
Studies in local schools

Welcome to the studies page where you will find information about all of the studies that we currently have on offer for schools to take part in.  If there is a particular study that is of interest to you or your school please get in touch with us at the or contact your local Research facilitator (contact information can be found on the Contact  Page).

We often have new studies for schools to participate in, so please revisit this page to check for the latest opportunities.

Eating disorder and calories on menus online survey

What will happen if my school decides to take part?

Schools will be asked to send or email study information to pupils and parents/guardians. Those interested will be able to get in touch with the study team to take part.

The study is looking to understand how calorie labels on menu's affect people with eating disorders.

Taking part involves completing an anonymous 25-30 minute online survey sharing your experiences. Once completed you can enter a prize draw to win 1 0f 5 £50 vouchers.

D-CYPHER Study - THe DNA, Children and Young Poeple's Health Resource

What will happen if my school decides to take part?

Schools will be asked to send or email study information to pupils and parents/guardians. Those interested will be able to get in touch with the study team to take part.

The study is looking to create a large bank of information that can be used to understand various health conditions and treatments for children. There are 5 steps to take part:

1) Register interest

2) Sign consent form

3) Complete questionnaire

4) Spit in a tube

5) Take part in future studies

PUFFClicker3 Asthma Focus Group

What will happen if my school decides to take part?

Schools will be asked to send or email study information to pupils and parents/guardians. Those interested will be able to get in touch with the study team to take part.

The study is looking to understand how children and adolescents interact with a new gadget that can aid asthma care and what their opinions are of the gadget.

Participants will receive £75 (in cash or vouchers) or taking part and travel reimbursement can also be given. Reimbursement can also be provided to schools that facilitate the discussion based part of the study.

CELEBRATE Study - Co-producing a framework of guiding principles for engaging representative and diverse cohorts of young people in biological research in mental health.

What will happen if my school decides to take part?

School pupils, parents and staff (secondary schools) will be asked about their experiences of mental and biological research and how adolescents prefer to be engaged about these topics. 

Participants will receive a £15 voucher for taking part and travel reimbursement can also be given.

CANTEEN Study - Evaluating secondary school food provision, Free School Meals and food insecurity.

What will happen if my school decides to take part?

School staff, pupils (in years 7 and 10), parents and governors will be asked to complete a questionnaire. 

Participating schools will receive £500 and a summary of findings and each individual that completes the questionnaire will also receive an individual £5 voucher.

The ELSA Study -Early Surveillance for Type 1 diabetes

What will happen if my school decides to take part?

Schools will be asked to send or email study information to pupils and parents/guardians.  

Those interested will be able to register and consent to take part in the study online or by post.  Parents can choose either a home-testing kit or in-school testing.  

Together we will arrange a date for an ELSA clinic to be held in the school.

A team of nurses will come and carry out study activities including taking the fingerstick test from children who have consented. 

If schools prefer not to have in-school fingerstick tests they can just send the study information out to parents for home testing.

Get in Touch

For further information about the Schools Research Network, or to discuss how to become involved, please contact: