Patient and public involvement and engagement strategy

Our strategy

Our Mission is to "involve patients and/or representatives from relevant public charitable bodies in every aspect of the work of our Centre"

Our strategic aims:

  1. Align our research to the needs of patients and those at risk of eye disease

  2. Increase active involvement in all new clinical trials and other studies involving patients

  3. Break down barriers to broaden participation in biomedical research

  4. Open access to research at the earliest moment of interaction with our hospital

Our strategic objectives:

  1. Drive an internal culture change by raising awareness and evidencing the value of active involvement in research

  2. Educate people and break down barriers to enable them to become actively involved in research

  3. More tightly embed PPI within BRC and CRF governance and increase resources that support active involvement in research

  4. Make information on how to participate in research more accessible

In February 2019 we held a workshop for researchers and staff at the Institute of Ophthalmology 'What could engaging the public do for you?'

Held at the UCL Institute of Ophthalmology (IOO) this workshop was designed to better understand the challenges our current cohort of lab-based researchers face in trying to engage non-scientific audiences in conversations about their research.

A report from the workshop can be found here