MODS Media


Our Twitter page is a great place to find out the latest information as it happens. We aim to share information and updates on how MODS is progressing, and aim to share interesting and related content such as articles and papers.


Please click on the link to the right to go to our YouTube page. Here you will find all of our videos relating the MODS and BASIL research programmes.


A selection of photos which have been taken by different MODS team members at various stages of the research programme.

MODS Booklet

These are photos of the prototype booklet which we tested in Workstream 1.

Consensus Group

During the first year of MODS we have held three Consensus Groups. The MODS consensus group is made up of research team members, healthcare professionals, older adults, and caregivers. Here are some photos from one of the consensus group meetings.

Patient and Public Involvement Advisory Group

CONFERENCES and other events

Throughout the programme of research the MODS team will present at various conferences, events and meetings. The team members may talk about MODS as a whole, for example results that are emerging from the programme, or they may talk about a specific element that MODS encompasses such as Behavioural Activation.

Please click on the image to the right to listen to an interview between David Ekers (MODS Chief Investigator) and Vanessa Gilmartin Garrity (Mental Health Nurse) about Behavioural Activation. The interview took place at the Global Consortium for Depression Prevention.