CSP089: Local Imaging Champion

Page Contents

1. Local Imaging Champion Role

The Local Imaging Champion (LIMC) will expedite the development and delivery of imaging research by working to improve effectiveness and efficiency across all elements of the NIHR infrastructure to increase capacity, develop new techniques and deliver studies. This will include: 

The LIMC role is not contracted and has a duration of two years in the first instance. Remuneration is at the discretion of the LCRN. If advertised as a voluntary role, there is no requirement to commit to a fixed number of hours or any length of time. However, those taking on the role should be able to accommodate champion-related activities within their professional role.


CRN: Clinical Research Network

CRNCC: Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre

HRA: Health Research Authority 

LCRN: Local Clinical Research Network

NIHR: National Institute for Health and Care Research

LIMC: Local Imaging Champion

SME: Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

Version Control

Version number: 2.0 

Effective from date: 1 April 202


Tracy Harman

Head of Medical Directorate 

Email: tracy.harman@nihr.ac.uk