AI Workshops

Starting in December 2023, the NIHR Imaging Science working group has designed three essential workshops to discuss AI tools in the medical field. These workshops aim to be networking  and knowledge-building opportunities for any professional working in medical imaging, covering a wide range of topics surrounding the benefits and challenges of AI as a growing tool in the NHS and beyond. 

The workshops are run in collaboration with the Royal College of Radiologists, and the first was held on the 13th December 2023 at the RCR in Lincoln's Inn Fields, London. Each workshop covers a different area:

Workshop 1: Facilitating the use of routine data to evaluate AI solutions

13th December 2023
Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London

Recording of the day

The recordings of the talks can be found on the RCR website: RCR NIHR Joint Workshops

Feedback from delegates

Workshop 2: Deployment

11th March 2024
Royal College of Radiologists, 63 Lincoln's Inn Fields, London

Recordings of the day

AI Workshop - Morning Session.mp4

Video 1: Morning Session (Talks 1 and 2)

AI Workshop - Afternoon Session 1.mp4

Video 2: Afternoon Session 1 (Talks 4-7)

AI Workshop - Afternoon Session 2.mp4

Video 3: Afternoon Session 2 (Talks 8 and 9)

Feedback from delegates