Useful Documents

Helpful Information

There are a number of available online resources that may be of interest to you. Below is an example of some free resources; there are others available too.

NHS Resources:

Information about Depression:

A video produced by Age UK in which people talk about their experiences of how talking treatments have helped them with issues such as depression and anxiety.

AgeUK Social Media:

MIND Resources:


Information about different support:

Information about many different aspects of mental health:

Research Resources:

General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) statements:



A confidential service to talk to when you are experiencing distress.

Emergency Services:

  • You can visit the Accident and Emergency department at your nearest hospital. If you are not able to leave the house you can dial 999.

NHS 111:

  • call '111' for a freephone 24 hour helpline staffed by a team of fully trained advisers, supported by experienced nurses and paramedics.