Schools Research Network

What is the Schools Research Network?


The West Midlands Schools Research Network 

is a collaborative initiative between schools across the region and the West Midlands Region Research Delivery Network (RRDN) the NIHR West Midlands RRDN

Mental and physical health problems among children and young people are on the rise. It is in this context the Schools Research Network has been developed. We will be able to influence, be part of, and explore together health and care research in school settings.

By getting involved in UK-wide and global research studies, with a focus on the health and wellbeing of children and young people, school children can learn about different types of research and gain skills and confidence at an early age.

What is the RDN?

The RDN is a single organisation consisting of 12 Regional Research Delivery Networks (RRDNs) and the Research Delivery Network Coordinating Centre (RDNCC), working with the Department for Health and Social Care (DHSC). 

We are part of the NIHR (National Institute of Health and Care Research), which has been supporting research delivery in primary, community, and hospital settings across our region since 2006, and more recently expanding its support into wider care settings, such as schools and local authorities. Last year almost 1.4 million people in England participated in NIHR studies.

We are funded by the DHSC and work in partnership with the NHS, universities, local government, schools, other research funders, participants, and the public. 

 Watch: Listening to and working with children and young people (currently only available on a computer)


The aims of the Schools Research Network

The aim of the Schools Research Network is to improve the health and wellbeing of school children by building new knowledge, bridging gaps in research, applying knowledge to practice, supporting the school's staff development, and sharing learning across the Network.

We aim to invite schools to take part in innovative research studies that focus on the health and well-being of children and young people. This will not only help your school to contribute to shaping the Health of the nation but also will give you the chance to take advantage of new treatments or screening programmes that are not yet available to the general population. 

The COVID-19 pandemic has shown if there was any doubt, the important role of schools in the health and welfare of children and young people. Even before the COVID-19 pandemic, mental and physical health problems among children were on the rise, and sadly the pandemic has likely compounded these problems.

It is in this context we hope the Schools Research Network will be able to influence, be part of, and explore together health research in school settings.


Watch: An invitation to join us

(currently only available on a computer)

 How can we support your school

Support your school with the setup and delivery of a research study

(most studies will require minimal resources from the school). 

Our offer to schools

We want schools to feel like active members who shape the Research Network. We’re aiming to involve a broad range of schools and educational institutions for children and young people.

School children can learn about different types of research and gain skills and confidence at an early age about the outcomes of the research studies that they have contributed to, and what that may mean for everyday practice.


Support Cost

If there are any additional costs related to undertaking the research these will come directly from the study team and are called ‘Research Costs’ (research activity is almost always undertaken directly by the research team).

An example from a previous study: Participating schools were paid £1,000 for setting up a couple of focus groups with the children. This payment came directly from the study team as a way of compensating the teacher's time to organise the groups and as a thank you for their interest and participation.

When we circulate research opportunities each study will clearly state the total remuneration for schools.

Opportunities for children and teaching staff to input into research study design

Identifying the key areas of need, we will work with academic partners to develop relevant research studies to inform change.

We will also promote opportunities for participation in local and national studies.

Support with health and wellbeing initiatives/training, including mental health

Depending on the needs identified, we can facilitate support from clinicians and academics within partner organisations.

Attend assemblies to speak about research and areas of interest for individual schools

We can attend either in person or remotely to deliver presentations and webinars around particular areas of interest.

                Share research findings to inform evidence base and contribute to policy and practice

We will ensure the dissemination of all findings of research where you have assisted. This will include publications and recommendations for policy change.

Careers day with a specific focus on research roles

Together with our Network partners, we can host a careers day for young people to learn more about career opportunities.

Poster competitions for children in all key stages of education

We will organise an age appropriate competition for all school children. Watch this space for topics to be agreed!

Join the Schools Research Network

By signing up you are not committing to anything. We will keep you updated on: 

 or for more information email us at

With the subject marked as SCHOOL

Get in Touch

For further information about the Schools Research Network, or to discuss how to become involved, please contact: 

 Email us at  With the subject marked as SCHOOL