Information to get you started

Speaking The Right Language In Research In The Wider Health, Care And Community

This resource has been put together for the Research Delivery Teams who are working in health, care and community settings and services to help them engage and recruit with confidence. This resource may also be helpful for the primary care teams and anyone engaging with the health, care and community setting. By the end of this package, learners will be able to adapt and customise communication skills to the needs of the wider settings.

The highlights of the resource include;

The transforming research delivery programme

In 2021 the NIHR Regional Networks were given new funding to help us support research in wider health, care and community settings and services. As a part of this funding, new research delivery teams have been set up to engage and recruit with local wider care and community settings.

Our mission is to create opportunities for everyone to have access to health and care research.

Wider Care and Community Induction Package

This resource will provide you with a foundation to understand more about research in the wider care and community settings and what you need to be successful in your role and in this team.

Below are some resources which will provide you with a foundation for you to understand more about research in the wider care and community settings 

This resource uses interactive flashcards which have been designed to improve your basic understanding of Clinical health research, Social care research and Public health research by highlighting some of the key differences. 

This bitesize video has been put together to show you the history which has brought us together in our mission to offer research to the wider community, to have better health and care outcomes, to work with evidence based practice and have research work for everybody. 

The video gives some key dates and information about wider care and community research.

On this page you will find lunch and learn sessions which are applicable to wider care and community research delivery;

1.  Taking Research into the community; Clinical Research Practitioners Share their experiences. 

2. Integrated Care Systems.  What are they and why are they important? 

3. In at the Deep End: increasing research activity in areas experiencing high socioeconomic disadvantage. 

4. Developing a sustainable research culture and infastructure for adult social care in the West Midlands

5. Increasing diversity in research participation (REN)

On this microsite you will find information that should support you in engaging with non research colleagues in care settings. 

It is intended for all NIHR staff who engage health and care professionals, providers, and commissioners in research. This includes Research Nurses and AHPs, Clinical Research Practitioners, Agile Teams, and Local Specialty Research Leads. 

Informed Consent Training

As a member of the delivery team working in the wider care and community you may need to communicate and consent with vulnerable adults who lack capacity through research in social care or hospice settings, with young people and children through research in schools or remotely so you may find the below training very useful in this role.

This course is for those not delegated the duty of Informed Consent but who are interested in research and an introduction to informed consent.

Social Care is a complex setting complex setting likely to involve vulnerable individuals who may lack capacity to consent - you must make sure you are comfortable with assessing capacity and consenting adults that lack capacity.

This course introduces the requirements of the process of informed consent with children in research

Technological advances in the way we deliver studies has meant that research consent conversations are not always face to face, this means we have to adapt our skills and our practice.  Learn more about Remote Consent with this course and also find out about top tips to build your confidence.