative.