
Study Summary

This page provides a summary of a study we are doing. It is about helping autistic people experiencing self-harm, suicidal thoughts, and suicidal behaviours. We understand that these are difficult to experience and talk about.

What is this study about?

Research has shown that standard support for autistic adults needs to be changed to make it accessible and meaningful.

We have developed an autism adapted version of a “safety plan”. We would like to know:

  • How useful autism adapted safety plans are

  • What would make autism adapted safety plans better

Who can take part?

Autistic adults (18 years or above) who have experienced self-harm, suicidal thoughts and/or suicidal behaviours in the past 6 months.

What will I be asked to do if I take part?

You will meet with Emma or Jane to fill in some questionnaires about yourself and your mental health. A computer will flip a coin to decide whether you will make an adapted safety plan. If you are in the safety plan group you will make a safety plan with the help of a trained support person. If you are not in the safety plan group you will continue to access any services you are currently receiving.

One month and 6 months later, you will meet with Emma or Jane again to complete some questionnaires. Your meetings may be held in person or via telephone or video call..

Can I talk to someone before agreeing to take part?

Yes. We are happy to talk about any questions or concerns that you might have.

Thank you

If you would like to take part, please contact the research team, by emailing You do not have to take part if you don’t want to.