CSP094: National Patient Recruitment Centres

Page Contents

1. Background

The Department of Health and Social care (DHSC) has contracted with five NHS Trusts, each within a different Local Clinical Research Network (LCRN), for the provision of a National Patient Recruitment Centre (PRC).

The purpose of PRCs is outlined in the PRC Remit Principles (Appendix A). They offer rapid set-up, standardised contracting and delivery approaches, and dedicated facilities and staff for late phase commercial contract research. 

Partnership working is required between three stakeholders (PRC programme office, LCRNs and the PRCs) for successful delivery of the PRC operating model. A paper to describe these partnership working arrangements was developed and agreed, in consultation with the relevant LCRN Chief Operating Officers (COOs), the PRC Clinical Directors (CDs) and the CRNCC, through conversations facilitated by the PRC Programme Office.

The expectations of LCRN support to the National Patient Recruitment Centres are listed in the  Local Clinical Research Network (LCRN) Performance and Operating Framework (POF) section 24.

The following sections provide further detail into the responsibilities of the LCRNs, when working in partnership with the PRCs and the PRC Programme Office (based in the CRNCC), in support of successful delivery of the PRC operating model. They cover the areas of Performance, Management, Financial Management and Governance.

2. Performance management

With respect to performance of, and key performance indicators that apply to, the PRCs, the following will apply:

3. Management

4. Financial Management

5. Governance

6. Marketing and Communications Support

Appendix A - PRC Portfolio Remit Principles



Appendix B - PRC Key Performance Indicators (KPIs)

2021/22 KPIs being proposed are as outlined below:

2. Number of participants recruited

3. Would PRC patients and participants consider taking part in research again?

4. Number of new commercial contract studies open to recruitment

5. Industry experience of delivering research through the PRCs

6. How quickly do PRC sites initiate research?


CD: Clinical Director

COO: Chief Operating Officer

CPMS: Central Portfolio Management System

CRNCC: Clinical Research Network Coordinating Centre

DHSC: Department of Health and Social Care

LPMS: Local Portfolio Management System

IIT: Investigator Initiated Trials

IOG: Internal Oversight Group

LCRN: Local Clinical Research Network

KPI: Key Performance Indicators

PO: Programme Office

PRL: Performance Review Lead

PRES: Participant in Research Experience Survey

PRC: Patient Recruitment Centre

Version Control

Version number: 1.1 

Effective from date: February 202

Changes from V1.0:
